Carbo Veg Homeopathy30, 200: Uses, Benefits & Dosage

Carbo Veg Homeopathy 30, 200, Uses, Benefits Dosage

Carbo Veg homeopathy medicine is commonly known as vegetable charcoal. It is a comparatively inert substance converted into a great healing agent by grinding it fine enough. Carbo Veg 30, 200 are the most common potencies used for the treatment.

It helps treat clinical conditions like acidity, constipation, debility, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, eructations, flatulence, hemorrhoids, skin affections, cancerous affections, etc.

It is known to treat cases of imperfect oxidation effectively.

So this article will explain the Carbo Veg uses, benefits, side effects & dosage in detail.

Additionally, you can buy Carbo Veg online from this website of various brands like SBL, Schwabe, Dr. Reckeweg, etc.

So, Let’s get started !!

Carbo Veg Constitution or Personality

Typically a Carbo Veg patient is fat and lazy. There is an overall sluggishness. Nearly all the complaints of the Carbo Veg patient tend to become chronic. The patient’s skin is icy-cold and blue due to the stagnation of blood in the blood vessels.

Due to this, there is a marked tendency to suffer from septic fevers, for example, typhoid, cholera.

Old lifeless people with s cold body and hot head are the feeble pulse. The Carbo Veg patients faint easily. He wants fresh air. He wants to fanned constantly, and all the windows of his room should be open.

People who have not recovered from previous illnesses can be brought to normal health with this helpful remedy.

The patient is slow both physically and in mental works. Slow to think, slow to move around, he wants to lie down and do nothing.

BURNING is a keynote feature of the patient. The patient has a peculiar internal burning, but externally, the skin remains cold. Knees, nose, ears, tongue, everything is externally cold.

Another keynote is BLEEDING. Blood oozes out from different orifices of the body. Ulcers bleed, hemorrhoids bleed, etc.

Carbo Veg homeopathy Uses

I will take you through all the body parts from toe to head.

You can match the symptoms and when you feel these symptoms are matched then you can use Carbo Veg –

1- Mind Complaints

You can think of carbo veg for a patient who has an aversion to darkness. He fears going in the dark alone. He wants someone to accompany him if there is darkness. He will not visit places where there is no light.

The patient has a fear of ghosts. He thinks someone is following him.

You can also think of carbo veg for a patient who suffers from a sudden loss of memory. The patient is indifferent; he is not interested in anything. He doesn’t care about anyone and is not bothered by his family. A person is a confused personality.

ANXIETY is a characteristic feature. He is fearful of ghosts, anxious when he is alone or when he closes his eyes.

Potency and Dosage:

Use carbo veg in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

2- Head Complaints

Carbo veg works wonders for HEADACHE, occurring from overexertion or indulgence.

The patient feels that his head is heavy as if there is a heavyweight on his head. There is a feeling of constriction in the head.

HEADACHE is most on the back portion of the head. The character of pain is violent as if the head would burst. He cannot move the head on account of pain. Congestive headaches occur with nausea and pain in the eyes.

Carbo veg is helpful for cases of VERTIGO which is accompanied by nausea. Also, there is humming and buzzing in the ear. Whenever the patient has vertigo, there will be some unusual voices coming from his ears, for example, whistling.

Patients may have ITCHY SCALP and unhealthy fizzy hairs, which easily fall off.

Potency and Dosage:

Use this medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

3- Eyes Complaints

You may have heard of people complaining about seeing black floating spots in their field of vision. These are EYE FLOATERS. Carbo veg can be a valuable remedy for people suffering from eye floaters.

Also, in cases of PAIN and BURNING in the eye, Carbo veg can relieve and often cure the condition. The eyes of the carbo veg patient are lustreless.

There is a burning pain in the eyes. The carbo veg patient does not want to look into bright, sparkling objects. The eyes are weak due to overwork.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

4- Ears Complaints

You can successfully treat cases of OTORRHOEA ( fluid draining from the ear caused by infection), which occurs after the fever, especially the fevers which cause rashes.

Ears will be dry and itchy. Wax may be present.

Carbo veg will be helpful in such cases as it will relieve the pain and minimize the discharge. And gradually, it will provide complete relief from pain and ear discharge.

Watery, foul-smelling, excoriating discharges from the ear, especially after the fevers, for example, typhoid fever. The ear is painful. Ulcerations are present in the internal parts of the ear.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

5- Nose Complaints

Carbo veg is a remedy of great importance when it comes to Nose related complaints. People who suffer from daily nose bleeding attacks which is known as EPISTAXIS.

The face of the patient becomes white and pale. The nose tip becomes itchy, and there is intense redness on the nose.

ITCHY ERUPTIONS on the sides of the nose can be improved by carbo veg.

You can also think of carbo veg in cases of RUNNING NOSE accompanied by COUGH and INFFECTUAL SNEEZING occurring in warm and moist weather.

The patient is suffering from CORYZA always. Going from a hot environment to a cold climate or vice versa will precipitate an attack of coryza.

Continous watery discharge from the nose and frequent sneezing is a characteristic symptom of the carbo veg patient. The coryza often extends to the throat and creates discomfort.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

6- Face Complaints

A patient has a blue and puffy face. He has a stern look covered by cold sweat.

The cheeks of the patient have spots.

A will gradually improve the appearance, the puffiness, and the spots.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

7- Mouth Complaints

This medicine is a beneficial remedy for several mouth complaints, which are explained below.

APHTHOUS, the people are suffering from aphthous with white or yellow-brown coated tongue.

The mouth will become painful. The patient will have sensitive teeth. BLEEDING GUMS are a characteristic feature of carbo veg.

Blood oozes out from the gums while brushing. It will also provide relief in cases of PYORRHOEA, which is a severe gum infection. If the symptoms match, carbo veg will cure all the signs.

The tongue is SENSITIVE and INFLAMED. The gums turn black in the stage of fevers. The whole mouth is full of aphthous and ulcers. These ulcers bleed, burn, sting, and are very painful with offensive discharge.

There are painful blisters in the mouth. The mouth is dry and ulcerated. There is difficulty in swallowing the food.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

8- Throat Complaints

One can use this medicine very effectively for throat-related complaints. SORE THROAT, a sensation of constriction in the throat.

The patient has difficulty while swallowing food. EXCORIATING PAIN while coughing with a slightly cold sense. HOARSENESS in the throat occurs. It leads to a raw and sore mouth.

The face of the patient often tells the internal derangement that he is suffering.

He wants to be fanned constantly on the face whether he is suffering from any disease, for example, diarrhea, cholera, or fever. His pain and suffering are visible in his expressions.

Potency and dosage:

Use carbo veg in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

9- Chest and Respiratory Complaints

The chest of the patient is raw and accompanied by soreness. COUGH with a burning sensation in the chest. The Cough becomes worse while talking and eating.

HAEMORRHAGE from lungs, the face of the patient becomes blue, he wants to be fanned constantly. Older adults who have asthma will be benefited from carbo veg.

SPASMODIC COUGH with itching and gagging. Carbo veg will relieve cases of WHOOPING COUGH, especially in the beginning. HOARSENESS, which is worse in the evening, while talking.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

10- Heart Complaints

The patient requiring this medicine is anxious with continuous PALPITATIONS. He is fearful. There is burning in the area surrounding the heart. The pulse of the patient will be minimal and weak. The pulse will be intermittent; it will not be continuous.

Such patients, when treated by Carbo Veg, show significant improvement within a few days. There will be worsening of symptoms of the heart whenever the patient is eating or sitting.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

11- Stomach Complaints

Carbo veg is an excellent remedy when it comes to gastric problems. It has the power to improve the overall digestive system.

This will benefit people suffering from ACIDITY, FLATULENCE, ERUCTATIONS (HICCUPS), feeling of fullness in the stomach from this remedy. The symptoms get worse on lying down.

The patient will feel temporary relief from belching but not complete comfort. The hiccups will produce a sour taste in the mouth. In the morning, people getting NAUSEA the morning, BURNING in the stomach, and contractive abdominal pain require Carbo Veg.

EXCESSIVE FLATULENCE, even simple food leads to digestive problems. The typical patient desires coffee, sweets, and acidic foods. He has a dislike for nutritious and digestible food, for example, milk and meat.

He is primarily disturbed by his stomach complaints and wants to fix his stomach disorders. VOMITING of yellowish liquid, which is known as bile. It seems like all the food taken into the stomach is converted into flatulence.

If you find any of these complaints, start treatment immediately with an excellent remedy.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

12- Abdominal Complaints

A patient will feel pain in the abdomen when he lifts some heavy objects.

There is a specific thing about the patient: he cannot bear any tight clothing around his waist. Greatly DISTENDED ABDOMEN is a prominent feature of the Carbo Veg patient.

LIVER REGION is PAINFUL. The symptoms are temporary relieved by flatulence.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

13- Rectal Complaints

Carbo veg is an excellent healing agent for all digestive disorders. The rectum of the patient is always ITCHY and BURNING. One of the characteristic features is that the rectum is ACRID and CORROSIVE.

A discharge of sticky moisture oozes out from the rectum. Often One can find bloody discharge.

The itching is worse at night—older adults suffering from PAINFUL DIARRHOEA. FREQUENT, INVOLUNTARY, very foul cadaverous smelling diarrhea is a prominent feature of patients.

PILES, which are bluish, burning, and painful, can be cured by Carbo Veg.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

14- Urinary Complaints

Carbo veg can be a valuable remedy for urinary complaints.

NEPHRITIS, occurring due to alcohol. DIABETIC PATIENTS with THICK YELLOW CLEAR URINE. This remedy can also treat cases of albumin in the urine if the symptoms match.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

15- Male Complaints

Men with ITCHING at the thigh near the scrotum will be relieved by Carbo Veg.

ENLARGED PROSTATE, prostatic fluid discharge at stool is a prominent feature of Carbo Veg in males. TESTICLE SWELLING from metastasis from mumps.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

16- Female Complaints

Carbo veg is a valuable remedy for females who suffer from too HEAVY MENSES. The vulva is swollen with itchy eruptions on the genitals.

Females who experience BURNING HANDS and SOLES during menstruation. LEUCORRHOEA of the Carbo Veg patient appears before menses and is thick, green, milky, often excoriating.

Carbo veg is one of the best medicines for complaints during PREGNANCY. Pregnant women feel tired and suffer from gastric disturbances.

NAUSEA in pregnancy can be relieved by this medicine. It is a valuable remedy for VARICOSE VEINS of pregnancy. One can use it in cases of SUPPRESSION of milk, where the mother is tired after nursing her child.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

17- Back Complaints

Carbo veg Patient is unable to sit on account of BACK PAIN.

He has to put a pillow under to provide support—severe pain in the back. BURNING SENSATION occurs between the shoulders.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

18- Hands & Legs Complaints

People requiring Carbo Veg may have WEAK JOINTS. Hands and legs feel heavy and stiff.

There is a lack of general muscular energy in the hands and legs. Soles are sore; CRAMPY PAIN in the soles.

The toes of the patient are swollen accompanied by redness. There is a burning pain deep in bones. The medicine will provide relief in the symptoms listed above when found in a particular patient.

Potency and Dosage:

Use this medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily for 30 days.

19- Skin Complaints

Carbo veg is an excellent healing agent for skin complaints. The skin of the patient is BLUISH.

The skin is ICHTY; itching is worse in the evening while sleeping. People are having MOIST SKIN and associated complaints. GANGRENOUS AFFECTIONS begin in the toes and are bleeding.

Carbo veg cures VARICOSE VEINS with burning pains. Skin complaints are associated with foul-smelling discharge.

This medicine is helpful in the treatment of acne, which occurs due to gastric disturbances.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

20- Fever

FEVERS with increased thirst. The patient feels a burning sensation in various body parts.

When the patient is eating, there is grown sweat. The HECTIC AND EXHAUSTING FEVERS are a prominent feature of the Carbo Veg patient—loss of energy and extreme weakness.

The patient wants to fanned constantly. The Carbo Veg will entirely cure such a case.

Carbo veg is often included in “last aid” remedies in Homoeopathy, where the vital powers are low. There is a lack of reaction in the body.

In frail and feeble persons with violent suffering, difficult breathing, heavy sweat, great exhaustion. Carbo veg is a valuable remedy for SURGICAL SHOCK.

When there is a danger to life, the heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse goes down; Carbo veg can offer great help to arouse the patient’s vitality.

Potency and Dosage:

Use the medicine in 200ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

Carbo Veg Modalities

Modalities are the factors which, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

Generally, the complaints are worse in the evening and at night.

Eating fatty, junk food, butter, coffee, milk increase the suffering of the Carbo Veg patient.

The Carbo Veg patient tends to fall sick during warm and damp weather.

Amelioration By– 

The symptoms are temporarily relieved by belching, passing flatulence.

Constant fanning often makes the symptoms less disturbing for the Carbo Veg patient.

Carbo Veg Relationship with Other Medicines

Carbo Veg Complementary medicines: China, Lachesis, kali carb, phosphorus, Drosera.

Carbo Veg is Antidoted by Camphor, Ambra grisea, Arsenic

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