Essential Tremors are the most commonly found among all types of Tremors. Tremors mean rhythmic muscle contraction leading to shaking movements in one part or other of the body.
Tremor is involuntary, which means done without wanting to be done. It is rhythmic, which means that a pattern of movement is repeated at regular intervals. Tremors are also oscillatory.
This is the most commonly seen movement disorder in clinical practice. It mostly affects the hand but can also affect arms, head, torso, and even legs.
The condition can affect both men and women equally and is common in middle age and old age.
Tremors make the individuals feel disabled and make it difficult to perform day-to-day activities.
Muscle spasm and muscle twitches are not similar to tremors.
Muscle spasm is an involuntary muscle contraction, whereas a muscle twitch is an uncontrolled fine movement of a small portion of a larger muscle.
This article will cover the Homeopathic Treatment For Essential Tremors & Types of Tremors, their causes, symptoms, management, risk factors & homeopathic medicines.
So, Let’s get started !!
Tremors Types
Tremors are mainly classified either based on the posture or based on the cause/appearance –
1-Based on Posture
- Resting tremor
- Action tremors
2-Based on Cause/Appearance
- Essential Tremor
- Parkinsonian Tremor
- Dystonic Tremor
- Cerebellar Tremor
- Psychogenic Tremor
- Physiologic Tremor
- Enhanced Physiologic Tremor
- Orthostatic Tremor
We will go through all of these tremors one by one –
Resting Tremors
This type of tremor occurs only when sitting or lying still. And once the person begins to move, it disappears. This type of tremors only hands or fingers.
- E.G Parkinson’s disease.
- Essential tremors in an advanced state which is long-standing.
Action Tremors
This type of tremor occurs when the affected body part is set into motion. There are many types of action tremors like
A) Intention tremors: It occurs with a targeted movement, e.g. touching the nose with your finger. The intensity of tremors is increased towards the accomplishment of the targeted movement. E.G Cerebellar tremor.
B) Postural tremor: It occurs when the affected limb is held against gravity. E.G Essential tremor, Medication-induced tremor.
C) Task-specific tremors: It occurs while doing a specific activity like writing.
D) Kinetic tremors: It occurs during the voluntary movement of the body part while moving the wrist up and down. E.G Essential tremor
E) Isometric tremors: It occurs during the voluntary contraction of a muscle without the other muscles moving.
Essential Tremors
This is the most common disorder seen in patients above 40. It’s a neurological disorder that presents as involuntary movement or shaking of a part of the body, worsening while using the affected region, and is mild and progresses very gradually.
Essential tremors mostly affect hands and, in certain cases, head and tongue also.
On various investigations, mild degeneration in the cerebellum is noted, responsible for controlling the motor movement. Hence people suffering from essential tremors also seem to have walking and hearing difficulty. And this runs in the family.
Essential Tremors of Hand: The person feels shaking of hand especially while eating, dressing, writing or doing any other work with hand.
Essential Tremors of Head: The patient presents with an involuntary movement of the head like side to side or forward or backward movement.
Essential Tremors of Tongue and shaking of voice: If the tongue is affected, there is trembling of the tongue, and the voice is shaking while speaking.
Parkinsonian Tremor
One can see that tremor usually begins in the limbs, especially in the hands or fingers. The person rubs the thumb and the forefinger back and forth. It is also called pin rolling tremor.
In some cases, the leg, tongue, lip, and jaw may be involved.
This is often seen when the patient is at rest and is mostly seen in above 60. Tremors are aggravated by emotional stress.
Dystonic Tremor
Involuntary muscle contractions characterize it. It causes twisting, repetitive motions, and even abnormal postures like twisting of the neck.
It can affect one part of the body, e.g., face, or two or more adjacent parts, or involves the whole body.
The spasms can be mild to severe and can be very painful. This can affect any age group, and complete rest relieves the symptoms.
Cerebellar Tremor
The cerebellum is responsible for controlling balance and motor movement. So, any damage to the cerebellum due to stroke, diseases, overuse of alcohol or medications can result in cerebellar tremors.
Psychogenic Tremor
These tremors have sudden onset and remission. They can occur as any tremor.
It increases with stress, and tremors reduce if the person is distracted.
Psychogenic tremors usually suffer from a psychological condition that produces physical symptoms or another psychiatric disease.
Physiologic Tremor
Physiologic tremor is often caused as a reaction to certain drugs like bronchodilators, alcohol withdrawal, low blood sugar, electrolyte imbalance, or an overactive thyroid.
These tremors resolve when the cause is removed.
Enhanced Physiologic Tremor
Highly visible tremors occur when a certain type of posture is maintained. Drugs and toxins usually induce it.
Orthostatic Tremor
These tremors occur in the legs. A rapid, rhythmic muscle contraction occurs immediately after standing up, often experienced as unsteadiness. It resolves on sitting or walking.
Grading Of Essential Tremors & Others
It is hardly seen.
It is slightly noticeable.
It is moderately noticeable but is not disabling
It is marked and is partially disabling
It is very severe and very disabling
Causes of Essential Tremors & Others
Medications: Bronchodilators used to treat asthma, amphetamines, caffeine, steroids, certain medicines used for psychiatric or neurological disorders.
Medical conditions: Like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, hyperthyroidism, liver or kidney failure, etc.
Injuries: Like traumatic brain injury
Muscle fatigue
Low blood sugar level
Alcoholism: It can be alcohol abuse or withdrawal
Psychiatric conditions like depression or post-traumatic stress and anxiety or panic attacks.
Inherited degenerative disorders
Mercury poisoning
Symptoms of Essential Tremors & Others
- A rhythmic shaking in the hands, arms, legs, head, or torso.
- They have difficulty in writing or drawing.
- They have a shaky voice.
- They also have problems in holding and controlling utensils.
- Shaking for a short time which one can’t control.
- The nodding head may be the yes-yes or no-no motion of the head.
- Tremors worsen emotional stress when you move on purpose and lessens with rest.
- Tremors begin gradually, usually on one side of the body.
- Frequent urination.
- Impaired balance and coordination.
- Numbness or tingling in any part of the body.
- Shuffling gait.
- Stooped posture.
Risk Factors & Complications
Age: – Middle and old age group are at risk of developing tremors.
Other illness: – people having essential tremors are also at risk of developing dementia.
Many are seen suffering from migraines as well.
And most of the time, later in life, they tend to develop Parkinson’s disease.
These patients have difficulty in performing day-to-day activities.
They feel embarrassed and isolate themselves from the social circle.
Many times they can land up in depression.
Diagnosis of Essential Tremors & Others
A detailed history is taken, then a physical evaluation is a must. This will tell us whether the tremors come at rest or inaction.
Location of the tremor
Duration and intensity of tremor.
The physical evaluation also includes a neurological test that will help us detect any problem with speech, balance, or presence of muscle stiffness.
A blood or urine test may help to detect the underlying medical condition.
Imaging tests will help to detect if there is any lesion or damage to the brain.
An electromyogram will help to know how does the muscle response to the nerve stimulation.
Management of Essential Tremors & Others
One needs to remove or limit the use of certain substances responsible for tremors like caffeine, alcohol, etc.
Physical therapy may help in coping with dysfunction and help in regaining strength in the affected muscle.
If there is a psychiatric cause, one needs to do meditation and breathing exercises to reduce the symptoms.
There is no cure for most types of tremors in a conventional line of treatment but can help manage and minimize the symptoms.
There are different types of medicines for different kinds of tremors.
If medicines don’t help, then surgery is the next option.
Homeopathic Medicines For Essential Tremors & Others
As we are aware, the conventional line of treatment offers no cure to tremors. Still, homeopathy helps the patient initially by reducing the intensity and frequency of symptoms and slowly bringing about a cure.
Duration of treatment would depend upon the state of the patient and how much the disease has progressed.
At age, it would help in avoiding surgery and stays in the hospital.
1.AGARICUS MUSCARIUS: For Tremors of Hands, Head, and Tongue
Agaricus gets indicated when tremors are noticed in hands, head, and tongue. The patient feels that head is in constant motion with excessive coldness in the head.
The tongue becomes dry and trembles with numbness on one side. This leads to jerky speech.
Tremors in the hands, it’s more prominent in the right hand while writing. They feel that their arms are paralyzed from too much writing.
They cannot hold anything in their hands. Their gait is also uncertain. With all these complaints, they experience stiffness all over.
Dosage and potency
30c, 200C potency can be used. In case of a lot of exhaustion, one can use lower potencies.
2.GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS: For Essential Tremors of Hands and Legs
This is a great remedy where muscular coordination is affected
The tongue is numb and trembles while protruding. Their tongue is coated yellow, and they have a bad taste in their mouth. These people often experience offensive smells from their mouths.
There are excessive trembling and weakness of limbs. His gait becomes tottering; he feels he cannot direct his legs.
The patients find it difficult to do activities like writing. Tremors are also noted in the face, chin, and tongue.
Tremors are usually accompanied by dizziness and dullness in these patients.
Dosage and potency
30C, 200C potency with frequent repetition can be administered to the patient.
The selection of higher potencies will depend upon the state of the patient.
3.ZINCUM METALLICUM: For Tremors of Hands and Head
This medicine is indicated in chronic complaints where the brain is affected, and patients develop tremors with fidgety feet.
It is also one of the best medicines indicated in tremors of the head where the patient has a continuous movement of the head, especially side to side.
These patients cannot tolerate hunger; they have to eat at around 11 am and cannot bear even the smallest quantity of wine. And even sugar leads to heartburn in these patients.
With tremors, the patient has a tremendous weakness.
The patient has severe tremors, especially while writing and during menses.
In some patient’s gait is affected, it becomes spastic, and they totter while walking.
Dosage and potency
200C potency can be used in these conditions. Since it’s a deep-acting remedy, it has to be used with infrequent repetition.
4.PHOSPHORUS: For Essential Tremors
It is suited to individuals who are tall, slender people and are very cheerful people. These people experience all sudden symptoms.
They are very sensitive to light, odor, sound, and touch.
It is a very good remedy for essential tremors. The person affected can scarcely hold anything with his hands, and their hands and fingers become numb.
Their gait is also tottery and stumbles easily. Weakness and trembling are noted in the limbs, which worsen after exertion.
Dosage and potency
200C potency would be the best to start with. One should repeat it too often, neither in low nor in high potency.
5.SILICEA: For Tremors of Hands and Legs
The patients experience tremors in the hands, especially when they attempt to write or do any activity like eating or holding things.
They have tremors in the legs during walking. They are prone to excessive sweating, especially in the foot, which is very offensive.
The person is very sensitive, irritable with a loss of self-confidence. They are very chilly patients, and their complaints get aggravated by the slightest draft of air.
Dosage and potency
30C, 200C potency can be used. Since it’s a deep-acting medicine, One cannot repeat it too often.
6.PULMBUM METALLICUM: For Tremors Due to Weakness
Tremors in hands are so severe that they cannot lift or raise anything with their hand.
The patient experiences are stinging and tearing pain in limbs with tremors. Tremors are usually followed by paralysis.
Dosage and potency
200C potency with infrequent repetition.
7.LACHESIS: For Essential Tremors of Tongue and Shaky Voice
Tremors are noticed in the whole body, tongue as well as in hands. Most of the time, symptoms are detected on the left side of the body.
Complaints are aggravated during sleep, by emotional influences, etc.
Tongue tremors present as sudden protrusion and retraction, and when protruded, tremors increase. Lachesis is also indicated for tremors due to alcohol.
Dosage and potency
200C potency in a single dose should be allowed to exhaust its action.
8.SCUTELLARIA LATERIFLORA: For Tremors with Migraine
This medicine will calm the nerves which are affected. Tremors occur in the hands and legs. The muscle must be moving.
With tremors, the patient experiences restlessness in the night with weakness and aching. And they are prone to migraine headaches.
Dosage and potency
Mother tincture acts well. 5-10 drops of tincture in water twice or thrice can give a day as per the patient’s state.
9.THALLIUM: For Tremors due to Endocrine Disorders
The thyroid and adrenalin are affected. Hence tremors develop due to these underlying causes. They have severe tremors in the limbs.
They experience lancinating pains, which are like electric shocks. They get easily tired due to the hormonal imbalance.
So that makes them prone to numbness, formication, etc.
Dosage and potency
30C potency infrequent dosage can be administered to the patient.
10.STANNUM: For Tremors with Extreme Weakness
Hands are so weak that they cannot hold things. Even the limbs give out when they attempt to sit.
Fingers give out while holding a pen.
Because of the extreme weakness, the patient cannot talk and drops on the chair instead of sitting down. Because if he moves, he will have tremors.
Tremors are brought on due to slow movement or exercises and are worsened after emotional disturbances.
Dosage and potency
200C potency with infrequent repetition.
11. LOLIUM TEMULANTUM: For Tremors of Hands and Legs
It is one of the specific remedies for tremors. The patient experiences trembling in all the limbs. They feel that they have lost power in the legs.
They have great difficulty in writing, and even holding a glass of water becomes a great task.
One can notice sudden spasmodic motions in arms and legs. Even their gait becomes unsteady.
Dosage and potency
30C potency with frequent repetition as per the patient’s state will help reduce the frequency and intensity of the symptoms.
12.AMBRA GRECIA: For Tremors of Single Parts of the Body
Ambra gresia is a great remedy for aged people having tremors of single parts of the body. Tremors are experienced in single parts lie hands or fingers, or on one side of the body.
They find difficult to grasp anything with their hand. They drop things easily. Symptoms suddenly change to a different part.
When there is a tremor in the leg, there is a weakness of the upper part of the body.
Dosage and potency
One can use 30c potency with frequent repetition in these patients.
13. AVENA SATIVA: For Tremors of the Aged
The patients requiring these medicines are aged.
They experience nerve tremors with exhaustion. They feel that the strength in their hand is decreased.
They also experience numbness in limbs as if they are paralyzed.
Dosage and potency
Mother tincture 10-20 drops preferably in hot water can be administered to the patient.
14.MERCURIUS VIVUS: For Tremors due to Parkinson’s Disease
It is well indicated in tremors, especially of hands. Tremors are also noted in legs with weakness of limbs.
They tend to oily perspiration. Their legs become cold and clammy due to sweat in the night.
Tremors are felt everywhere in the body. They experience weakness and tremors from least exertion.
Tremors worsen at night, during rainy weather, and sweat.
So, Complaints Increase With Rest And Sweat.
Dosage and potency
30C, 200C potency will act well in such a state. Repetition would depend upon the condition of the patient.
15.LATHYRUS SATIVUS: For Tremors of Hands
Lathyrus is indicated when the tremors are due to low nerve power, and there is also a weakness of the lower limb.
In such cases, reflexes are all increased. Their gait also is tremulous.
Dosage and potency
200C potency can be used, and repetition would depend on the state of the patient.
2 thoughts on “Homeopathic Treatment For Essential Tremors & Other Types of Tremors”
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Hey José what’s the treatment she followed?