Sarsaparilla 30, 200, 1M, Q – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Sarsaparilla 30, 200, 1M, Q - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Sarsaparilla is derived from the roots of the Sarsaparilla plant. The mother tincture is prepared from dried roots.

It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its many health benefits, including its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

In homeopathy, Sarsaparilla is often prescribed for conditions such as urinary tract infections, skin conditions, and digestive issues.

The main sphere of action of this remedy is on urinary organs, genitals, rectum, skin, bones, and the right lower part of the body.

Sarsaparilla is a right-sided remedy.

Sarsaparilla Personality/Constitution

This remedy is adapted to lean, thin, and debilitated persons with dark hair and shriveled skin which lie loose in folds.

In children, the face looks like that of an old man with an enlarged abdomen, dry and flabby skin, with various skin eruptions and cracks and fissures, especially in hands and feet.

Sarsaparilla has a lithic and scrofulous diathesis.

This remedy is suited to chilly individuals. These individuals are easily affected by cold in general.

Sarsaparilla covers all three miasms, psora, syphilis, and sycosis.

Sarsaparilla Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints

In homeopathy, the “mind” of a remedy refers to the emotional and mental symptoms that a person may experience when in need of a particular remedy.

This remedy is indicated for individuals who experience anxiety with trembling of the feet, mental depression caused by pains, and anxiety after seminal emissions. Also useful for treating complaints like nausea when thinking about food, despondency, gloominess, and despair.

They may have moroseness and ill-humor, with an inclination to work but unfitness for exertion.

They are also irritable, susceptible, and have a changeable disposition. Additionally, they may be impatient, unable to bear headaches, and children cannot tolerable itching.

Head Complaints

Sarsaparilla is indicated for vertigo that occurs after staring fixedly at an object, accompanied by nausea and sour risings.

It is also helpful for heaviness in the head, dullness, and an inability to concentrate while studying.

The person may stagger or fall forward in the open air, and experience headaches with nausea and vomiting. Headache symptoms may include lancinating or pressive pain, pressing and stitching pain on the left side of the head, semi-lateral spasmodic pain as if the head were squeezed in a vice, and throbbing or neuralgic pain starting from the occiput on the right side.

The person may also experience a tight band sensation around the head and forehead, with pain that feels as if the hat were too tight.

Other symptoms include sound in the head as if a bell were striking when talking, throbbing pains, noise and buzzing in the head, and pressive, incisive, or lancinating drawing and tearing pains in the exterior of the head that is worsened by touch and walking.

This remedy is also helpful for treating seborrhea that is cured by decoction, a sensibility of the scalp, falling off of hair, and plica polonica.

Eyes Complaints

This remedy is indicated for pains in the eyes caused by daylight, aching in the eyes, and especially in the evening when reading by candlelight.

Sarsaparilla is also useful in treating shootings sensation in the eyes, burning sensation in the eyes and lids, stinging in the eyes on closing lids, violent pain when closed eyes are pressed on, and quivering of the right upper lid.

This remedy is used to treat itch-like eruption on lids, agglutination of lids in the morning, red stripe from the cornea to the outer canthus, and internal canthi blue and swollen.

Also indicated the complaints of cloudiness before the eyes like a fog, worse after emissions, a red color reflected from white paper in the evening, flickering before the eyes with a headache.

Ears Complaints

This remedy is indicated for shooting in ears, shooting pains from left ear to root of nose, contraction, and pressure in ears.

Sarsaparilla is also used for treating burning and itching scabs on the lobes of the ear, and tinkling and ringing in the ears.

Nose Complaints

The remedy is indicated for scabious eruption upon, under, and in the nose.

Sarsaparilla is also useful in treating dry coryza and obstruction of the nose accompanied by very thick mucus in the nose, the base of the nose and swollen eyes, right nostril stopped up and scabby, pain in the nose, inflamed spots on the septum, as well as for epistaxis.

Mouth Complaints

This remedy is indicated for dryness of mouth, aphthae on the tongue and palate, and offensive breath.

Face Complaints

It is indicated for facial yellowing, wrinkles, and an aged appearance, as well as for pimples, facial eruptions, itching eruptions on the forehead, rough, pale-red spots on the forehead, thick scabs on the face (like milk crust), and rigidity and tension in the masseters and maxillary joints.

It is also indicated for herpes on the upper lip and purulent and itching vesicles on the chin.

Sarsaparilla is indicated for toothache caused by cold air or cold drinks, withdrawing tearings. It is also indicated for upper teeth sensitivity and being set on edge, tearing in gums, and swollen gums with pain from excoriation.

Throat Complaints

Sarsaparilla is indicated for sore throat with shooting pain during deglutition on the right side.

This remedy is also used for treating spasmodic pressure at the throat, like strangulation, with obstructed respiration, dryness, and roughness in the throat, especially in the morning with an accumulation of viscid mucus in the throat.

Sarsaparilla is also indicated for trichotomous ulcers after the suppression of plica polonica.

Chest Complaints

This remedy is indicated for violent cough triggered by a tickling sensation of ulceration in the gullet or roughness in the throat with short and obstructed respiration, and violent dyspnea and choking from a sensation of constriction in the throat, which forces the removal of all clothing from the throat and chest.

Sarsaparilla is also used for treating spasmodic oppression of the chest with frequent deep respiration, the sensation of a foreign body in the back on taking a full inspiration, pressure on the chest, shortness of breath, pressive pain on the sternum, shooting pain in the sides of the chest, tensive pain in the exterior of the chest, and chest pain which is worsened by touching the sternum.

Heart Complaints

Sarsaparilla is indicated for extreme palpitation of the heart.

Stomach Complaints

This remedy is indicated for want of appetite accompanied with bitter or acid and clammy or sweetish metallic and herbaceous taste, insipidity of food.

There is the sensation of emptiness in the stomach after a meal, or disgust when merely thinking of what has been eaten. Additionally, it is indicated for feeling as if having eaten nothing after a meal, or feeling distended as if having eaten much after eating a little, being worse from a warm diet and better from a cold.

These individuals experience vomiting from drinking water. There is extreme thirst especially for water, in the morning.

This remedy is indicated for symptoms such as belching with diarrhea, frequent nausea with an unproductive urge to vomit, sour vomiting, constrictive pains in the stomach, and a burning sensation in the stomach, especially after eating bread.

Additionally, it is indicated for hiccups that occur mainly at 6 pm and risings and regurgitations that happen during and after meals and are often bitter or sour.

Abdomen Complaints

Sarsaparilla is indicated for abdominal pains such as contusive pain and shootings in the hypochondrium, cutting pains in the umbilical region, constrictive and spasmodic pains in the intestines, tension in the groin, and hernia.

It is also indicated for abdominal sensitivity to pressure, coldness or burning sensation in the abdomen, borborygmi, rumbling and fermenting in the abdomen, and flatulence.

Additionally, this remedy may be useful for treating the inertia of intestines.

Rectum Complaints

Sarsaparilla is used for treating hard, scanty, and difficult bowel movements with painful and contractive pains in the abdomen.

This remedy is indicated for obstinate constipation with frequent urination, accompanied by sticky and pitchy stools, blood with stool, loose and acrid evacuations with pains in the abdomen, fainting during bowel movements, and sore and burning itching in the anus.

It is also indicated for sore pain in the anus that wakes the person up at night and turns into burning itching lasting all day.

Urinary Complaints

Sarsaparilla is used for a wide range of urinary complaints. This remedy is useful for treating diminished secretion of urine and for frequent discharge of pale, copious urine.

Also indicated for tenesmus, with pressure on the bladder, and discharge of a white and turbid matter, mixed with mucus, for frequent and ineffectual want to urinate, or with scanty emission, for frequent urination with hard stool.

Sarsaparilla is used in complaints like burning while urine passes with the discharge of elongated flakes, for frequent and profuse emission of pale urine, day and night, often without any sensation in urinary organs, for turbid urine, like clay water, for fiery, scanty, red urine and thread-like flakes in urine.

Indicated for the complaints of blood in urine towards the end of an emission (after which the pain, when urinating, abates).

Sarsaparilla is indicated for complaints in which the urine is charged with gravel or small pebbles (nephritic calculi), in cases where the patient has gravel, and there is a considerable deposit in the urine which looks like grey sand, also pus in the urine.

Additionally, this remedy is useful for treating complaints of great pain just as the urine ceases to flow with excessive pain in the urethra which may run back into the abdomen.

The infant cries before and during micturition, passes large quantities of sand

Sarsaparilla individuals can pass urine only when standing; when he sits it dribbles.

This remedy is indicated for treating the complaints like a burning sensation in the urethra during every urination, burning in the urethra with incontinence of urine, which is better in the daytime, when urine is high-colored, and after drinking beer; much scalding up the urethra while urinating, urine high-colored with lithates, enuresis day and night.

Also useful for treating cramps in the bladder, contractive pain, for stones in the bladder.

This remedy is also used for treating discharge of pus from the urethra, as in gonorrhea, for treating jerking sensation along the male urethra, and for treating pain at meatus urination in women.

Male Complaints

Sarsaparilla is indicated for fetid exhalation from genital organs, inflammation, and redness of glans, blennorrhoea, and herpes on the prepuce.

It is also indicated for those who have a desire for coition with frequent and painful pollution, as well as for those with bloody pollutions.

This remedy is particularly suitable for individuals with swollen spermatic cords that become sensitive and achy due to sexual excitement.

It is also indicated for those with swelling of cords from unrequited sexual excitement. Those who have bad effects from gonorrhśa suppressed by Mercury may find relief with this remedy.

Additionally, this remedy may help individuals with old dry sycotic warts that remain after mercurial treatment for gouty pains.

Female Symptoms

Sarsaparilla is indicated for catamenia that may be delayed, scanty, or acrid, or even result in hemorrhage in older women.

It is also indicated for symptoms during menses such as a desire to urinate, excoriation between the thighs, pinchings in the abdomen, and squeezing sensations in the loins and pit of the stomach.

Dysmenorrhoea may be present, beginning in the morning with bitter vomiting, diarrhea, and fainting fits, along with cold sweats and tenderness in the left breast.

The remedy may also be useful for mucous leucorrhoea, leucorrhoea that occurs during walking, pain at meatus urinarius after urination, and climacteric symptoms such as asthma that worsens when lying down, and back pains that worsen with pressure.

Additionally, it is indicated for suppuration of the breasts, and for nipples that are retracted, shriveled, insensitive, and not irritable.

Hand Symptoms

This remedy is indicated for tearings and pressive shootings in arms, forearms, and joints of hands and fingers that occur mainly on the motion.

Sarsaparilla is also indicated for sweating of hands, herpes on hands, numbness of fingers, pain in tips of fingers that feel bruised and sore, and purulent vesicles on fingers.

Additionally, it is indicated for deep rhagades in the skin of fingers accompanied by burning pains.

Legs Symptoms

Sarsaparilla is indicated for affections of any kind in general, appearing in the right lower extremity or right lower side. It can be used for pressive tearing and shooting in thighs, knees, and legs, as well as lassitude in thighs and knee joints.

It is also useful for swelling and stiffness of knees with shootings, red, herpetic spots on calves, and rigidity of legs as from contraction.

This remedy can relieve cramps in legs and calves, drawing tearing in the right big toe, painful pressive throbbing and throbbing-shooting inner side of the right sole, and painful sensibility of soles.

Additionally, it can be helpful for tension and swelling of feet with heat and redness, and coldness of feet, especially before going to bed.

Back Symptoms

Sarsaparilla is useful for treating painful pressure and tension in the back and nape of the neck, with lancinations on the slightest movement of the trunk or head.

It is also indicated for lancinations between the shoulder blades and in the muscles of the neck, as well as for stitches in the back that extend into the chest with the slightest motion.

This remedy may be useful for swelling on one side of the neck that is painful to touch, and for contusive pain in the loins, especially while stooping and afterward.

Additionally, it may be helpful for pains from the small of the back down the spermatic cords, which are worse at night and from motion, and after emissions. This remedy may also be useful for tingling in the loins and for tensive pain from the loins to the hips on the slightest movement.

Skin Symptoms

Sarsaparilla is indicated for itching, sometimes over the whole body, especially in the evening, in bed, and the morning when rising. It is also indicated for red and dry pimples, which only itch when the body is warm.

Additionally, it is indicated for the miliary eruption on going into fresh air from a warm room, nettle-rash, fine rash on the skin of the forehead, exanthema-like milk crust, purulent vesicles, ulcers after abuse of Mercury, slow-healing skin, herpes on almost all parts of the body (especially on prepuce), warts, many little warts, horses losing hair with eruptions, shriveled skin, great emaciation with the skin becoming shriveled or lying in folds, and deep, burning, painful rhagades on fingers.

Fever Symptoms

This remedy is indicated for shiverings both day and night. Sarsaparilla is also useful for individuals who experience a predominating chilliness throughout the day and night.

It is suited for those who feel cold even when near the fire, except for the face and chest, especially in the feet. It is also indicated for rigors, mainly in the forenoon, running from feet upwards.

Finally, it is useful for those who experience heat in the evening, with an ebullition of blood, palpitation of the heart, and perspiration only on the forehead.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

All the symptoms in Sarsaparilla patients are worsened

By touch, pressure, motion, going upstairs, and washing.

Amelioration By-

All the complaints are better by warmth, rest, a cold diet, and loosening garments.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines-

These remedies complete the curing process that is started by the first medicine given.

  • The medicine complementary to Sarsaparilla is Mercury and Sepia.

Antidoted by-

When there is the appearance of new symptoms, the new symptoms combined with the old ones should be studied, and a second remedy covering more of these new symptoms than the old one is to be given; this second remedy is the antidote.

Sarsaparilla is antidoted by Belladonna and Mercury.

It antidotes-

Sarsaparilla antidotes to the bad effects of Mercury.

Sarsaparilla Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and Potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on symptom similarity, where the symptoms narrated by the patient are somewhat similar to the guiding symptoms of the treatment.

Your homeopathic doctor forms the totality of symptoms, and medicine identical to the disease condition is given; the more exact similarity, the earlier the curing process.

Sarsaparilla 30 Uses-

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms match the medicine to that of the patient.

These symptoms help doctors diagnose the disease condition only; there is a minor symptom of sarsaparilla.

Lower potencies require frequent repetition. You should give them 3-4 times a day till the expected result is seen.

Sarsaparilla 200 Uses-

This is considered as higher potency; they are given when the majority of mind symptoms of Sarsaparilla and the physical symptoms of Sarsaparilla which are narrated by the patient get the perfect match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a longer duration, so the second dose is repeated every 7 days or every 15 days once.

On giving 200C Potency, it’s advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside, which can be repeated until all signs in totality disappear.

Sarsaparilla 1M Uses-

Sarsaparilla 1 M should not be repeated; it is given once a month and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

This is very high Potency. It would help if you gave it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of Sarsaparilla and those provided by the patient match with each other ideally.

Sarsaparilla Q (Mother Tincture) Uses-

Sarsaparilla in tincture form is used to treat various urinary complaints.

Sarsaparilla 3X/6X Uses-

This lower potency of Sarsaparilla works well as a therapeutic dose for rheumatic complaints, skin problems, and gastric diseases.

Sarsaparilla Side Effects

The process of potentization prepares homeopathic medications. In this method, the raw form of the medicine is taken and worked upon, and diluted to such an extent that all the harmful effects of the raw material are gone. All that remains is the medicinal or curative powers.

Homeopathic medicines are gentle and safe. They can be taken in the correct dose and potency by people of all age groups without fear.

Side effects of homeopathic medicines are an infrequent phenomenon.

It may so happen that the symptoms may subside temporarily and then come back with a renewed strength and severity. This occurs when the medicine has been repeated more than what was required.

It may also happen that the person may come back saying that he has developed an entirely new set of symptoms while all his old symptoms are still present. This means that the remedy prescribed was the wrong one.

In both cases, it is advisable to give a suitable antidote to Sarsaparilla.

You may have to re-work the case as a new totality has emerged. Based upon this new totality, you may have to prescribe Sarsaparilla in a different potency or a new remedy altogether that matches the newly formed total.

Keep a lookout for these symptoms; they are the red flags on your path to recovery

  1. Worsening of any symptoms that you had before taking the dose.
  2. Appearance or worsening of mental complaints like melancholy, despair, depression, irritability, and emotional sensitivity.

It is important to keep in mind that along with selecting an appropriate remedy, the remedy must be in appropriate potency which requires the guidance of a licensed practitioner, as every person’s symptoms and health conditions are unique.

Homeopathic medicines should only be taken when prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Self -medications can aggravate the original conditions.

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