Cocculus Indicus 30, 200: Uses, Dosage, Benefits & Side Effects

Cocculus Indicus 30, 200 Uses, Dosage, Benefits Side Effects

Cocculus Indicus is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Indian cockle plant belonging to the Menispermaceae family.

It is prepared by producing a tincture from the powdered seeds, which contain a crystallizable principle Picrotoxine, a potent poison.

It is known for treating many spasmodic and paralytic ailments, significantly affecting one-half of the body.

This remedy can treat painful contraction pains of the hands or legs. All the symptoms of the Cocculus Indicus patient become worse by traveling ( carriages, ships, etc.)

Because of this property, Cocculus Indicus is helpful in people who suffer from seasickness.

The patient feels as if his body parts have gone to sleep. The patient feels too weak to talk loudly.

Cocculus Indicus Constitution/Personality

Cocculus Indicus is mainly suited to people who become sick during traveling.

It is beneficial for light-haired females, ladies in pregnancy who suffer from much nausea and backache.

It is also suitable for unmarried or childless women, girls who are sensitive and romantic.

One thing is common to all the patients of Cocculus Indicus that riding a vehicle makes them sick.

The patient speaks in a hurry and hasty manner. Cocculus Indicus patients can be found to sing occasionally because they have an irresistible inclination to sing.

Cocculus Indicus Uses

I will take you through all the body parts from toe to head.

You can match the symptoms and when you feel these symptoms are matched then you can take Cocculus Indicus

1-Mind Complaints

Cocculus Indicus patient is mentally inconsistent, i.e., a sudden change in his behavior or emotions. He can be described as heavy and stupid.

One of the most important indications for using Cocculus Indicus medicine is that the patient feels that the time passes too quickly. He is lost in his imaginations or reveries.

He inclines to sing irresistible. The patient is slow incomprehension. He cannot understand things without exerting his mind.

He feels like his mind is not working well enough or as if the reason is asleep. The Cocculus Indicus patient lives in profound sadness. He is not cheerful.

The patient cannot tolerate someone who contraindicates his talks or thinking.

He speaks very fast. A characteristic feature of this remedy is that patient is very anxious and worried about the health of others, family, and friends.

2-Head Complaints

The Cocculus Indicus patient has vertigo ( dizziness) and nausea when riding on a vehicle or sitting up.

There is a sense of emptiness in the head. The headache occurs mainly at the back of the head and the nape of the neck.

The headache becomes worse on lying with the head on the back of the head.

The patient complains of a sick headache from traveling. The pupils are contracted.

The patient says an opening and shutting type of sensation in the back of his head. The head trembles.

Headache occurs with a pain in the eyes as if the eyes are torn out of the head.

3-Eyes Complaints

There is pressure and pain in the eyes as if from injury or bruise. The patient complains that he has difficulty opening his eyelids at night.

Tearing pains in the eyes as if someone has torn out the eyes from his head.

Cocculus Indicus can be helpful for a convulsive patient whose eyeballs are rolling due to the convulsions. The pupils can be dilated or contracted in this situation.

This remedy can treat inflammation and dryness of the eyes. The eyes of the Cocculus Indicus patient are prominent and glossy.

After a short time read, the print appears to be blurred to him. There are black spots before eyes or eye floaters.

4-Ears Complaints

The Cocculus Indicus patient complains of buzzing and ringing in the ear.

The hearing is impaired. There is as if the ears are stopped with a noise of rushing water. The ears sometimes feel closed.

Cocculus Indicus can successfully treat parotid swelling with ear troubles.

5-Nose Complaints

Cocculus Indicus can be helpful to treat right-sided, semi-lateral swelling of the nose.

It is a valuable remedy for coryza, runny nose problems with ulcerated nostrils.

The patient has a very acute sense of smell.

6-Face Complaints

Cocculus Indicus is helpful in the cases of paralysis of the facial nerve. Cramp-like pain in the muscles of chewing. The pain is worse on opening the mouth.

Facial neuralgic pains that occur in the afternoon with radiation of the pain can be relieved by this remedy.

7-Mouth Complaints

There is characteristic dryness of the mouth in the nighttime without thirst. It can treat foaming bubbles or foam from the mouth.

The tongue of the Cocculus Indicus patient is loaded with a yellow coating.

8-Throat Complaints

The patient has difficulty in talking as if from the paralysis of the tongue. The dry is dry. The oral cavity, especially the palate, is sensitive to food. The food seems too strong or too salty.

There are burning pains in the throat and along the food pipe.

The patient complains of a sulphurous taste in the mouth.

9-Chest and Respiratory Complaints

There is a sensation of emptiness and cramps in the chest of a Cocculus Indicus patient.

The patient complains of difficulty in breathing as if the chest is contracted.

He feels irritated by the smoke. There is a choking sensation in the upper part of the chest with short breathing and cough.

10-Heart Complaints

This remedy can treat the palpitations of the heart in nervous and anxious patients.

The complaints become worse on traveling, riding a vehicle or ship.

The chest pain is constricting in character.

There is a feeling of tightness in the chest with red spots on the skin. The patient feels great difficulty in breathing.

11-Stomach Complaints

A beneficial remedy for stomach problems is Cocculus Indicus.  It can treat nausea and vomiting from riding in cars, boats, etc.

The patient feels nauseous even while looking at a boat in motion.

The stomach complaints become worse on taking cold. Nausea is accompanied by faintness and vomiting.

The patient has an aversion to food, drinks, and tobacco. There is a metallic taste in his mouth. This remedy can treat paralysis of the muscles responsible for swallowing.

The patient feels dryness in the food pipe.

There is cramping pain in the stomach before and after a meal. Too many hiccups and spasmodic yawning can be relieved by this remedy.

Sometimes, the patient desires cold drinks, especially beer. The patient feels as if the stomach is empty without food. He cannot bear the smell of food.

12-Abdominal Complaints

The abdomen seems to be distended by the wind. The patient feels as if the abdomen is full of sharp stones when moving.

He feels better by lying on one side or the other. There is a sensation of pain in the abdominal ring as if someone is forced through.

Abdominal muscles are weak as if a hernia could take place.

13-Rectum Complaints

Cocculus Indicus can relieve constipation with pain in the stomach. A significant difficulty occurs while evacuation of the stool.

There is an ineffectual desire for stool with contractive pain in the rectum.

It makes sitting for stool difficult.

Sometimes, the patient suffers from diarrhea with flatulence before stool. Loose stools with a rotten smell occur.

Soft and yellow feces produces burning in the anus.

14-Urinary Complaints

The patient complains of frequent urge to urinate with a bit of amount of urine.

Cocculus Indicus can benefit pregnant ladies who suffer from the frequency and urgency of urination.

15-Male Organs Complaints

Cocculus Indicus can be a helpful remedy for men suffering from itching problems in the scrotum. Pulling pains occur in the testes as if from a bruise.

The patient has a great sensibility and excitability of the genital parts with a desire for coition.

16-Female Organs Complaints

A remedy of great benefit to women is Cocculus Indicus. It can treat a wide variety of problems related to women.

It is helpful for painful menstruation with a profuse and dark flow. Menses appear early with flow full of blood clots. The patient complains of spasmodic colic.

There is a painful pressing pain in the lower abdomen. The patient may have piles that are responsible for constipation.

The patient experiences burning, profuse leucorrhoea in between menses. The leucorrhoea makes the patient very weak; she can scarcely speak. She becomes so soft during menstruation that she is hardly able to stand.

17-Neck & Back Complaints

This remedy is helpful to relieve the cracking of bones in the neck ( cervical vertebrae ) while moving the head.

There is occasional paralytic pain in the back region. The pain occurs in the shoulders and arms as if bruised.

The patient feels pressure in the shoulders and the neck. The shoulders are stiff, making the movements difficult.

18-Hands Complaints

The patient feels lame. Trembling pain occurs in the hands.

Arms become numb and go to sleep. The patient may have one-sided paralysis, which becomes worse after sleep.

The hands are alternately hot and cold. Numbness and cold sweat occur on hands, now of one, now of the other hand.

The hands are numb and unsteady.

19-Legs Complaints

The legs tremble with pain. The legs of the Cocculus Indicus patient are fragile. The knees produce a cracking sound in motion.

The legs become intensely painful. The patient may suffer from paralytic drawing pains. The pains keep the legs straightened out as they are unhappy on bending the legs.

These symptoms can be quickly relieved by Cocculus Indicus when the symptoms match.

20-Skin Complaints

Skin complaints also come under the action of this remedy. The patient complained of itching, especially at night or in the evening while undressing.

Red pimples of the size of millets occur on the skin that itches in warm temperatures.

Hard, knotty eruptions occur with redness and burning that causes great difficulty to the patient.

This remedy can relieve the hardening and induration of glands with stinging pain.

There are red spots on the chest and sides of the neck. The color of the skin is pale.

21-Fever Complaints

Cocculus Indicus can be used in fever cases where there is chill with nausea, vertigo ( dizziness), flatulence, colicky pain in the abdomen, coldness of legs, and head heat.

There is general sweat all over the body. The patient becomes nervous from low fever.

There is chilliness with sweat and the heat of the skin.

During fever, there is shivering and a sensation of cold with trembling. In the evening, there is shivering and shuddering of the back. Chill occurs in the evening and afternoon, especially in the legs and back, not relieved by heat.

Perspiration occurs at night on the face—morning sweat, especially on the chest.

Fever occurs with a tendency to become chilly although the skin is hot to touch.

22-Sleep Complaints

Cocculus Indicus patient suffers from spasmodic yawning. He feels constant drowsiness. His symptoms become worse after night watching, loss of sleep, or nursing.

There is an obstinate inclination to sleep in the morning. The patient is sleepy on account of bodily restlessness and anxiety.

The sleep is interrupted with frightful thoughts. During sleep, the patient starts cries with jerky movements of the eyes, head, and hands. Vivid dreams excite fear and anxiety. Dreams of death and disease make the patient anxious.

The Cocculus Indicus patient suffers from unrefreshing sleep with frequent waking. He fears ghosts at night.

Cocculus Indicus Modalities

Modalities are the factors which, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The conditions or factors that aggravate or worsen the symptoms and sufferings  are –


After meals

After the loss of sleep

Exposure to open air


Riding or traveling





Emotional disturbances

Amelioration By– 

Lying on one side or the other


Cocculus Indicus Relationship with Other Medicines

Similar Medicines: Antimonium crud., Arsenic, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Coffea crud, Cuprum met, Ignatia, Ipecac, Lycopodium, Nux vomica Petroleum, Phosphorus,

Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Silicea, Veratrum album.

Antidoted by: Camphor, Chamomilla, Cuprum met , Ignatia, Nux vomica.

It antidotes: Alcohol, Chamomilla, Cuprum met, Ignatia Nux vomica.

Follows well: Aconite, Chamomilla, Nux, Ignatia

Incompatible with: Causticum, Coffee

Cocculus Indicus Dosage & Potency

Choosing the correct dose of a remedy and its repetition depends upon the disease condition that has to be treated.

When the remedy is indicated in a chronic condition, i.e., The person has been suffering from the condition for a long period and is already showing advanced pathology, it is safer to give lower doses like 30c.

In conditions where the symptom totality is extremely accurate and several peculiar, queer, rare and strange symptoms of the remedy are seen, we can go for higher potencies like 200c, 1M or 10M.

Frequent repetition with higher doses is not generally advocated. The more the symptom similarity, the lesser number of repetitions that are required.

Repetition has to be frequent as we will be using it more on a symptom similarity basis on a physical level without involving much of the mental plane.

Homeopathic remedies are powerful and deep acting. They have to be prescribed with utmost care and judiciousness.

Cocculus 30 Uses

30C potency in Homoeopathy is considered as mild potency. You can give it to patients of any age, including children.

It is helpful for complaints such as nausea, vomiting, skin complaints, eye, and ear-related complaints.

The ideal dose should be four pills or drops thrice daily till improvement occurs.

Cocculus 200 Uses

200C potency is considered as a moderate potency in Homoeopathy. You can give it to children above 12 years of age and adults.

It can be helpful for fever complaints, Nose complaints, throat, abdomen, stomach, and urinary complaints.

The ideal dose should be four pills or drops twice daily till improvement occurs.

Cocculus 1M Uses

1M dosage is considered as a high dose in Homoeopathy. One should take it under medical supervision.

It can be given to adults and older adults when their symptoms match physical and mental levels.

One can give it for male or female-related complaints, stool or rectum-related problems, hands or legs-related issues, etc.

The ideal dose should be four pills or drops once a week for 4-5 weeks.

Cocculus Q Uses

Q potency is given when there is an immediate need for relief to the patient. Although, Cocculus Indicus is mainly used in potentized form. But if necessary, your doctor may prescribe it in Q potency for complaints like fever.

One should strictly use this potency under medical supervision.

The ideal should be ten drops in half a cup of water twice daily for 10-15 days.

Cocculus Indicus Side Effects

When taken under medical supervision, a Homoeopathically prepared Cocculus Indicus medicine does not cause any side effects.

The medicines in Homoeopathy are prepared in such a way that the worldly substances are minimized through a process known as potentisation.

The energy is increased, and the material dose is inversely reduced in the medicines.

But when the Homoeopathic medicines are taken in large doses without proper guidance or medical supervision, it may produce some additional symptoms due to the overdose.

These symptoms will automatically disappear on discontinuing the Medicine because the doses are prepared so that they cannot produce any harm to the patient.

Consuming raw Cocculus Indicus directly by mouth can be harmful. The picrotoxin it contains can cause even death. Accidental intake of Cocculus Indicus requires immediate medical intervention.

Other side effects of Cocculus Indicus include headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. It can cause depression, erratic movements, rapid breathing, increased salivation, faintness, fluctuations in the heartbeat and heart rate. In severe cases, death may occur.

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