Podophyllum 30, 200, 1M – Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Podophyllum 30, 200, 1M - Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Podophyllum is one of the essential long and deep-acting homoeopathic medicine.

Podophyllum belongs to the plant kingdom under the family Berberidaceae. This remedy is prepared from the root and underground stem (rhizome) of the plant.

Podophyllum grows throughout the United States in damp places in the woods. It has leaves with 5 to 9 lobes, and large white flowers with fruits like small lemons; hence the plant is sometimes called a wild lemon.

Indian tribes used the roots to kill the parasitic worms of the intestine and also the drop of juice from the root to cure deafness. In ancient times it was used for treating jaundice, liver ailments, syphilis, etc. Some women used to take it to cause abortion. It was also used as a laxative.

Podophyllum is highly poisonous when taken in crude form orally. But after the process of potentization, it is converted into a wonderful homeopathic remedy that can be used for the treatment of a wide range of ailments.

Podophyllum is also called vegetable mercury. This remedy is not often used in acute affections since it is a long-acting and deep-acting drug. It relates to the deep-seated miasms.

The main sphere of action of podophyllum is the liver and digestive tract. It has a particular affinity to the mucous membrane, especially of the duodenum, rectum, and glandular structure.

Podophyllum Personality/Constitution

Podophyllum is mostly adapted to people who suffer from gastrointestinal derangement, especially after the abuse of mercury.

Children who suffer from diarrhea during the time of dentition mainly in hot weather. It is specially adapted to persons of bilious temperament.

Podophyllum disease is gastroenteritis with colicky pain and bilious vomiting. The stool is watery with jelly-like mucus, which is painless and profuse. The stool is of a gushing type and offensive.

This remedy is suited for individuals having many troubles during pregnancy; having a pendulous abdomen after confinement; prolapsus uteri; painless cholera morbus.

Podophyllum is indicated for individuals having dysfunctional liver; portal engorgement with a tendency to hemorrhoids, hypogastric pain, the fullness of superficial veins, and jaundice.

The podophyllum patient is affected by extremes of both heat and cold.

This remedy is hardly used in constitutional prescriptions due to the lack of knowledge about its mental disposition.

Podophyllum Uses

This article will cover from head to toe all the organs of the body. And wherever symptoms are matched, this medicine can be used-

Mind Complaints

A torpid liver is often associated with a torpid fluctuating state of the mind; this person also has a slow, sluggish pulse; palpitation.

There is a great depression of spirits, melancholia, sadness, and dejection. The patient feels everything will go wrong; the clouds are very dark and there is no light i.e. the podophyllum person feels that there is nothing hopeful in the future to look for.

The podophyllum thinks he may die or that he is going to become ill; that his disease will become chronic and fatal. They believe that they have an incurable disease, they are having diseases of the heart and liver and they are about to die. They will have an intuitive feeling that they will die in the future.

The patient feels that he has sinned away his day of grace, and other such delusions.

Mind is easily fatigued. The person is restless and therefore continuously fidgets, he cannot sit still and moves his whole body fidgety.

There is loquacity and delirium from eating acidic fruits. Loquacity is mainly during chill and fever, he forgets afterward what has happened.

Podophyllum also has very good morals. They are people with high self-esteem they want their opinions to be respected and in return, they respect others and behave very well.

They have a strong sense of right and wrong, are highly conscientious hence cannot tolerate any kind of injustice, and desires peace. They also portray fault-finding and opposing characters. This can be due to haughtiness or due to their discontented nature.

As they have a strong sense of right and wrong they are very much prone to anger. The anger is suppressed as podophyllum is someone with high self-esteem, desires harmony, and is sensitive to quarrels. Any kind of disharmony affects them. The anger may be expressed in the form of biting, shrieking, and striking.

They are religious, pious, and godly, and have fear of the afterlife. These people are also highly sensitive, emotional, and nostalgic, and they are disposed to weep. They are affectionate and sympathetic which makes them weep for others. When they are scolded, they can weep or become sulky.

This remedy which is highly affectionate craves love. They are also money minded. In the syphilitic stage, there is disinterest towards everything, towards family, friends, duty, business, and towards joy. They will not care for anything and they become insensitive.

This remedy has disturbances in the intellectual faculty. They do not belong to an intellectual group of remedies. They present mainly with a lot of confusion and low concentration ability. It is worse mainly during a conversation when thinking, or reading. This remedy is also useful in learning difficulties where they make mistakes in reading, writing, and calculating. They transpose and omit letters.

Head Complaints

Podophyllum is indicated in vertigo with the tendency to fall forward.

Headache with the sensation of dull pressure which is worse in the morning, with a heated face and bitter taste. Headache alternating with diarrhea. There is darting pain in the forehead which compels the patient to close his eyes.

Congestive type of headache with sensation as if all the blood has rushed towards the head. Bursting type of headache especially on the back of the head.

Headache is worse in the morning and hot weather.

The patient rolls their head from side to side which is accompanied by moaning, vomiting, and eyelids half closed, this usually occurs during the dentition period or when the patient has business worries.

The child perspires on the head during sleep.

Eyes Complaints

Podophyllum is indicated in inflammation of the eyes with excruciating, heavy pain which is accompanied by great distension of vessels.

Also useful in cases with superficial ulceration of each cornea with general congestion of the conjunctiva, the ulceration is usually central and extensive.

Eyes are inflamed in the morning, especially the left eye feels sore. Eyes appear glazed and motionless (from ripe fruit).Eyes sunken.

There is Heaviness of the eyes with occasional pains at the vertex. The pain is of the smarting type along with inflammation of the lids.

Podophyllum is indicated for pain in the eyeballs and temples, with heat and throbbing of temporal arteries.

In the treatment of cases of scrofulous ophthalmia which is worse in the morning.

Ears Complaints

There is aching pain in the right ear, with a rough feeling extending from there along the right Eustachian tube.

Nose Complaints

There is a sensation as if the nose is being pinched.

Useful in treating soreness and little pimples on the nose.

Mouth Complaints

The podophyllum patient has a great desire to press gums together with jaws clenched. The patient grinds their teeth at night.

This remedy is indicated for difficult dentition. The patient suffers from many ailments during the dentition period. During dentition he may suffer from catarrhal cough; catarrh of the chest; cholera infantum; hydrocephaloid.

Teeth are covered with dried mucus in the morning.

Podophyllum is useful in cases where there is a total loss of taste. The patient cannot differentiate sweet from sour. Everything tastes sour or putrid, sweet.

There is a taste of fried liver in the mouth at night. Bad taste after other symptoms had disappeared.

Feeling as if tongue, and sometimes palate and throat, had been burned. The tongue is furred white with a foul taste and shows imprints of teeth.

Offensive breath mostly at night which is perceptible to the patient. There is copious salivation. Much viscid mucus in the mouth especially in the morning.

Mouth and tongue are dry on waking up in the morning. In nursing babies the mouth becomes sore.

Face Complaints

The face has corpse-like pallor.

The complexion of the podophyllum patient is sallow. Skin appears dark and dirty looking. Hot and flushed cheeks.

Throat Complaints

There is dryness of the throat.

Burning in the throat which is from the ripe fruits. Soreness of throat extending from right to left ear. A sore throat affects the left side mostly which is aggravated by swallowing liquids in the morning.

There is a rattling of mucus in the throat.

Podophyllum is also useful in the treatment of goiter.

Dry, rough feeling in pharynx and esophagus, extending along right Eustachian tube with aching pain in the right ear. The sensation of a lump as of a lump in the esophagus.

Chest Complaints

Indicated in the catarrh of the chest during dentition.

In the treatment of pneumonia.

There is the sensation of snapping in the right lung like breaking a thread while taking a deep inspiration.

Pains in chest aggravated by deep inspiration. Feeling of oppression in the chest with a constant desire to breathe deeply, which is prevented by a feeling of constriction in the chest.

Heart Complaints

Sensation in the chest as if the heart ascending to the throat.

Sticking or stinging type of pain in the region of the heart.

Palpitation with a clucking sensation rising to the throat, obstructing respiration, these complaints are worse from exertion or mental emotion, with heavy sleep and a feeling of fatigue on waking.

Pulse is quick and small, slow, scarcely perceptible; pulseless.

Stomach Complaints

Indifference to food with a loss of appetite.

The patient feels full from a small quantity of food which is followed by nausea and vomiting. Appetite is variable, at times it is voracious.

There is a great thirst for cold water in large quantities. The thirst is moderate during fever. Increased thirst after eating.

The desire for something sour.

After eating the patient regurgitates food followed by sour belching and diarrhea.

Vomits food an hour after eating which is followed by craving appetite afterward and depression of spirits.

Podophyllum is indicated in heartburn, waterbrash, and heat in the stomach.

The eructations of the podophyllum patient smell like rotten eggs and are hot and sour.

Nausea is very distressing and extreme. The patient attempts to vomit during which the motion of gagging is made with a mouth but it is not accompanied by retching; the stomach contracts so hard and rapidly that there is wrenching pain so much that the patient screams.

Gagging in infantile diarrhea.

Indicated in the vomiting of milk in infants, with protrusion of the anus. Also indicated in cases of vomiting of food with putrid taste and odor; thick bile and blood; hot, frothy mucus; with congestion of pelvic viscera during pregnancy.

There is tenderness over the stomach and bowels which is worsened by the least touch or motion. The sensation of hollow, empty, weak, sinking feeling at epigastrium; without hunger.

A sensation of stitches in the epigastrium from coughing. Dyspepsia from calomel is accompanied by aching behind the eyes and clayey stools.

Gastric catarrh. Awakened by violent pains in stomach and bowels. After breakfast and dinner, there is burning in the stomach as if caused by hot steam. There is heat in the stomach is relieved by drinking cold water.

Abdomen Complaints

Acute burning in the region of the pyloric orifice, with violent retching and vomiting of bile.

There is a distended abdomen. Fullness in right hypochondrium, with flatulence, pain, and soreness. A sensation of twisting in the right hypochondrium with burning.

The sensation of stitches in the hypochondria is worse, especially during eating.

Pain in the region of the liver with an inclination to rub the part with the hand. Excessive secretion of bile with great irritability of the liver. Hepatitis with costiveness; tenderness and pain in the region of the liver.

Gall-stones and jaundice. Biliousness; nausea and giddiness; bitter taste and risings; tendency to bilious vomiting and purging with dark urine.

My Abdomen swelled almost to bursting. Flatulence. Abdominal plethora with bloated feeling; soreness, uneasiness, all these complaints are worse after stool.

Rumbling. Colic.

The patient is awakened by violent pains in the stomach and bowels. The pain is of griping and stitching type. This pain is ameliorated for short time by pressure and 3 a.m. (first night).

Pain in the transverse colon which is followed by diarrhea.

Tenderness over hypogastrium. The pain extended into the lower bowels and right ovary.

The abdominal symptoms are mostly aggravated in the morning and ameliorated in the evening.

Rectum Complaints

Podophyllum is useful in treating cases of cholera infantum and Morbus.

Indicated in painless cholera morbus with profuse diarrhea and vomiting. The stool is watery, profuse, offensive, and jelly-like. During cholera, there is a violent cramp in the feet, calf muscles, and thigh. After the attack, there is great prostration and exhaustion.

Constipation with clay-colored stools which are very much dry, hard, and voided with great difficulty. Constipation of bottle-fed babies with dry crumbling stool.

There are piles from constipation, with prolapse ani. Constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Diarrhea is caused in podophyllum patients after eating fruits, in summer, and during dentition. Diarrhoea begins in the early morning, continues till the forenoon, and is followed by natural stool in the evening.

The diarrhea is accompanied by a sensation of weakness or sinking in the abdomen or rectum.

Before stool, there is loud gurgling in the abdomen with gripping colic. Great weakness in the abdomen. During stool, there is great heat and pain in the anus with prolapses ani. After stool, there is great weakness and exhaustion.

The character of the stool of the podophyllum patient is painless, profuse, putrid, polychromatic (multi-colored), prolapse ani with stool which gushes out. The stool may be chalk-like, jelly undigested with yellow meal-like sediments.

There may be prolapse of the rectum with the stool.

Diarrhea is aggravated in the early morning, while bathing, in hot summer weather, after taking acidic food and drinks.

Diarrhea in podophyllum patients is accompanied by concomitants like headache alternates with diarrhea. The child presses the gums together, always rubes the liver region with their hands and there is a thirst for a large quantity of cold water.

Urinary Complaints

Micturition is painful and scanty with frequent voiding.

Urine is yellow, containing sediment; very red. Indicated in cases of Diabetes mellitus and insipidus where there is chalky stool accompanied by urination immediately after drinking which is frequent and profuse.

In cases of urinary tenesmus.

Male Complaints

Sticking pain above the pubes and in course of spermatic cords.

Podophyllum is indicated in diseases of the prostate gland associated with rectal troubles.

Inflammation either of the scrotum or eyes; seldom of both. Inflammation of the scrotum is usually associated with a pustular eruption which suppurates freely.

Female Symptoms

Podophyllum is indicated in females with symptoms of prolapse of the uterus, with pain in the sacrum and muco-gelatinous stools.

Sensation as if genital organs would fall out with stool. Pains with strong bearing down sensation.

Pain in right ovary and uterus. Pain in ovaries, especially the right ovary which extends down the limbs.

Shooting pain in the right ovary, before and during menses.

Ovarian tumor with pains extending up to shoulder.

Prolapse of the uterus with diarrhea from the washing; after over-lifting or straining; after parturition.

Menorrhagia from straining. Menses are retarded with ovarian, hypogastric, and sacral pains which are aggravated by motion and ameliorated by lying down.

Bearing down in abdomen and back during menses; ovarian pains running into thighs.

During pregnancy there is swelling of labia; can lie comfortably only on the stomach during early months; excessive vomiting.

Hemorrhoids and prolapse ani after confinement.

Pendulous abdomen.

Hand Symptoms

Pain in course of the ulnar nerve of both arms.

Rheumatism in left forearm and fingers.

Pains from head extending to neck and shoulders; fingers feel numb.

There is a weakness in the wrists which is also sore to the touch.

Legs Symptoms

Pain and weakness in left hip, like rheumatism from cold which is worsened by going upstairs.

Sharply defined ache in the Sacro-ischiadic foramen, with tenderness on pressure.

Slight paralytic weakness of left side.

There is heaviness and stiffness in the knees after a long walk. Cracking in the knee from motion.

Cramps in calves, thighs, and feet, with painless, watery stools. There is a sharp pain in the outer and upper portion of the left foot.

Aching in limbs aggravated at night.

Back Symptoms

The Nape of the neck is stiff and muscles are sore.

Pain under the right scapula. Pain between shoulders especially in the morning with soreness, these complaints are usually worsened at night and morning and are better by motion.

Pain in the small of the back, when walking or standing, with the sensation of back bending inward.

Pain in the lumbar region with the sensation of coldness which is aggravated at night and from motion.

Pain in the lumbar and sacral regions aggravated during stool.

Sacral pain.

Skin Symptoms

The podophyllum patient has sallow skin; jaundice; also in children.

Skin is moist with preternatural warmth.

Scabs on arms and legs. Pustules slow in healing.

Rawness and itching of genitals; also pustules. Cold, clammy skin.

Erysipelas. There is intolerable itching of the body and arms. Urticaria.

Fever Symptoms

The Podophyllum is generally used in intermittent fever. Fever paroxysms come at 7 a.m.

With a fever, there is pain in the hypochondrium, knees, ankles, and wrists.

There is great loquacity during fever, the patient goes on talking, especially during the chill and heat stage.

The patient sleeps during the sweating stage. The sweat is profuse and offensive.


Modalities are the factors that, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By-

All the symptoms in Podophyllum patients are worsened in the early morning, in hot weather, during dentition

Amelioration By-

All the complaints are better by rubbing or stroking the liver, or lying on the abdomen.

Relationship with Other Medicine

Complementary Medicines-

These remedies complete the curing process that is started by the first medicine given.

The medicine complementary to Podophyllum is Natrum muriaticum.

Antidoted by-

When there appearance of new symptoms, the new symptoms combined with the old ones should be studied, and a second remedy covering more of these new symptoms than the old one is to be given; this second remedy is the antidote.

Podophyllum is antidoted by Lactic acid, Nux vomica, and Colocynth.

It antidotes-

Podophyllum antidotes mercury.

Follows well-

These medicines follow the previous treatment in action, thus aiding in cure.

Remedies that follow Podophyllum are Ipecac and Nux vomica in vomiting; after Calcarea carb and Sulphur in liver diseases.

Barya Carb Dosage & Potencies

The dosage and Potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on symptom similarity, where the symptoms narrated by the patient are somewhat similar to the guiding symptoms of the treatment.

Your homeopathic doctor forms the totality of symptoms, and medicine identical to the disease condition is given; the more exact similarity, the earlier the curing process.

Podophyllum 30 Uses-

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms match the medicine to that of the patient.

These symptoms help doctors diagnose the disease condition only; there is a minor symptom of Podophyllum.

Lower potencies require frequent repetition. You should give them 3-4 times a day till the expected result is seen.

30C potency of Podophyllum can be used as a specific remedy in cholera and diarrhea and can be repeated until desired results in treatment are obtained.

Podophyllum 200 Uses-

This is considered as higher Potency; they are given when the majority of mind symptoms of podophyllum and physical symptoms of podophyllum and narrated by the patient match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often; they act for a longer duration, so the second dose is repeated every 7 days or every 15 days once.

On giving 200C Potency, it’s advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside, which can be repeated until all signs in totality disappears.

Podophyllum 1M Uses-

Podophyllum 1 M should not be repeated; it is given once a month and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

This is very high Potency. It would help if you gave it only after careful case analysis, where all medicinal symptoms of podophyllum and that provided by the patient match with each other ideally.

Podophyllum Q (Mother Tincture) Uses-

Podophyllum in tincture form, when applied locally, gives a good result in reducing warts, both plantar warts, and genital warts.

It can be used externally on the skin to dissolve warts and corn.

Podophyllum 3X/6X Uses-

The triturated tablets of Podophyllum work well as a therapeutic dose for worm infestation.

Very useful in the treatment of worms, and repeated intake 3-4 times a day is advised.

Podophyllum Side Effects

The process of potentization prepares homeopathic medications. In this method, the raw form of the medicine is taken and worked upon, and diluted to such an extent that all the harmful effects of the raw material are gone. All that remains is the medicinal or curative powers.

Homeopathic medicines are gentle and safe. They can be taken in the correct dose and potency by people of all age groups without fear.

Side effects of homeopathic medicines are an infrequent phenomenon.

Podophyllum as such produces no side effects. Still, one should be careful regarding its intake in crude form for a long time.

It increases the tendency to cramps in the abdomen, and excess use on skin for warts and corns can cause rashes.

It may so happen that the symptoms may subside temporarily and then come back with a renewed strength and severity. This occurs when the medicine has been repeated more than what was required.

It may also happen that the person may come back saying that he has developed an entirely new set of symptoms while all his old symptoms are still present. This means that the remedy prescribed was the wrong one.

In both cases, it is advisable to give a suitable antidote to Podophyllum.

You may have to re-work the case as a new totality has emerged. Based upon this new totality, you may have to prescribe Podophyllum in a different potency or a new remedy altogether that matches the newly formed total.

Keep a lookout for these symptoms; they are the red flags on your path to recovery

  1. Worsening of any symptoms that you had before taking the dose.
  2. Appearance or worsening of mental complaints like melancholy, despair, depression, irritability, and emotional sensitivity.

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