20 Best Homeopathy Medicine for Hair Loss: Causes & Treatment

Homeopathy Medicine for Hair Loss

Hair loss is medically known as alopecia (loss of hair from the head). In the majority of cases, it is a normal process of aging.

Hair grows on the human skin except, palms and soles. Hair follicles develop into the hair shaft, and keratin protein develops into the hair. When the hair cells become old, they are pushed out of the skin, which leads to hair loss.

When the hair loss is around 100-150 strands, it is average hair loss, and when it is more than this, it is alarming and requires treatment. 

In this article, I will explain top homeopathy medicine for hair loss based on various symptoms of it. The types of hair loss, their causes, risk factors, diagnosis, and the best homeopathy medicines for all kinds of hair loss.

So, Let’s get started !!

Types of Hair Loss

Involution alopecia: – It is a natural condition in which hair gradually thins with age.

Alopecia areata: – This condition starts suddenly, causing patchy hair loss in children and young adults. In 90% of cases, the hair returns within a few years.

Alopecia barbae: – Alopecia areata that is localized to the beard area. It can be a single patch or more extensive hair loss across the whole beard area.

Alopecia mucinosa: – It is also known as follicular mucinosa. There is an appearance of mucin around hair follicles when seen under a microscope and presents as bald patches of skin in which hair follicles are prominent.

Androgenetic alopecia male and female pattern: – In the male pattern, hair loss typically occurs on the top and front of the head.

In females, hair loss occurs on the top and crown of the head.

Alopecia Universalis: – It is a condition in which hair falls from all over the body, including eyebrows, eyelashes, and even pubic hair.

Telogen effluvium: This is a temporary condition in which the hair thins out on the scalp because of the changes in the hair growth cycle. An increasing number of the hair enters the resting phase simultaneously, which causes hair shedding leading to hair loss and thinning.

Trichotillomania: – This is a psychological condition mostly seen in children where one person pulls his hair.

Traction alopecia: -Hair loss is caused due to repeatedly pulling on your hair. e.g., putting a tight ponytail or bun.

Anagen effluvium: -In this, hair loss occurs in the growth stage of the hair cycle.

Causes of Hair Loss – Women, Men & Teenage Males

Alopecia areata: -Hair loss that is caused by an autoimmune disease.

Stress: – Stress brings about many changes in the body and also affecting hair fall.

Poor diet: – Lack of protein and iron or too much vitamin A have been linked to hair loss.

Weight loss: – Those people who are in the process of weight loss tend to experience hair fall.

Diseases and health conditions: – high fever, flu, infections, surgeries tend to bring about hair fall.

Thyroid, autoimmune disorders, scalp infections like ringworm, even these conditions trigger hair fall.

Certain hair care practice and haircare products: – Tying the hair too tight, improper brushing, and frequent use of hair dyes, bleaching,

blow-dry tend to damage the hair and result in hair fall.

Hormonal changes: – Pregnancy, childbirth, consuming birth control pills and discontinuing, menopause, etc., these conditions have a lot of hormonal changes. These bring about temporary hair loss.

Medications: – Certain medications used to treat illnesses like cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, heart problem,s, etc., can cause hair fall.

Pollution: – dust particles and fuel particles from the air affect the scalp and interfere with hair protein. Pollution is one of the causes leading to premature hair loss and greying of air.

Lifestyle habits: – inadequate sleep, working in the sun, smoking disrupt the healthy body mechanism, thereby affecting the hair growth cycle.

Signs of Hair Loss

Following are some of the main symptoms & signs of hair loss –

Usually, one notices that there is a gradual thinning of hair on top of the head, affecting both men and women. In men, one can notice that the hairline starts to recede in the shape of the letter M. In the female’s forehead part is retained.

Some people have smooth coined shaped bald spots on the scalp and sometimes on beard or eyebrows. In some cases, the skin on the scalp becomes itchy and painful before bald spots appear.

In some people, they notice hair falling in bunches due to stress or shock. But this doesn’t lead to baldness. As in cancer cases, certain treatment is also responsible for hair loss; they can be all over the body.

Scaly patches, along with redness, swelling are also seen in certain people, which is a sign of an infection called ringworm.

Hair fall can bring about a lot of emotional turmoil in cases of youth which can lead to embarrassment, loss of confidence, shyness, humiliation, and even depression.

Diagnosis of Hair Loss

The patient needs to be assessed for the onset, progress, and duration of the complaint.

  • What kind of pattern of hair fall is the patient experiencing?

  • If there is any family history, medical history?

  • If the patient is on certain medication?

  • What kind of diet is the patient taking?

  • Blood investigation is done to know the levels of

Hemoglobin: – To know if the patient has anemia

Thyroid hormones: – levels of T3, T4, TSH are done

Sex hormones: -The presence of too much testosterone in the blood is also one of the reasons for hair fall.

ANA test: – This will help in detecting the presence of autoimmune disorder.

Scalp scraping: – Tissue of the scalp is used to detect the hair cycle and any defect in any of the hair cycles.

Hair Loss Management

The conventional line of treatment includes

Medication for hair fall: -Medicines like finasteride, dutasteride, alfatridol are given. Minoxidil is given to apply on the scalp. Other drugs like ketoconazole, spironolactone are given for dandruff and hair fall.

Hair transplantation: – It is a surgical technique that moves individual hair follicles from a part of the body to the bald site.

Stem cell therapy.

Hair Loss Prevention

Eating a balanced and nutritious meal is very essential. It is always better to avoid tight hairstyles like ponytails or bun.

Always avoid compulsive twisting or pulling of hair. Always avoid combing the wet hair.

Using a wide-toothed comb while brushing wet hair and detangling will always prevent breakage.

Hot oil massage twice a week is essential. This helps in improving blood circulation and thereby improving scalp health and helps in relaxation.

Reducing alcohol intake and avoiding smoking also helps a great deal. Biotin, a form of vitamin H, can help in controlling hair fall.

The scalp should be kept clean and sweat and dirt-free. If the scalp is very itchy, it needs to be treated on time.

Those with high blood sugar levels need to maintain the levels as it may give rise to folliculitis, i.e., inflammation of hair follicle.

Best Homeopathy Medicine for Hair Loss

Since there are different types of hair loss, so there are different homeopathy medicine for hair loss too. You can select the medicine based on your symptoms – 

ALUMINA – for hair fall with numb scalp


It is indicated in the thin, inactive patients who want to lie down, but it increases fatigue. It is also useful in delicate children.

They experience falling of hair, and their hair is very dry. Their scalp itches a lot and becomes numb.


30C 3-4 pills thrice a day for 15 days, and then gradually dosage can be tapered.

ARSENIC ALBUM – for hair fall with sensitive scalp


Arsenic album is indicated in the patients who have lost weight due to impaired nutrition. It is also indicated in those suffering from anemia.

It suits the best for those who experience hair fall after septic infections and have low vitality. The patient experiences tremendous itchiness on the scalp, which is intolerable.

They develop circular bare spots which are rough, dirty, sensitive, and covered with dry scales. They experience burning in the scalp at night.

And also, dandruff gives rise to itching. Their scalp is so sensitive that they can’t even use a brush.

These patients develop grey hair at a very early age. They develop chronic eruptions on the scalp, which are usually filled with pus.


Lowest potencies 2x, 3x in repeated doses till improvement is seen.

FLUORIC ACID – for hair fall with caries of skin and bone


Fluoric acid is indicated in patients who become prematurely old with weak and distended blood vessels.

It gets indicated in alopecia along with caries of the skin of the scalp.


30C and 200C potency can be used. Since it has deep pathology and action, one shouldn’t repeat it too often.

GRAPHITIS – for hair fall with itching and eruption on the scalp


It is a remedy for those who tend to put on fat or those who tend to emaciate. The patient feels that their head is numb and pithy.

Their skin on the forehead is drawn into folds. Their hair becomes matted and brittle and falls off.

Hair fall is more noticed on vertex and sides. Scabs are sore to touch, along with bald spots.

They also have humid itching eruptions on the hairy scalp, which emits a fetid odor.


One can use 30C potency. Repetition should be done only when the action of the previous dose is completed.

NATRUM MUR – for hair fall with a chronic throbbing headache


The patients requiring this medicine suffer from stress, anemia, hormonal imbalance, chronic headaches, etc.

Hence, this medicine will greatly reduce the hair fall occurring due to the abovementioned reasons.

These patients experience hammering, throbbing kinds of headache.


One can use 30C, 200C, 1M potencies. High potencies usually give good results and in infrequent doses.

NITRIC ACID – for hair fall with sensitive scalp and pressure on the head


The patient’s scalp is very sensitive, with a sensation of the band.

They have tremendous hair fall. These people cannot even bear the pressure of the hat on their heads.


200C potency in intermittent doses can be administered to the patients.

As the patients begin to improve, you might notice some skin symptoms, which is a favorable indication that they progress towards a cure.

PHOSPHORIC ACID – for hair fall with greying hair and headache


This remedy is indicated in those people who experience greying of hair quite early in their life.

Their hair thins out and falls.


30C, One can use 200C potency. Repetition to be done after the action of the previous dose is exhausted.

PHOSPHORUS – for hair fall with dandruff


Patients requiring phosphorus usually feel that the skin of the forehead is too tight.

They have itching of the scalp with dandruff, and hair falls out in bunches. They complain of profuse dandruff.

Hair fall is noticed in spots in a few people. The scalp feels pulled by the hair.


One can give 200C potency. Do not give this medicine too often and also shouldn’t be given in low potencies.

SELENIUM – for hair fall with tense scalp


The patient feels that the scalp is gathered together. They have pain in the scalp as if you pulled the hair out.

They do not want the hair to be touched. They have hair fall over the head, eyebrows, whiskers, and genitals. Hence selenium gets indicated in ALOPECIA TOTALIS.


One can give 200C potency, and You can do repetition depending on the state of the patient.

SEPIA – for hair fall with sensitive hair roots


Sepia gets indicated in people who are suffering from chronic headaches. They have severe hair fall.

Females experience hair fall at the time of menopause due to hormonal changes. Their roots of the hair become sensitive to combing.


30C and 200C potency can be used depending upon the state of the patient.

This medicine shouldn’t be repeated too often unless there is a need.


SYPHILLINUM – for hair fall with sleeplessness and headache


Syphillinum is indicated in patients where they get a severe stupefying headache which leads to sleeplessness.

Hair falls out in bunches. The scalp is filled with eruptions called tubercles.


One can use 200C and 1M potency. Since it is a deep-acting remedy, frequent repetition needs to be avoided.

THALLIUM – for hair fall after acute illness


The patients experience hair fall with great rapidity after acute or exhausting diseases.

Thallium influences the endocrine organs like the thyroid and adrenaline and brings about balance, thereby restoring the body’s physiological functioning.


30C potency in frequent doses can be given till improvement is seen.

VINCA MINOR – for hair fall with corrosive itching of the scalp


Vinca minor is an excellent remedy for hair fall. The patient has spots on the scalp oozing foul moisture. That moisture makes the hair get matted together.

The patient experiences corrosive itching of the scalp. They get an irresistible desire to scratch the scalp.

Bald spots are covered with sort woolly hair. When the hair falls out, it is replaced with grey hair.


One can reduce 30C potency 4-5 pills thrice or four times a day till improvement and later the frequency of dosage as per the state of the patient.

MANCINELLI – for hair fall after acute sickness


Mancinelli is indicated in patients who experience hair fall after an acute illness like flu, malaria, typhoid, or even be COVID-19.

They develop dermatitis of the scalp with excessive formation of vesicles. These vesicles ooze sticky serum and form crust.


30C potency 3-4 pills twice a day till improvement.

MEZEREUM – for hair fall with thick leathery crusts on the scalp


The patient feels numbness on one side of the scalp or top of the head. They develop milk crusts on the scalp and a lot of white scabs.

This also leads to dandruff which is white and dry in appearance. All this affection of the scalp makes the hair fall out in bunches.

SCALY ERUPTIONS WITH WHITE SCABS is most prominently seen in such patients. The whole of the scalp is covered with thick leathery crusts under which pus is collected.


30C and 200C potency can be used. 4-5 pills thrice a day till improvement is seen can be administered.

THUJA – for hair fall with white scaly dandruff


Thuja helps a great deal for those people who are suffering from dandruff despite taking many treatments. And dandruff becomes one of the causes of hair fall.

They develop white scaly dandruff. The scalp is covered with sweat which smells like honey. Hair becomes dry and split and thereby leading to hair fall.


One can use Mother tincture for local application, and internally 30C potency will be of a great deal with frequent repetition.

THYROIDINUM – for hair fall due to hormonal imbalance


Thyroid conditions can lead to hair fall if the condition is severe and left untreated. Hair falls out and may not be replaced by new hair resulting in thinning hair across the scalp.

Even drugs which are used to treat thyroid conditions are capable of developing hair fall.

In such instances, homeopathy offers a solution in the form of Thyroidinum, which is best suitable for treating thyroid and hair fall, which results due to it.


6X,12X, 30C One can use these potencies. If 6X and 12X are taken, they can be given 2-3 tablets daily, but at the same time, the pulse has to be monitored.

Lower potencies must be avoided in people suffering from high blood pressure, those with a weak heart, and those suffering from tuberculosis.

ARUNDO – for hair fall with painful hair roots


It is indicated when there is a lot of itching in the scalp with hair fall. The patient has very painful hair roots.


3X, One can use 6X potency infrequent dosage.

CARBO VEG – for hair fall after debilitating diseases


Carbo veg acts well when patients experience hair fall after a severe illness and after delivery.

Their scalp itches when warm in bed. They feel that their hair is sore. It falls off easily and comes in a handful.


30C and 200C potency is indicated, and if required, One can also give 1 M to the patients depending on the state of the patient. Repetition will also depend on the state of the patient.

SILICEA – for hair fall with profuse and offensive sweat on head


Silicea is indicated in patients who have tremendous hair fall with dry hair.

Silicea will help in preventing dryness and thereby breakage of hair. It will also promote the growth of hair.


200C potency can be given to the patient but shouldn’t be repeated frequently.

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2 thoughts on “20 Best Homeopathy Medicine for Hair Loss: Causes & Treatment”

  1. I have been experiencing major hair loss approx 2.5 months after a covid 19 illness. Apparently this happens to about 1 out of 3 people, and I happen to be the lucky one.
    It is extremely stressful, as I have lost about half my hair in a short amount of time. I’m hoping one of these homeopathies work and I don’t have to go extreme and shave my head.

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