This Article explores the best homeopathic remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), its symptoms, causes, diagnosis & treatment.
Have you ever come across someone who is a picky eater? Someone who has a stomach upset every time he eats something different? Someone who has a strict diet chart to follow? Someone who needs to use the washroom frequently?
The chances are that you may have dismissed that person as someone who has a sensitive digestive system.
But did you know that that person may be suffering from a severe disorder known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS?
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
IBS is a chronic disorder related to the digestive system triggered by various causes ranging from dietary to psychological.
The symptoms are generally mild and manageable with diet and medications. Very rarely do people suffering from IBS show severe signs and symptoms.
The gout attacks are very sudden and unalarming. It may occur in the middle of the night with any previous sign.
The affected joint becomes swollen, red, painful and extremely discomforting.
Gout mainly involves joints like the great toe. But it can also affect your ankles, knee, elbow, wrists and fingers.
The character of pain is highly intensified and excruciating.
Recurrent gout can cause permanent damage to the joints and lead to tophi formations.
Increased uric acid in the blood may cause kidney stones.
What are the Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
The symptoms vary, but they are always reported as having been around for a long time. The most common symptoms include-
1. Bloating
2. Frequent passing of gas
3.Cramping pain in the abdomen related to a bowel movement
4. Change in the stool, vis-à-vis frequency, colour, texture.
5.Frequent bowel movement.
Why Does Irritable Bowel Syndrome Occur?
The exact cause of IBS is not known. Several factors tend to play a role in the development of IBS. These include-
Gut Infections-
Severe cases of gastroenteritis, either bacterial or viral, can lead to the development of IBS.
Gut Microbes–
Overgrowth of the gut microbes due to any reason leads to IBS.
Several studies show that traumatic incidents in early childhood led to a greater probability of developing IBS later on in life.
Mucosal Lining of the Intestine-
The walls of the intestine are lined with muscles and mucosa that contract during digestion and bowel movements. These contractions help to push the food or stool forward. An increa
se in the contractions leads to frequent, loose stools with undigested particles. A lack or reduction of these movements leads to constipation and hard, dry stools.
Nervous System
The brain sends signals to the abdomen which make you feel the typical pains associated with the stretching of the abdomen due to stools and gas.
A poorly coordinated nervous system may cause the body more sensitive to pain due to gas and bowel movements.
What can trigger my Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
The role of triggers in IBS isn’t fully understood.
Food- Food allergies as such do not generally cause IBS. But people who suffer from IBS often have noted that eating or drinking certain things tends to increase their symptoms.
Dairy products, citrus foods, cabbage, broccoli, and wheat products are all known to set off the IBS symptoms.
Stress- Periods of stress show an increase in the severity of the symptoms of IBS.
As soon as the stress levels are brought down, the stomach also settles- this is a frequently heard statement from IBS sufferers.
When do I need to visit my doctor?
Most people with IBS learn to live with the condition. They become sensitive to their body reactions and generally steer clear of the triggers.
Occasionally, home remedies and over-the-counter drugs help. Keep a lookout for the following symptoms. If any or all of these are happening to you, visit your doctor soon.
Weight loss
Diarrhoea at night
Rectal bleeding
Iron deficiency anaemia
Unexplained vomiting
Difficulty in swallowing
Unexplained pain in the abdomen that isn’t relieved by passing gas or stools.
How Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosed?
Based on the history of the symptoms, your IBS will be classified as diarrhoea-predominant, constipation-predominant or mixed.
The Rome Criteria– This is a diagnostic criterion for IBS.
For this criterion to be met, you have to have had pain or discomfort in the abdomen for at least a day a week for a minimum of three months. This pain has to be associated with at least two of these factors-
-Pain and discomfort are related to a bowel movement
-Frequency of bowel movement has altered
-Consistency of stool has altered.
IBS is usually diagnosed based on elimination.
The doctor will take a detailed history and rule out other conditions like lactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome, celiac disease, cancer, etc.
you may do the following tests to rule out other conditions-
1. A food allergy test
2. An upper GI endoscopy
3. A colonoscopy
4. A blood test to rule out malabsorption syndrome, bacterial or viral causes
5.Stool tests to check for parasites
6. Lactose intolerance tests
How is IBS treated?
Treatment focuses on understanding your body, reactions and trying to steer clear of conditions that aggravate the symptoms.
You would have to-
1. Avoid foods that trigger the symptoms
2. Manage the stress levels
3. Eat a high-fibre diet
4. Drink plenty of fluids
5. Get adequate sleep
6. Exercise regularly
You would not have to.
1. Eat foods that cause an increase in gas. Carbonated drinks, pulses, broccoli, cabbage are all foods that tend to bloat you up with gas. Avoid them
2. Eat Gluten- Some people have reported that a gluten-free diet helps with IBS. Even though the link here is not very clear, it is advisable to try this. IF gluten is the reason behind your IBS symptoms, it makes sense to avoid it.
3. Consume FODMAPs-
Some people are sensitive to carbohydrates like fructose, fructans, lactose and others. These are known as FODMAPs or Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. These FODMAPs are found in certain grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
A Dietician is a suitable person to guide you through all this complex maze.
In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe medications.
Fibre Supplements– Taking fibre supplements like psyllium along with fluids helps with constipation.
Laxatives– If fibre supplements don’t suffice, then over the counter laxatives like milk or magnesium will be added to get the work done,
Anti-diarrheal Medications– Again over the counter drugs like Loperamide help in controlling diarrhoea.
Anticholinergic Medications– These medications help you relieve the pain and spasms in the lower abdomen.
Anti-depressants-Certain antidepressants like SSRI and tricyclic antidepressants act on the nerve fibres of the abdomen and may prove beneficial in easing the pain related to IBS.
There is a lot of research on IBS, and doctors have come up with several medicines designed specifically for IBS. They target fluid secretion in the intestines, toning up the muscles of the intestines, relax the colon, slow down the movement of stool through the intestines.
But all these medicines have severe side effects. They also carry the risk of developing pancreatitis and other painful conditions. These medicines are still being studied, and only a highly trained doctor specializing in IBS is allowed to prescribe them.
Alternative Treatment Options for Irritable Bowel Syndrome-
Ayurveda– This is an ancient Indian form of medicine that heals the body by balancing the three Doshas in the body. Ayurveda is an excellent way to heal the body with natural and herbal medicines.
Yoga– Yoga helps in managing stress levels. It relaxes the mind and body. A peaceful mind means a less upset tummy.
Aromatherapy– Aromatherapy uses oils like peppermint oil, lavender oil, etc., that help calm the nervous system. They help in relaxing you and also in reducing your pains.
Acupressure– This method uses needles and pins to apply pressure to the various ‘trigger points’ in the body. It helps the distressed to relax, thereby easing the symptoms.
Homeopathic Medicines for IBS
Homeopathy is a gentle system of medicine that cures the body without any side effects.
In homeopathy, the patient is the one that is considered for treatment and not his symptoms. So, when you visit a homoeopath, he will ask you the obvious questions regarding your IBS to help him diagnose the condition.
Once that is done, he will ask you more personal questions to better understand you as a person. So do not be surprised if he asks you things like-
a. When did the symptoms start? Do you recall any significant event, life-altering or otherwise, that happened around that time?
b. What makes the condition better?
c. What are the other symptoms you have along with the IBS?
d. Do you become quite irritable with the IBS? Or does it drain the energy out of you?
e. How would you describe yourself as a person?
f. Tell me more about your likes and dislikes in terms of food and drink.
So on and so forth.
Depending on your answers, the homeopath will choose one remedy out of hundreds best suited to your case. When taken in the correct Dose and repetition, this medicine is a sure-shot way to get rid of eczema effectively.
Let us look at some of the best homeopathic medicines that help in dealing with IBS.
1.Nux Vomica– For IBS triggered due to anger and stress
The Nux Vomica person is the stereotypical Type A personality. Developing IBS would seem to be the natural outcome considering his lifestyle.
In Nux vomica, diarrhoea is seen as small amounts of stool passed out while passing gas.
There is a pain in the abdomen, which is relieved by bypassing the small amount of stool. But as soon as he is finished with his business in the toilet, the pain and the urge to pass more stool return.
Anger or any heightened emotion causing stomach upsets is the critical guiding factor for prescribing Nux vomica.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
2. Carbo Vegetabilis– For IBS with a lot of Bloating
Carbo veg is a remedy that is suited best for bloating. The simplest of foods disagree with the person.
He develops pain in the upper abdomen as soon as he eats.
Acidity and indigestion are his frequent complaints.
He keeps belching a lot. More than passing gas, belching or eructations provide him relief. This is a Carbo veg keynote.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
3. Alumina- For Constipation-Predominant IBS
Alumina is best suited for people with a highly sluggish intestine.
These people go for several days without passing stools. Even then, there is no urge; the person strains voluntarily.
With a great effort at straining, a small amount of stool is passed.
The stool varies from person to person. It may be dry and knotty, or it may be soft.
Potatoes are the villains in people requiring Alumina. If you know someone who avoids potatoes like the devil because they cause severe stomach issues, suggest a dose of Alumina.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
4. Aloes Socotrine– For Excessive Intestinal Movements Leading To IBS
In the case of Aloes, the person will complain that as soon as he eats or drinks something, he feels a gurgling sound in the abdomen, and he has to rush immediately to the toilet.
A lot of wind is passed initially, followed by little stool with mucus. The pain and the gurgling sound subside once he has passed stools.
This condition happens due to excessive contractions of the intestinal walls. Aloes helps to normalize the intestinal movement so that the frequency of stools also gets regularized.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
5. Lycopodium Clavatum– For IBS with Heaviness and Distention
Lycopodium is the perfect remedy when the person complains that eating even a tiny amount of food fills his abdomen with gas.
The abdomen appears taut and distended. Upon clinical examination, the abdomen will be found full of gas, which makes sitting painful.
Eating gas-producing foods like cabbage make him very sick.
The desire for scorching foods and drinks, which alleviate his symptoms, is the key not sign for Lycopodium.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
6. Podophyllum- For IBS with severe diarrhoea
The Podophyllum person will present with the classic Ps of Podophyllum- Profuse, Putrid diarrhoea that causes severe Prostration. The flatus is also highly fetid in Podophyllum.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
7. Colocynth– For IBS with Severe Cramps
In Colocynth, the cramping pain is the highlighting feature.
Eating or drinking even a small amount causes severe cramping pain in the abdomen.
The person bends double in pain. Bending forwards and applying hard pressure on the abdomen helps in easing the pain.
The stools are yellow, frothy, and very watery. Stools and flatus are passed together.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
8. Argentum Nitricum– For IBS with Anticipatory Anxiety
In this remedy, the person will be an over-thinker who is always anxious.
Performing in front of a crowd, giving an exam, public speaking is all triggers that turn on his anxiety levels. Even thinking about these events makes him anxious.
This anxiety sets off diarrhea in him.
He is all queasy before any significant event and keeps visiting the bathroom. As soon as he is done with his exam/performance/speech, he is relaxed and has no more diarrhea.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
9. Pulsatilla Nigricans– For IBS due to Lactose Intolerance
Pulsatilla is the remedy for IBS that comes on with milk and milk products.
Lactose causes severe bloating. There are loud rumbling sounds in the abdomen, and the lady keeps belching.
The eructation tastes like sour, curdled milk. The diarrhea is changeable.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
10. Bryonia Alba– For Constipation Pre-dominant IBS
In Bryonia, there is severe constipation. The person has to strain a lot at stools.
The stools are typically brown as if burnt.
A headache along with this constipation is a symptom that seals the deal for prescribing Bryonia.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
11. Sulphur– For IBS, where there is Early Morning Diarrhea
In Sulphur, the characteristic symptom is early morning diarrhea.
There is a loud rumbling in the abdomen, and the person has to wake up from his sleep and rush to the toilet.
This happens early in the morning, usually at 5 AM. Diarrhea driving him out of bed, how the textbooks describe this condition.
The stool is very offensive and comes along with offensive flatus.
The anal area shows oozing, itching, and burning after passing the stool.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.
12. Lilium Tigrinum– For Mixed type IBS
Lilium tig is helpful for people who have constipation.
They spend an entire day trying unsuccessfully to pass stool, and suddenly the following day, they have severe, uncontrollable diarrhea.
The typical period of distress is 4 PM to 8 PM. Despite all the stomach issues, these people have a ravenous appetite and can get up in the middle of the night to eat.
Potency And Dosage:
30C to 200C with frequent repetition as per symptom.
5 thoughts on “Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)”
Dr Pranjali
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Neera Sehgal
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Very informative document. Dr sahiba. Keep it up.
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