Hydrangea Arborescens 30, 200- Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Hydrangea Arborescens 30, 200- Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Hydrangea arborescens belong to the plant kingdom. It is prepared from the plant smooth hydrangea, wild hydrangea, or seven bark. It is commonly known as a sheep flower. 

It is a flowering plant species, belonging to the family Hydrangea. It is native to the eastern part of the USA. It is a small medium-sized shrub. 

Native Americans used the root of the Hydrangea plant for kidney and bladder stones. 

Root and stem are useful to prepare homeopathy medicine Hydrangea arborescence. It is a particular drug used for kidney problems like stones, urinary infections, and prostate problems also. 

Hydrangea Arborescens personality/ Constitution:

Hydrangea arborescence are useful for urinary problems and prostate complaints. This is a good remedy for kidney and bladder stones.

It is useful for urinary diathesis: The person who has a tendency of urinary stones and bladder stones for many years.  

Hydrangea arborescence is known as “Stonebreaker”. For many years it is used for kidney stones. 

This medicine is indicated for prostate diseases. Hydrangea arborescence is a clinical remedy. It is also known as a pathological remedy because it is used only for physical complaints of a patient like urinary infection, prostate inflammation, or bladder stones.

Hydrangea arborescence is a useful remedy to reduce sugar levels in diabetic patients. It is a good remedy for diabetic Mellitus patients.      

Hydrangea Arborescens Uses:

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is a clinical remedy. It acts on specific organs like the urinary system and prostate. 

According to John Henry Clarke, Dr. Nottingham used this remedy with brilliant results for tall, slender, dark people who is extremely irritable and has a chronic tendency of kidney stones. 

Dr. Nottingham states that Hydrangea arborescence in crude form produces giddiness, oppression of the chest, and narcotic effects. 

Head Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence produces giddiness and anxiety. It is indicated in headaches associated with chronic urinary conditions. 

Eyes Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is indicated for dizziness and anxiety. It is not a particular remedy for eye complaints.

Ears Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence are useful for urinary and prostate complaints. It does not help with ear infections.

Nose Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is effective for sneezing and nose block associated with hay fever. A patient may complain of shortness of breath with chest oppression.

Mouth Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is helpful for soreness of the mouth associated with hay fever. 

A patient complains of mouth ulcer with kidney stone tendency, this may be a helpful remedy.

Face Complaints:

A patient complains of swelling of eyes and faces with a history of chronic kidney disease. 

It may be helpful for itching on the face and swelling of lips along with hay fever. 

Throat Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is indicated for thirstlessness, and dryness of the throat associated with diabetes mellitus.

It is useful for throat pain with a burning sensation in hay fever.

Chest Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence produce chest oppression in crude form. 

It is indicated for tightness of the chest and oppression of the chest with anxiety. A patient may complain of cough and shortness of breath. 

Heart Complaints

Hydrangea arborescence may be helpful for chest tightness associated with anxiety and stress.

Stomach Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is useful for indigestion and stomach problems associated with diabetes mellitus.

A patient complains of stomach pain and thirstlessness along with enlargement of the prostate and a history of diabetes mellitus.

A patient has excruciating severe pain in the pit of the stomach that radiates toward the bladder.

Abdomen Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is a remedy for nausea and vomiting. A patient who has a history of chronic kidney disease and complains of nausea and vomiting with giddiness has great benefits from this remedy.

A patient may complain of thirstlessness and burning in the throat.

Some research shows that the root of Hydrangea arborescence may help to protect the liver from inflammation. It is useful to avoid liver toxicity. 

Rectum Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is indicated for diarrhea and stomach upset associated with diabetes and kidney stone problems. 

A patient may complain of severe stomach pain with kidney stones. He may have nausea and vomiting also.

Urinary Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence is a pathological remedy. It is a specific remedy for kidney and bladder complaints. 

Dr. Nottingham cures the chronic kidney stones patient. The patient is tall dark and slender. He gets easily irritable and has 

fits of anger. He demands stronger homeopathy medicine for the stricture of the urethra, dribbling of urine, and chronic kidney stones. Dr. Nottingham prescribes a mother tincture of Hydrangea arborescence, 1 teaspoon 3-4 hourly and within a few days, this remedy gives the brilliant result for the patient.

It is useful for urinary infections and inflammation. A patient complains of stubborn kidney stones or a tendency to have of recurrence kidney, and bladder stones. 

A patient complains of stricture of the urethra, and inflammation at the neck of the bladder because of kidney stones. A patient suffers from severe abdominal pain mostly on the flank sides and at the lower abdomen region. 

It is indicated for dribbling of urine, urine incontinence, and burning at the urethra region. A patient complains of a urinary infection. 

It is a specific remedy for amorphous white salt-like sediments present in urine. It is a calculus remedy. A patient has kidney stones, bladder stones, or gallbladder stones. Therefore, it is famous as a stone breaker. 

It is beneficial for the retention of urine, pain in the lumbar region with kidney stones, and hematuria. A patient notices blood mixed with urine. 

A patient complains of the frequent desire for urine, but it is hard to start the flow of urine. It produces sharp pain in the lumbar region and bladder region. 

This is a great remedy for urethra and ureter infections also. Kidney symptoms are associated with burning pain and dryness in the throat. A patient feels thirsty.

This is a remedy for stones. A patient has mucus or salt deposits in his urine. He may complain of diabetes mellitus with kidney dysfunction. 

Hydrangea arborescence have an affinity for the neck of the bladder. It is not only breaking the stones but also reduces the tendency of stone formation in the kidney and bladder. 

It relieves the distress produced by kidney infections.

Male Complaints:

Hydrangea arborescence are useful for male genital organ problems. It is a great remedy for prostate enlargement associated with kidney stones.

This is a useful remedy for penis infection in a diabetic patient. A patient complains of pain in the penis region with enlargement of the prostate.

It is indicated in stomach pain and thirstlessness with enlargement of the prostate in chronic diabetes mellitus patients. 

This is a remedy for prostate infection: enlargement of the prostate, pain in the penis and lower abdominal region, dryness in the throat, and low-grade fever.

Female Symptoms:

Hydrangea arborescence effectiveness in a female pelvic organ is yet to understand. 

It can be helpful as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory medicine for urinary infections. 

A patient complains of the urgency of urination associated with burning and itching in the vaginal region.

Hand Symptoms:

A patient complains of itching and tingling in hands with a history of diabetic Mellitus and chronic kidney problems. 

Sometimes a patient may complain of rashes on the skin with itching because of chronic urinary inflammation.

Legs Symptoms:

Hydrangea arborescence produce swelling and itching in the lower leg region.

A patient complains of swelling over the lower legs with itching. These patients may be suffering from a severe kidney problem or diabetic Mellitus.

Sometimes a patient complains of tingling and numbness in the legs.

Back Symptoms:

Hydrangea arborescence is a great remedy for lumbar pain. A patient complains of severe shooting pain in the lumbar region associated with kidney stones.

A patient states that pain in a back region is associated with prostate enlargement.

Skin Symptoms:

Hydrangea arborescence has antioxidant properties. It is useful to reduce skin allergy tendencies. It may be helpful to reduce skin cancer probability.

A patient complains of rashes, hives with itching all over the body associated with chronic renal diseases. A patient may complain of nausea and vomiting.

It is helpful for itching of the skin associated with liver toxicity.

Fever Symptoms:

Hydrangea arborescence is useful for hay fever and systemic fever also. 

In hay fever, a patient complains of fever, body ache, runny nose, dryness of throat with thirstlessness, and headache. 

A patient states that he has sneezing with blockages of the nose. He has a fever with throat pain. 

A systemic fever means a patient complains of fever because of kidney stones, urinary infection, or because of prostate infection. 

As Hydrangea arborescence has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it is a great remedy for a fever associated with hay fever or a chronic disease.

Hydrangea Arborescens Modalities:

Modalities are the factors that increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worse, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

Hydrangea arborescence symptoms are aggravated after anxiety and stress. Its symptoms are aggravated after an uncontrolled diabetic condition. 

It has an affinity for the prostate and kidney regions. A patient feels aggravation after irritability and anger.

Amelioration By-

Hydrangea arborescence symptoms ameliorated after a secretion. A patient may feel better after urination or after vomiting. 

A patient feels good after drinking water.

Relationship with Other Medicine:

Complementary Medicines-

Complementary medicines help to complete the cure of urinary problems after the use of Hydrangea arborescence.

As the name indicates, complementary remedies help each other to establish perfect balance in the system of the human body.

Lycopodium, Berberis, Uva, and Sabal are some complementary remedies to Hydrangea arborescence. These remedies help in chronic conditions or urinary complaints, prostate enlargement, and diabetic conditions.

Antidoted by-

Some remedies are required to nullify unwanted symptoms of Hydrangea arborescence. When Hydrangea arborescence is used in crude form, it may cause unwanted symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, giddiness, and chest tightness. 

In such conditions, some remedies are helpful to nullify these symptoms. 

Coffea and Nux vomica are universal homeopathic antidote remedies. These remedies antidote side effects of Hydrangea arborescence.

It antidotes-

Sometimes Hydrangea arborescence helps to nullify unwanted symptoms of other remedies. 

It may antidote unwanted symptoms of Lycopodium, berberis, Sabal, and Pareira.

Follows well-

Hydrangea arborescence follows well other medicines to completely cure the disease.

It follows well Lycopodium and other constitutional remedies such as calcarean, Phosphorus to cure chronic conditions like diabetes mellitus, urinary infections, and stones. 

It follows other well-selected remedies to remove kidney stones and reduce the tendency of stone formation. 

Followed well by-

Remedies that help Hydrangea arborescence to complete cure are presented under followed well by. Any constitutional remedy which is selected for the case can follows well Hydrangea arborescence to complete the cure of a patient.

It follows well in chronic urinary problems like kidney stones, urinary infections, prostate enlargement, and chronic diabetes mellitus.

Hydrangea Arborescens Uses, Dosage & Potencies:

Potency is a strength of a remedy while dosage means the repetition of a remedy. Both dosage and potency depend on the age, severity of symptoms, conditions or type of disease, and susceptibility of a patient.

Hydrangea arborescence is useful in mother tinctures and has lower potency. It is proven that repetition of a lower dose of Hydrangea arborescence helps to cure the patient early.

Hydrangea arborescence are available in 2X, 6x, 12C, 30C, and in mother tincture forms. Homeopathy physician decides the repetition of a remedy depends on the condition of a patient.

In acute cases, frequent repetition of a dose is required while in chronic cases, frequent repetition is not required.

Hydrangea arborescens 30 Uses-

Hydrangea arborescence 30 potencies is useful for chronic conditions of a disease. It can be prescribed for every age group.

This potency is useful for physical complaints like lumbar pain, stomach pain, and indigestion, associated with kidney stones. It is useful for dryness of the throat, stomach upset associated with diabetes mellitus. 

Hydrangea arborescence 30 can be repeated frequently in case of severe pain and itching associated with urinary infections and kidney stones. 

4 globules of Hydrangea arborescence 30, 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Hydrangea arborescens 200 Uses-

Hydrangea arborescence 200 is useful very rarely. It is indicated for adults only who are suffering from hay fever and tends kidney stones.

It is useful in a case where hay fever triggers the symptoms of kidney stones and leads to urinary infections. 

Take 4 globules of Hydrangea arborescence 200, 2 times a day for 3 days only. Take this medicine under the supervision of a homeopathy physician.

Hydrangea arborescens 1M Uses-

Hydrangea arborescence 1M is very rarely used in a case where a patient shows a complete picture of Hydrangea arborescence. A patient complains of irritability, and anger associated with stone tendency and prostate enlargement and has a history of diabetes mellitus.

Take 4 globules once a day a week. Repeat the dose after 8-15 days depending on the symptom severity.

Hydrangea arborescens 3X/6X Uses-

Hydrangea arborescence 3x-6x are commonly used potencies. These are helpful for lumbar pain, and abdominal pain associated with either kidney problems or prostate infections. 

These potencies we can use these safely in any age group without any possible side effects.

Take 4 globules, 3 times a day for 15 days or 1 month. If the pain is severe, you can repeat the dose every 2 or 3 hours per day. 

Hydrangea arborescens mother tincture Uses-

Hydrangea arborescence belong to the plant kingdom. The root and stem extract is used to prepare the mother tincture of Hydrangea arborescence.

Many noted cases of urinary problems and prostate diseases are cured by Hydrangea arborescence mother tincture. 

Hydrangea arborescence mother tincture is helpful to break kidney, and bladder stones, reducing the tendency of stones and reducing inflammation of the prostate.

It is useful to reduce sugar levels in diabetes mellitus patients. 

Hydrangea arborescence mother tincture help to establish urine flow in a patient and reduce the pain in the abdomen in a chronic kidney stone condition. 

In severe pain conditions and to break the stones, you can take 10 drops of a Hydrangea arborescence mother tincture every 3-4 hours for 8-10 days.

If you want to reduce the tendency of kidney stones, take 5 drops two times a day for 1-2 months.

Hydrangea Arborescens Side Effects:

Hydrangea arborescence is prepared from the plant extract with help of the dilution and potentization process. Medicinal properties of Hydrangea arborescence resurfaces after potentization. Similarly, the crude properties of a plant are reduced. 

Hydrangea arborescence can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and chest oppression in its crude form. But homeopathy remedy is potentized form of medicine, so it causes side effects very rarely. 

Some patients may feel dizziness or stomach upset after taking a repetitive dose of a Hydrangea arborescence mother tincture. That time consult your homeopathy physician immediately.

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