Osteoarthrosis vs Osteoarthritis: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Osteoarthrosis vs Osteoarthritis Meaning, Symptoms, Causes Treatment

Osteoarthrosis or OA is used commonly for osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. During the pre-CoVid times, people used to throng public parks every day for a breath of fresh air.

Along with health-conscious joggers and walkers, one would see lots of kids playing on the slides and see-saws. In this medley of humanity, one group would stand out. That was the group of oldies.

What made them stand out? Their slow walk, the pain on their faces while getting up from the bench, and probably their walking sticks.

Why does this make them different? Because they stand united in their suffering. They are all victims of the diseases that old age brings along with it, specifically arthritis.

Arthritis is a broad term that encompasses inflammatory and degenerative changes that happen in the body due to various reasons. Arthritis can be of multiple types, like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and osteoarthrosis.

This article will get a grip on osteoarthrosis, vs osteoarthritis, its symptoms, causes, treatment, and how homeopathy may be helpful.

Read along.

Osteoarthrosis Symptoms

Osteoarthrosis is a non-inflammatory condition and as such produces symptoms like-

Pain– The affected joint is painful at all times. Movement causes the pain to increase. As the disease progresses, the pain increases steadily.

Stiffness– The loss of cartilage hampers the joint’s free movement, which causes paralysis of the joint. The person cannot move the joint freely and experiences severe pain every time he does so.

Tenderness– The joint will be sore, and every time you touch it, it may elicit pain.

Loss of Flexibility– This will reduce the movement of the affected joint. You may not be able to move the joint to its full range of flexibility.

Bone Spurs-Extra bit of bones starts growing around the bone. This causes an increase in pain and further reduction in flexibility.

Noises– You may hear a popping sound or a grating sensation every time the joint is used. This is the sound of the friction between the bones.

Swelling and Redness– This is because of the involvement of the soft tissues around the bone.

The symptoms begin gradually and worsen progressively. The condition is irreversible, which means one cannot undo the damage done, and the only scope we have is to prevent further damage.

Osteoarthrosis Causes

Osteoarthrosis is a degenerative condition that arises due to the wear and tear of the cartilage surrounding the joints. It is the most common form of arthritis and affects millions of people worldwide.

Every joint has got cartilage surrounding it. This cartilage helps to keep a buffered space between the two bones that form the joint. This ensures that there is no friction and the smooth, pain-free movement of the joint.

With advancing age, this cartilage gets steadily damaged. There comes the point where the cartilage is completely gone, and the bones are left touching each other. The friction further causes damages to the bones themselves.

Often there is a history of trauma or injury to the joint that was treated effectively. But the cumulative degeneration leads to the development of symptoms in the present.

All these symptoms are collectively diagnosed as osteoarthrosis.

Osteoarthrosis vs Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthrosis and osteoarthritis both affect the bone, the cartilage, and the synovial fluid. Both of them show damage to the fluid and cartilage. This leads to eventual friction of the bones, which further leads to the development of similar symptoms.

The only difference is that osteoarthritis is an inflammatory condition.

Osteoarthrosis, on the other hand, is not an inflammatory condition. It is a degenerative condition of the cartilage and bones and is also referred to as degenerative arthritis.

Osteoarthritis affects the bigger joints primarily. On the other hand, osteoarthrosis shows affection for smaller joints like the fingers, toes, and wrist.

The terms are used interchangeably in medical terminology.

Even though the development of the condition varies, the symptoms produced in each state and the treatment for the same remains more or less similar.

Osteoarthrosis Risk Factors

Technically, everyone is at risk for developing osteoarthrosis. Every one of us, as we age, will experience symptoms of the wear and tear of the joints. Some people are more prone to the condition than others. Let us have a look at the risk factors.

Age– The risk for developing osteoarthrosis increases with increasing age.

Sex Women are genetically predisposed to developing osteoarthrosis than men. The reasons remain unknown.

Obesity-Being over-weight adds more strain on the weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips. This adds to their workload and hastens their degeneration.

Joint Injuries– Injuries to your joints that happen after sports or after an accident can hasten the development of osteoarthrosis. Injuries that occurred several years ago and were seemingly irrelevant at that time can also be a cause for the early development of osteoarthrosis.

Genetics– In some cases, the condition may be inherited. Osteoarthrosis can run in families.

Repetitive Stress– If the job you are involved in or the sports you play involves repeated stress on a single joint, it may lead to the joint being damaged faster.

Metabolic diseases– Certain metabolic diseases predispose the joints to develop osteoarthrosis. Hemochromatosis, a condition where the body produces too much iron, is one such metabolic disorder.

Bone deformities Deformities of the bone and cartilage are present since birth in some people. Such people are predisposed to developing osteoarthrosis.

Osteoarthritis Diagnosis

Osteoarthrosis requires a diagnosis by a clinician.

Clinical Examination Your doctor will first examine your joint for swelling, pain, tenderness, and stiffness. He will check for the range of movement of the affected joint.

Imaging Studies– An x-ray of the affected joint will show the extent and degree of the disease affliction. If need be, you may be suggested to get an MRI done for better clarity.

Blood work-Osteoarthrosis has no specific diagnostic blood test. However, you may be requested to get a blood test done to rule out other causes of joint pains like rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthrosis Cure

Osteoarthrosis is a condition that one cannot cure. The damage done is irreversible. One can only control the further degeneration of the situation and keep the symptoms under check.

Medications generally include painkillers and NSAIDs in tablets or topical ointment and gels that offer temporary relief.

Physiotherapy to help strengthen the muscles and tissues around the joints is often recommended and has a success rate.

In severe cases, surgery and other procedures may have to be resorted to.

When the conservative methods fail, you may be suggested to go for cortisone injections. The medicine is injected directly into the joint and helps in relieving the pain to a significant extent.

A lubricating injection is also helpful. The doctor will inject a lubricating fluid, like hyaluronic acid, into the space between the two bones. This fluid then acts as a buffer and helps in reducing friction between the bones, thereby eliminating the symptoms to a great extent.

Joint replacement surgery, or Arthroplasty, is the last resort. The surgeon will remove the joint in its entirety and replace it with a new joint made of plastic and metal.

All the conventional methods, though immensely helpful, carry along with them several side effects and additional risk.

Osteoarthrosis Management

Managing your condition at home can give a good result.

Lose weight– being overweight causes added stress on the weight-bearing joints and leads to wear and tear. Losing weight can help take off the extra pressure on the burdened joints.

Exercise Low impact exercises help strengthen the muscles and tissues around the joints, thereby alleviating the pain. Cycling, swimming are some exercises that can prove immensely beneficial.

Yoga– Yoga is a blend of gentle stretches and breathing exercises. It helps in losing weight, strengthening the joint as well as relieving stress.

Anti-inflammatory foods– Foods like fish and flaxseeds have many omega-three fatty acids that are natural inflammation fighters. Include a lot of sea fish in your food. The omega -3 fatty acids are also available as capsules, and you can consider opting for them too.

These anti-inflammatory foods are more helpful in cases of osteoarthritis, but then they also help in osteoarthrosis to a certain extent.

Antioxidants– Antioxidants have been proven to halt the progress of the disease and stop further degeneration of the joint and surrounding tissues. Add loads of Vitamin C to your diet or take a vitamin C tablet daily; either way, ensure that your body gets its adequate dose of antioxidants.

Vitamin D– Several studies show that low levels of plasma vitamin D led to an earlier onset of degenerative changes. Ensure enough exposure to sunlight or take Vitamin D supplements regularly if you identify yourself at risk for osteoarthrosis.

Vitamin K– Vitamin K has anti-inflammatory properties. Low levels of vitamin K can cause the cartilage and surrounding tissues to lose their elasticity and eventually thicken. Vitamin K supplementation can have a protective effect on the joints against osteoarthrosis.

Assisting devices– Using a cane or a walking stick helps take off the stress upon the joint. Similarly, braces or shoe inserts help in improving the gain ad removing the pressure from the joints.

Osteoarthrosis Treatment By Homeopathy

A homeopathy is a gentle form of medicine that helps cure diseases by strengthening the body and the immune system. The treatments are safe and have no side effects as such. Homeopathic medications and the necessary lifestyle changes like proper diet and adequate exercise help gain control over osteoarthrosis. IF appropriately treated with homeopathy, one can even avoid joint replacement surgery.

What medicines should I take for my joint pain?

Homeopathy has hundreds of medicines that are useful for several conditions. The right medicine will take into consideration your symptoms and other things that are peculiar to you.

With the common questions related to joint pain, you will be asked many questions that may seem irrelevant but are essential in choosing the proper remedy.

The homeopath will be interested in knowing what kind of weather aggravates your pain, what all give you relief, what food you like eating, what season you like best, what happens when you are in pain, whether you are a cheerful person or grumpy, and so on.

After careful evaluation of all the information you have offered, the exact remedy is chosen and prescribed.

Given below are a few medicines that are known to be of good value in treating osteoarthrosis.

1.BRYONIA ALBA: For-Right-sided joint affection with stitching pain


Bryonia is a remedy that is helpful in cases where the synovial fluid is thoroughly dried up, leading to friction between the bones.

There is a stitching type of pain that is better by rest and by applying gentle pressure. The slightest movement brings on a lot of pain and applying hard pressure worsens the condition.

Using Bryonia helps the body regenerate the synovial fluid, and thus the pain is reduced and brought under control. Right-sided affection is peculiar to the remedy.

Dosage and potency

30C or 200C can be administered as per the symptom similarity.

2.RHUS TOX: for the affection of small joint that starts aching in gloomy weather


Rhus tox is a remedy that is helpful in arthritic pain of minor joints. It affects the tendons and the joints, causing stiffness.

There is associated pain along the course of nerves like sciatica. The characteristic keynote in Rhus tox is the aggravation brought on by dull, cloudy, gloomy weather.

Typically, Rhus tox shows severe stiffness after a long period of rest. The pain is intense at the first motion; gentle and continuous movement of the joint leads to relief.

Dosage and potency-

You can take repeated doses of 30C or 200C till the symptoms start to decrease.


3.RUTA GRAVEOLENS: for affections of the cartilages, tendons, and periosteum of bones


Ruta is a medicine that acts well upon the cartilages and the periosteum of the bone. As such, in cases where there are bony outgrowths, Ruta is an ideal medicine.

The complaints in Ruta come because of over-straining. The joints are swollen and feel bruised. Ruta has a characteristic affection for the hands, mainly the flexor tendons.

Typically, the pain is so bad that there is intense lassitude and a need to keep resting without doing any activity.

Dosage and potency

30C is an ideal dose for Ruta as it is mainly used as a purely therapeutic remedy and prescribed upon pathological condition only

4.KALMIA LATIFOLIA: for joint complaints that are primarily right-sided


This remedy is indicated in conditions where the pain appears suddenly. The keynote in Kalmia is the fact that the pain travels downwards.

It affects the big joints first and moves on to the smaller ones after that. The shoulder will be the first to get involved, followed by the elbow and then the wrist. The discomfort is worse from motion and often worse at night.

Dosage and potency

30C or 200C is the ideal dose for Kalmia as it is prescribed upon disease similarity.

5.APIS MELLIFICA: for hot, swollen joints with stinging and burning pains


This remedy is helpful as an acute one. The joint in question will be hot and swollen and will appear red.

Extreme sensitiveness to touch is observed. Motion causes pain while applying something cold, like an ice bag, relieves the symptoms.

Dosage and potency

30C in repeated frequency till the symptoms subside.

6.KALI CARB: for severe debilitating pains where the joints ‘give out’


Kali carb gains significance by the amount of weakness it produces. Even the slightest pain causes immense weakness.

The pain is of a stitching type. The characteristic in Kali carb is the ‘giving out’ sensation. For example, when the knees are affected, they are so weak that they give out on standing.

The person almost falls back into the chair. Another keynote in Kali carb is that the pain is felt in spots, and the pain is most intense at 3 AM.

The tendency to form swelling is also typically a Kali Carb trait. So, you will often find that there is a significant amount of swelling of the affected joint.

Dosage and potency

200C is controlled, and well-observed doses recommended as Kali Carb is a deep-acting remedy.

7.ARNICA MONTANA: for joint pains that have a history of trauma or injury


Arnica is helpful in cases of arthritis where there is a history of trauma or injury to the joint. The joint feels bruised as if beaten up.

There is accumulation and stasis of blood, giving it a black and blue appearance. Often, a blood clot within the joint gives rise to severe pain, and arnica helps dissolve the clot and relieve the pain.

The slightest motion aggravates the pain, and the person feels better by lying down or bending his head forward. Arnica is a beautiful remedy for the aggravation of arthritis due to over-exertion.

Dosage and potency

30C in repeated doses till the symptoms subside. Arnica is available as ointment and pomade, too, and is equally effective when applied externally on the affected joints.

8.CALCAREA FLUORICA: for arthritic pain caused by bone weakness and bony outgrowths


This remedy is suitable for chronic arthritis that has now led to bone spurs and nodosities. A history of trauma or injury to the bone often calls for Calcarea flour.

A malnourished person with weak bones is the ideal candidate to receive Calcarea flour. Calcarea fluor acts upon the bone and improves the calcium and fluoride deposits, thereby strengthening them.

The pain in Calcarea is aggravated by rest. He has to keep walking around to find relief.

Dosage and potency

Calcarea Fluor is a biochemical tissue remedy that can be used as a supplement too.

3 or 4 pills of 6x or 12x potency are prescribed twice a day.

9.LEDUM PALUSTRE: for the affection of minor joints, extremely cold to touch


This remedy is indicated in conditions where there is extreme coldness of the affected part and the entire body. The person lacks animal heat.

The affected joints are mainly the small ones. The keynote of this remedy is that the joint complaints are seen in ascending order.

For example, the toes are affected first. The pain then travels upwards, first to the ankles and finally the knees.

Dosage and potency

This remedy is given in 30C or 200C potency ideally. Repetition should be guarded

10.ACTEA SPICATA: for pain in small joints, on hands and wrists


Acta spectra are the remedy to go to when it is the wrist and the affected fingers.

Actea shows an affinity to the small joints. The wrist is hot to touch and will swell up after the slightest motion.

Dosage and potency

Actea is best administered in low doses like 30C or 200C with less frequent repetitions.

Repetition of the Medicine

Osteoarthrosis is a chronic degenerative condition. The medicines given here would be therapeutic.

Hence in most cases, a dose of 30C or a maximum of 200C is ideal.

Frequent repetition of the treatment like 3 to 4 times in a day should be opted for as the medicines are given would be acting on a non-dynamic plane

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6 thoughts on “Osteoarthrosis vs Osteoarthritis: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment”



  2. Hello Dr Pranjali, It’s an well informed article and well received But, as a common Man one would always want to consult a Dr prior to consuming any medication particularly when people to people symptoms vary so also must be Potency of medicine.

    So my request to you is
    a) is there any easy way to quickly connect with you or any of your team members to consult online or by a phone call b) I’ve been taking your medical advice as per many of your Videos and also find some of them effective and worth trying But, despite this i get a feel a Dr’s guidance or advise probably could sped up the recoveries with same medicines.

    Thanks awaiting your reply,

    Suresh Bhatia
    9821388300 or

  3. Crystal Ahumada

    Thank you for all of this information. I am a bit confused about whether or not Osteoarthrosis is an inflammatory condition or not. In the first section your article says it is, but a little further down it says it’s Not inflammatory although osteoarthritis is inflammatory. I’ve been taking diclofenac for a year after several years of celebrex for my hip and lower back pain. they have taken the edge off, but that’s all. I’m 65 and the real relief came 5 or 6 years ago when i bought a bed i could raise the head and feet and sleep like a taco on my back. Nothing else has helped including many many shots. Tired of the pain pill meds that are being pushed by pain mgt people, etc. they all just make me drowsy and super light headed, pain not gone.
    anyways, does it make sense that the diclofenac should work for my “moderate osteoarthosis in both hips”. nothing MODERATE about this pain that brings me to tears several days a week.

    1. Thank you for bringing this into the knowledge –
      To answer the query, osteoarthritis is an inflammatory condition while osteoathrosis is degenerative. Both affect the bones,cartilage and synovial fluid so the symptomatology remains change.
      The respective information is updated in the article.

  4. Thank you 🙏🏼 for you program here . Nobody in Ireland understands that there is a difference between osteoarthritis and osteoarthrosis but i do .Damp climate when its going to rain barometric pressure and so on . What is best to take doctor i dont believe in drugs for the pain . Thanks

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