Lichen Planus Treatment in Homeopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Medicines


Lichen Planus is a chronic, long-standing inflammatory and autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks its healthy tissues. 

This can involve different body parts and based on that can be known as – Lichen Planus Pigmentosus, Lichen Planus Oral, Lichen Planus Nails, and Lichen Planus Scalp, etc.

It can involve your mucous membrane, skin, hair, and nails. It is a pruritic disease which means the lesions are itchy.

The lesions are non-infectious, polygonal(many-sided), flat-topped pink or purple pimples or bumps from pinhead size to 1cm in size. Sometimes the rashes on your skin may fuse to form a large lesion.

The bumps are crossed by many white lines, which are also known as “Wickham’s striae” in medical language.

Sometimes the patches may have depression at the center. The affected areas of your skin mainly include the arms and legs. The specific body parts that may be involved are:

1. Wrist, thigh, back, ankle, and shin.

2. Scalp, oral cavity, gums, and side of the tongue.

3. Nails.

Sometimes the bumps are grouped in rings or lines, but sometimes they may be scattered widely on the surfaces of your body.

So, Let’s get started !!

Lichen Planus Types

There are several types of lichen planus; read and find out your type – 

1. Lichen Planus Subtropicus

In this type, the affected area involves your body parts, mostly exposed to sun rays, such as the face, neck, and back of the hand.

These rashes are annular, i.e., ring-shaped, and they have characteristic violet color.

2. Follicular Lichen Planus

In this type, the lesions are follicular, i.e., flat-elevated or hemispherical, pink, purple, or rashes, depending upon your fluid-filled raised eruptions) develop.

3. Hypertrophic Lichen Planus

This type of lichen planus is mainly seen on the shin.

The lesions are in the form of patches, or fine scales cover the plaques, and at the sides, You may see flat-topped polygonal (multi-sided) bumps.

The patches are thick, itchy, and purple-grey.

4. Generalized Lichen Planus

In some people, there are one or two small patches of rashes for about months or years.

Further, more lesions start to appear on the inner surfaces of the arms. Gradually, the patches spread to cover large surfaces of your body involving the tummy, back, thigh and arms.

These patches are highly pruritic (itchy) and can be very uncomfortable at times.

Lichen Planus Symptoms

You may be developing lichen planus if you have any of the following symptoms –

Purplish, flat-topped, itchy, slightly raised eruptions on the skin.

Greyish-white scaly patches in the mouth or gums or the sides of the tongue.

Blistering, ulceration, redness, hyperpigmented (dark-colored) patches on the skin.

Hair loss, bald patches on the scalp.

Raised or distorted nails.

Pinkish or red rashes or eruptions on the skin in a line or ring-shaped.

Mostly, the disease may resolve within 18 months. Still, it may persist for a long time, especially if you suffer from lichen planus in your oral cavity and It may persist for about five years or more.

The symptoms depend on the site of the body involved. Let’s take a look one by one –

1. Lichen Planus Pigmentosus

A person may suffer from intensely itchy patches, and it is the most prominent feature of people suffering from lichen planus.

Here, a person will prefer to rub the rashes instead of scratching them. The old rashes on the skin tend to disappear, and the new lesions develop continuously.

The old rashes will leave a hyperpigmented portion at the affected site for months or years.

The rashes on the body may take shapes and various patterns of shiny, raised, pink, or purple bumps on the affected area.

The size may vary from 3 to 5mm in diameter. The rashes may also fuse to form large patches.

2. Lichen Planus Oral

The oral cavity is involved in about 50% of people who are suffering from lichen planus.

Sometimes it can be the only area in your body that is affected. The common parts are the cheeks, the lips, the gum, and the sides of the tongue.

The rashes may be present in the form of painless white patches. You may find that they are arranged in the form of lines or the form of rings.

Sometimes these eruptions may rupture, and you will suffer from a painful non-healing ulcer.

The mouth feels sore and dry. The taste will be altered. Taking spicy food, sausage and peppers may worsen the symptoms.

3. Lichen Planus Nails

About 10% of the people suffering from lichen planus may get their nails involved.

The patches are found under your

The nails, which result in elevation and cracking of the nail beads. The rashes are replaced by hard scar tissues making the nail beads shrink and ultimately destroyed.

You may find difficulty in your day-to-day activities. The application of harsh handwashes and soaps may worsen the existing symptoms.

You will feel a sense of discomfort continuously in the affected nails.

4. Lichen Planus Scalp

You will have pink-purple flat-topped bumps on your head that are itchy. The hairs may get affected and destroyed, which results in hair loss patches.

Margins of your hair will be greasy and oily. Sometimes the color of the scalp can also change.

If there is physical trauma or if you keep scratching, then there will be new lesions on the site of trauma. It can be very itchy, shiny, red-colored patches.

Lichen Planus Risk Factors

It can affect people of any age and sex.

Although it is more common in middle-aged adults.

The research shows that patients with a history of Hepatitis-C infection in the past and evidence of Hepatitis-C virus may be at risk of developing lichen planus.

Lichen Planus Diagnosis

1. Based on symptoms:

The physician will usually diagnose the disease by the appearance of the lesions or rashes. And confirm the diagnosis based on the symptoms that you will describe.

Then the physician may refer the case to a dermatologist.

2. Skin biopsy:

Your dermatologists will confirm the diagnosis by skin biopsy test in which a small sample of skin’s deep layer is collected and sent to the lab for microscopic evaluation.

You may require a small stitch to close the wound. Similarly, in cases of oral lichen planus, your doctor will advise you to take out a sample from the mouth.

3. Anti-HCV antibody

To confirm the existence of the Hepatitis C virus, which makes you prone to lichen planus.

Lichen Planus Management

However, without proper medical treatment, the disease will not be relieved, but you can protect the intensity of symptoms by proper management –

Avoid using soap on the affected skin or body part. Use only medicated soaps or body wash.

Prevent the affected area from dryness as it will relieve the itching.

Avoid scratching the rashes, which will only worsen the symptoms. Gently rub the area when there is an intense itch.

Hydrate your body internally by taking plenty of water.

Lichen Planus Best Homoeopathic Medicines

Homeopathy aims at individualization. Homeopathy studies each patient differently, and then the medicine is given to the patient as per their state.

The selection of remedy also depends on various factors like how did the condition occur, what is the cause, what is the onset, progress, and duration of the illness?

Then the conditions experienced by the patients and what are the factors which increase and decrease the condition.

The general state of the patient and mental state is also taken into consideration.

Family history and the patient’s history will help in determining if the patient requires an intercurrent remedy.

Selection of potency and dosage is also based on the above factors and the patient’s susceptibility.

So, homeopathy doesn’t work at a superficial level but more at a deeper level or the root cause level. Such is the dynamics of homeopathy.

1. ARSENIC ALBUM: For Intensely Burning Rashes


Arsenic Album is a beneficial remedy for lichen planus in which the patches are highly itching and burning.

There may be slight swelling after scratching the rashes. The lesions are papular, dry, rough, and scaly.

The symptoms become worse when exposed to cold and after scratching.

The patient will be highly restless. In rare conditions, the rashes may take the form of ulcers and may have offensive discharge from them.

Dosage & Potency:

Use Arsenic in 1M potency every 15 days if you have mild symptoms. Use arsenic alb in 30 potencies thrice daily till improvement occurs.


2. BORAX: For Oral Lichen Planus


Borax is a very well indicated remedy for people suffering from oral lichen planus.

The mouth may feel hot and tender. There is excellent dryness inside the mouth.

The affected patch may form an ulcer, or it can also bleed while touching or eating.

The taste of the mouth becomes bitter. These types of symptoms will be quickly relieved by borax.

Dosage & Potency:

Use borax in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs. Or you can use borax in 200ch potency twice daily till improvement occurs.

3. SULPHUR: For Dry, Unhealthy Patches


If you are suffering from dry, rough, unhealthy patches of lichen planus, sulphur will significantly relieve you.

The rashes may itch and burn occasionally. The lesions are pink or purple bumps.

Intense itching is more on the night and is not relieved by scratching.

The patient may have an aversion to bathing and wants to stay in dirty clothes. Also, the symptoms get worse when the body is exposed to heat or sunlight.

Dosage & Potency:

Use sulphur in 1M potency, and do not repeat it for a month. Then take the next dose next month. Or you can use sulphur in 200ch potency once daily empty stomach till improvement occurs.

4. APIS MELLIFICA: For Burning And Swelling Patches


Apis is a beneficial remedy for lichen planus where the rashes are fiery red and accompanied by burning pain.

There may be swelling in the affected area. The skin will be sore and sensitive.

Stinging pains are the characteristic feature of this remedy. You will be quickly relieved by this remedy if your symptoms correspond to the explanation above.

Dosage & Potency:

Use Apis Mellifica in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

5. NATRUM MUR: For Dry Eruptions On Scalp


It is an excellent remedy for the treatment of lichen planus occurring on the scalp or margins of hair.

The patches are purple, dry, scaly, and itchy. It makes the patient very uncomfortable.

The margins of hairs are significantly affected. The patches are raw and inflamed.

In cases where alopecia results from lichen planus, hair follicles are affected, and the scalp is greasy and oily. Natrum Mur can treat these efficiently.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use Natrum Mur in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs. Or you can use Natrum Mur in 1M potency every 15 days.

6. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS: For Chronic Lichen Planus Of Nails


The area is damp and full of sweat. The patches are dark purplish and dry.

Nails are distorted and crippled due to lichen planus. The rashes are itchy.

The lesions leave brown hyper-pigmented scars. You will be much relieved by thuja if you have these symptoms.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use thuja in 1M potency every 15 days till improvement occurs. Or you can use thuja 200ch potency once daily till improvement occurs.

7. ARSENIC IODATUM: For Large Patches And Marked Exfoliation Of The Skin


Arsenic iodatum is a beautiful remedy for lichen planus, which causes large dry, scaly patches with marked exfoliation of the affected skin.

The lesions are worse after coming in contact with water. The rashes are pink or purplish, raised, shiny.

Arsenic iodatum is an excellent Homoeopathic skin remedy.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use arsenic iodatum in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

8. IGNATIA: For Lichen Planus On Mouth


Ignatia is the best remedy for lichen planus occurring on any part of the skin. The rashes may be itchy and dry.

The lesions are fiery red. The affected part is very much sensitive to the draft of air.

Ignatia is also helpful for oral lichen planus. The mouth feels sore and tender. And the taste becomes altered.

If you are suffering from these types of symptoms, then Ignatia is the remedy for you.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use Ignitia in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

9. SEPIA: For Lichen Planus In Ring-Shaped Rashes


Sepia can provide a beneficial remedy for lichen planus rashes which are arranged in a ring-shaped pattern.

The lesions are pink, or purple raised shiny bumps. Itching is not relieved by scratching.

The standard body parts that are involved are arms and legs. The itching is worse in a warm environment.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use sepia in 200ch potency once daily till improvement occurs. Or you can use sepia in 1M potency every 15days for few months.

10. RHUS TOX : For Scaly Lichen Planus


Rhus tox is an excellent remedy for the cases of lichen planus where the eruptions are pinkish, red, swollen, and intensely itching.

There is a slight burning accompanied by itching. The lesions are shiny.

There is a great tendency to formation of scales in the patches. The symptoms are worse in the cold, wet, rainy season and better in a warm and dry atmosphere.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use Rhus tox in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs, or you can use Rhus tox in 1M potency every 15 days for few months.

11. VARIOLINUM: For Hot Patches Of Lichen Planus


Variolinum can be used in lichen planus, where the affected patches cover a large area of the body, and they are hot to touch. Eruptions are dry and scaly.

The rashes are present on the arms and legs, and abdomen. You may feel a sense of warmth and discomfort in the whole body.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use Variolinum 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

12. RUMEX: For Lichen Planus On Legs


If lichen planus patches cover your legs, Rumex will provide you with great relief.

There will be intense itching which is worse when exposed to a cold atmosphere.

Shin is affected. You may have discomfort while wearing tight clothes or woolen clothes.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use Rumex in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

13. NITRIC ACID: For Blistered Lichen Planus In Oral Cavity


Nitric acid is a beneficial remedy for splinters like painful blisters in the mouth. 

The affected area becomes sensitive. It can also be helpful in lichen planus occurring in scalp and hair margins.

The rashes will be purplish and shiny.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use Nitric acid in 200ch potency twice daily till improvement occurs. Or you can use Nitric acid in 1M potency every 15 days till improvement occurs.

14. LACHESIS: For Bluish-Purplish Patches Of Lichen Planus


You can use Lachesis, and it would provide beautiful results if you are suffering from bluish or purplish patches of lichen planus on any part of your body.

The bumps are hot to touch, and in some cases, there may be the formation of blisters in the mouth.

The mouth may be sore, red, and painful. The patches itch violently at night.

And the symptoms may get worse from the warmth of the bed. The patches are shiny.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use Lachesis in 200ch potency every alternate day at bedtime till improvement occurs. Or you can use Lachesis in 1M potency every 15 days till improvement occurs.

15. BELLADONNA: For Smooth, Shiny, And Burning Patches Of Lichen Planus


Belladonna is an excellent remedy for the treatment of lichen planus. Here, you may find pinkish, smooth, and shiny rashes on your skin or scalp.

The patches fuse and spread very fast. This may result in generalized lichen planus.

After healing, the affected area becomes problematic due to the scar tissues. The lesions are very itchy. You will be relieved in all of your symptoms if your symptoms correspond to the explanation above.

Dosage & Potency:

You can use belladonna in 200ch potency once daily till improvement. Or you can use belladonna in 30ch potency thrice daily till improvement occurs.

Belladonna in 1M potency can be taken on every alternate day till improvement occurs.

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