Homeopathy For Eczema – Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment & Medicines

Homeopathy For Eczema – Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment Medicines

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that is medically called Atopic Dermatitis. It is seen in all age groups and is quite common. It is a long-lasting condition that tends to flare up with conditions that produce stress in the body.

Let us learn more about this condition today.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a broad term used for any condition that causes your skin to become all red, dry, and itchy.

Atopic dermatitis is the most typical form of Eczema. It is very commonly seen in kids. By the age of 10, most kids outgrow the condition. In some cases, though, the condition can last a lifetime with periodic flare-ups.

What are the symptoms of Eczema?

Symptoms vary from person to person and most commonly consist of the following-

  1. Dry skin

  2. Itching, which is severe at night.

  3. Large patches of thickened skin on the elbows, ankles, hands, feet, and kids on the face and scalp.

  4. Small bumps which ooze fluid when the crust is peeled off.

  5. Scaly, dry skin

  6. Raw and sore skin from excessive itching.

What causes Eczema?

Usually, healthy skin is a protective barrier against harmful external agents in the environment. In some people, a gene variant makes the skin unable to carry out this function effectively. Such people develop what we commonly call “sensitive skin.” Their skin becomes reactive to all sorts of external agents.

Conditions like fevers, certain diseases, and emotionally and physically draining events take a toll on the bodywork as stressors and lead to flare-ups of Eczema.

Food allergies are also a significant cause of Eczema, especially in babies.

How will I know if I am at risk for developing Eczema?

Do you suffer from asthma or food allergies? Do you know of any close relative who does? Do you have a relative who has Eczema?

If you found yourself thinking in affirmative to either of the questions, you do stand a fair chance of developing Eczema.

What are the complications of Eczema?

1.Asthma and Hay fever These are reasonably certain conditions to develop in a person having Eczema. Kids, primarily by age 10-13, develop a tendency to asthma.

2. Sleep Disturbances The intense itching that is seen more severely at night hampers the affected person’s sleep, thus affecting his proper functioning.

3. Skin Infections– Constant itching causes open wounds and cracks. This makes the skin vulnerable to attract external bacteria and viruses. The herpes simplex virus infection is quite a common and dreaded infection.

4. Chronic Leathery Skin– The initial itch eventually becomes a habit, and the entire area is left red, scaly, and leathery.

5. Allergic Contact Dermatitis– People with atopic dermatitis also have allergic tendencies. Things like metallic bangles, bracelets, and other ornaments, detergent powders, certain cloth materials like nylon, etc., act like allergens and increase the itching and redness.

My child has a rash on the skin. Could it be Eczema?

Yes, infants and kids are very much prone to develop atopic dermatitis

In infants, the rash is seen as a thick crust on the scalp or face. It is scaly and oozes when picked at.

In kids, the rash is seen at the elbow and knees, on the wrists and ankles, and the neck.

The rash is always accompanied by itching. The affected area is red and sore and makes the baby/kid feel uncomfortable.

Are there different types of Eczema?

Eczema is a broad term for various types of skin conditions that resemble closely each other in symptomatology. Eczema can be of the following types-

Atopic dermatitis

This is the most common type and is what everyone means when they generalize the condition with the word Eczema.

Contact Dermatitis

This is an allergic condition that results from some of the other things you may have been in contact/touch with. Jewelry, fabric, dishwashing liquids, and detergents are the primary culprits here.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This is what we know very well as Dandruff. This happens due to overactive sebaceous glands on your scalp.

Dyshidrotic Dermatitis

This happens when the skin cannot perform its protective function in the usual way.

Stasis Dermatitis

This Eczema is an occurrence in the lower limbs in people with poor blood circulation.

Nummular Eczema

This condition manifests as round, dark sores occurring after a skin injury or insect bites or cuts and scrapes.

How Is Eczema Diagnosed?

Eczema is diagnosed clinically based on the symptoms you present. A lab test is generally not required.

If your doctor suspects allergens at play, he may ask you to undergo blood tests to find the exact allergen.

How is Eczema Treated?

Eczema is a chronic condition. Medications and self-care techniques go a long way in reducing the current symptoms and avoiding future flare-ups. A complete cure, though, is elusive in modern medicine.

Steroid Creams These creams are applied externally, and they act by affecting the body’s immune system. The creams should be used as prescribed as they are known to have lots of side effects.

Anti-bacterial creams These are prescribed when an open sore or a crack leads to secondary bacterial infections.

Oral Steroids Steroids, when taken orally, work like magic in controlling inflammation. One may feel immense relief almost immediately. As good as they sound, oral steroids are also equally dangerous as they have severe side effects. So, using them without a doctor’s guidance is to be avoided.

Phototherapy– The use of ultra-violet A[UVA] rays and narrowband ultraviolet B rays [UVB] in a controlled setting has been proven beneficial numerous times.

Along with medications, phototherapy may help a person with chronic Eczema immensely. But again, too much phototherapy may lead to premature wrinkling, infections, and even cancer.

Hence it is recommended only in cases where the pros far outweigh the cons.

Can I be completely rid of my Eczema?

The answer, unfortunately, is No. Eczema is a chronic condition and keeps flaring up periodically.

Certain diseases, stressful life situations, certain medications, allergic triggers tend to hasten the flaring up.

Keeping a close check on these triggers and controlling them with medications is the only solution here.

Can I prevent developing Eczema?

You can follow few tips to prevent a flare-up or to keep a current one under check.

1.Moisturise Keeping the moisture sealed inside and not allowing the skin to dry is a key to avoid developing dryness and itching. Coconut oil, petroleum jelly, over the counter moisturizers all work well in achieving this. Find the one that works best for you and apply it a minimum of two times a day.

2. Identify and Eliminate Triggers When you get a flare-up, go on an introspection drive and think up everything that could be the trigger. Once you can identify what ticks off the Eczema, avoiding it should be pretty straightforward.

3. Use gentle soap Using soaps that are too scented and full of chemicals will trigger your Eczema. Use soaps that are mildly scented and have minimal to preferably no amount of chemicals in them. Herbal soaps and washes and baby soaps work wonderfully here. They are mild and gentle and also clean well.

4. Spend less time in the shower Taking long, relaxing baths may sound good to your aching muscles, but your skin is probably recoiling in horror. Be kind to your skin. Avoid hot water baths and finish your bath quickly.

5. Pat dry Dring your skin vigorously after a bath is not advisable. As is using a hard, rough towel. Use a soft towel to dry yourself a pat.

6. Bleach Baths Bleach is known to kill the bacteria on the skin, thus effectively reducing the resulting infections. A bleach bath thus can help in preventing flare-ups.

But remember that bleach is a powerful irritant, and you have to dilute it very well before using it for a bleach bath. 118ml of bleach to almost 151 liters of water is the recommended level of dilution.

Remember to use the household bleach and not the industrial use one!

Changes in my Diet and Lifestyle to manage Eczema?

Diet and lifestyle play a significant role in the development of Eczema and the consequent flare-ups. Follow the tips below for better management of your condition.

Sleep A relaxing sleep of 7-8 hours is crucial for the body to recover from all the stress and be rejuvenated. So, eliminate anything that hampers with this, like late-night partying, too much caffeine, social media addiction, mobile phone usage.

Physical Activity- Indulging in 30 minutes of physical activities daily helps the body stay fit and strong. It helps to ward off potential triggers and can help deal with the stressors better. So walking, cycling, swimming, hitting the gym or yoga, pick one that suits you and incorporate it into your routine.

Gluten-Free Diet Dieticians are advocating gluten-free diets as they have been proven to deal effectively with Eczema. Foodstuffs like bananas, green onion, and potatoes are all rich in antioxidants, vitamin K, and vitamin C. These help reduce inflammation and accelerate healing.

Water- Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated. Dry skin is more prone to Eczema. Keeping it well hydrated and moisturized will result in less dryness and related itching and burning.

Can Homeopathy help me with my Eczema?

Yes, most definitely. Homeopathy has been successful in treating a variety of skin conditions.

Homeopathy ensures that your condition is removed from the root. It does so in the gentlest way possible with almost no side effects.

How does homeopathy treat Eczema?

Homeopathy is a gentle system of medicine that cures the body without any side effects.

In homeopathy, the patient is the one that is considered for treatment and not his symptoms. So, when you visit a homeopath, he will ask you the obvious questions regarding your Eczema to help him diagnose the condition. Once that is done, he will ask you more personal questions that will help him to understand you, as a person, better. So do not be surprised if he asks you things like-

a. When did the Eczema start? Do you recall any significant life-altering events that happened around that time?

b. What makes the condition better?

c. Does your Eczema come back every year around this time?

d. What are the other symptoms you have along with Eczema?

e. Do you become quite irritable with Eczema? Or does it drain the energy out of you?

f. Is there any particular time of the day when you find yourself scratching and burning more or less?

g. How would you describe yourself as a person?

h. Tell me more about your likes and dislikes in terms of food and drink.

i.So on and so forth.

Depending on your answers, the homeopath will choose one remedy out of hundreds that are best suited to your case. When taken in the correct Dose and repetition, this medicine is a sure-shot way to eliminate Eczema effectively.

Let us have a look at some of the top remedies for Eczema in homeopathy.

1.GRAPHITES-For eczema with sticky, glutinous oozing


Graphites is a remedy for Eczema with sticky, honey-like oozing.

Graphites work well in cases where the Eczema shows thick scabbing, and once the scab is peeled off due to itching, there is a lot of oozing of a thick fluid which is typically honey-like in color and consistency.

The skin is dehydrated, and there is intense irritation. Graphites work well in Eczema on the eyelids and between the fingers and the roes where there is a glutinous discharge.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

2.SULPHUR- For allergic Eczema is a highly unhealthy skin


This remedy works best in cases of allergic and contact dermatitis and on extremely unhealthy skin.

The sulphur individual is a filthy and unhealthy person. “Unkempt” is a word that best describes him. The skin is also filthy and odorous. Sulphur typically shows springtime aggravation.

His complaints return every spring. Hot weather is intolerable. He sleeps into aggravation; this means that his complaints are all seen to be increasing in the evening and night.

The skin is filled with patches of Eczema. They all itch terribly, and then there is intense burning in the affected areas.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

3.PSORINUM- For Eczema behind the ears


Psorinum is a beautiful remedy for dry Eczema. There is intense itching and burning.

The skin here is also very unhealthy and odorous. The symptoms are aggravated in cold weather and cold application.

The winters are when the flare-ups occur regularly.

Sulphur and Psorinum present in a very similar way. The keynote differentiation factor is that the Sulphur person is thermally hot while the Psorinum person is thermally chilly.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

4.MEZEREUM- For Eczema with sticky discharge filled with pus and blood


Mezereum shows thick crusty skin over the affected areas.

The discharge from the Eczema is very glutinous like that seen in Graphites, but here the differentiating feature is that the Mezereum discharge is acrid and is more often than not filled with pus and blood.

The pus and blood make the discharge very offensive. The itching in the mezereum is of a ‘shifting type.’The spot where the itch is felt keeps changing.

Mezereum works wonderfully for Eczema on the scalp. The person will turn up with offensive-smelling, matted hair due to all the discharge from the scalp eczema.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

5.VINCA MINOR- For scalp eczema with excessive itching


Vinca Minor is a remedy that is best suited for Eczema in the scalp, seen in spots. There is a lot of oozing that results in the matting of the hair.

The person has an intense and irresistible desire to scratch the scalp and peel off the scabs.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

6.ARSENICUM ALBUM-for eczema associated with asthma and hay fever


Arsenicum album is a good remedy for Eczema that is associated with respiratory disorders.

The person always shows a history of an asthma attack or hay fever before the eczema flare-up.

In some cases, you may see that Eczema started after the asthma was suppressed using steroids and other medicines of allopathy.

The skin is dehydrated and shows marked burning. The person loves to itch the skin till it bleeds.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.


7.PETROLEUM- For Eczema that has cracks and worsens in winters


Petroleum shows thick, rough, and hardened skin. There are deep cracks in the affected areas that are extremely sensitive to touch.

They burn intensely and sometimes bleed too. This remedy shows intense flare-ups in the winters.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

8.ANTIM CRUD- For Eczema associated with gastric troubles


Antim Crud shows Eczema with thick skin and intense itching.

Eczema is always associated with some form of gastric troubles like indigestion and gastric ulcers.

The person is overweight and loves eating many bad and indigestible things, especially pickles and vinegar.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

9.CALENDULA- For secondary infection on eczematous skin


Calendula is an attractive option to be used upon secondary infections of the eczema patches.

The intense itching often leads to peeling off of the scabs and eventual bleeding. The raw site is a good host for opportunistic bacteria to grow.

Calendula can be applied to this area to treat the infection and heal the skin without unnecessary suppression.

The best thing is that Calendula is available as a lotion, ointment, and a tincture.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C, as per symptom similarity.

10.NATRUM MUR- For Eczema in the bend of the limbs


Natrum is well suited for Eczema seen in the bend of the limbs like the elbows and behind the knees.

The area is dry, chapped, raw, patchy, and crusty. This remedy is also highly indicated for Eczema starting at the hairline.

Dosage & Potency-

30C to 200C with frequent repetitions as per symptom similarity.

Guidelines for Selecting the Appropriate Potency and Dosage As Per Individual Case

In Homeopathy, the potency and dosage depend on several factors like the severity of the disease, the symptom similarity with the remedy, and the pathological state.

While treating tinnitus, one needs to look at the underlying cause and include tinnitus as part of a symptom totality and not just a standalone symptom.

30C– This is the ideal potency for tinnitus cases. The repetition needs to be frequent. Use three to four times a day. Once the symptoms subside, it is essential to stop taking medicine.

200C– This potency is indicated when there are many keynotes, characteristic symptoms that match the remedy. Here frequent repetition is not indicated. Two doses per day are ideal. Stop the medicine once symptoms are relieved.

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