15 Best Homeopathic Remedy for Cracks in Corner of Mouth


Cracks in Corner of the Mouth is known as Angular Cheilitis. Angular Cheilitis is a common disorder in which the corners of the mouth become inflamed.

It can affect one or both corners of the mouth. The skin at the affected area tends to become red and painful and often accompanied by skin breakdown followed by crusting.

The patches could be itchy. This condition can last from a few days to a few years based upon the intervention of treatment.

It is a dermatological case and needs a proper cure. The homeopathic remedy has been very effective without any side effects for Angular Cheilitis.

It works very well for all age groups and shows very promising results.

In this article, I will discuss various types of Angular Cheilitis, symptoms, risk factors, management, and finally very effective homeopathic medicines.

There are various homeopathic medicines based on different symptoms of a person.


Angular Cheilitis is basically of two types –  

1-Reversible Cheilitis

  • Cheilitis Simplex
  • Contact or Eczematous Cheilitis
  • Exfoliative Cheilitis
  • Drug-Induced Cheilitis

2-Irreversible Cheilitis

  • Actinic Cheilitis
  • Granulomatous Cheilitis

Let’s see all the types in detail –

Cheilitis Simplex

It is the most common Cheilitis which causes cracked lips, fissures and it involves mainly lower lips. Later it extends to involve the mouth angles.

The lips are dry that causes irritation. It often occurs due to the frequent licking of lips.

People who are habitual of licking lips and children who suck and bite their lower lip continuously may experience this type of Cheilitis.

The affected area gets covered with redness followed by burning, itch, and pain.

People with deep wrinkles in lip angles may also suffer from this type of Cheilitis.

Contact or Eczematous Cheilitis

Contact Cheilitis occurs due to irritants or allergies.

Cosmetic products like lipsticks, lipgloss, few kinds of toothpaste, bases present in various ointments, fragrances, preservatives are allergic agents.

Those people often experience this type of Cheilitis who use musical instruments and object directly into the mouth.  Biting nails and putting pins, pens can also cause infection.

The infection progresses and becomes eczematous Cheilitis. Symptoms are dryness, redness, cracks, and sometimes scaling of the lips and corners of the mouth.

Exfoliative Cheilitis

It refers to the inflamed lips followed by constant exfoliation of the skin, mostly found on the lower lip.  It extends and involves the area surrounding the lips known as mouth angles.

It is not very common if compared to the other forms of Cheilitis. It mostly occurs in people who keep moisturizing their lips frequently.

It is present in people with nutritional deficiencies example, iron deficiency and the deficiency of vitamin B12.  It is present in cases where Candida Albicans is the causative agent.

It starts with the appearance of redness on the lips. Then followed by the formation of a thick surface eventually leads to cyclical peeling.

Bleeding can occur in this type of Cheilitis. Excessive licking, picking, and biting the lips play a role in the progress of exfoliative Cheilitis.

Drug-Induced Cheilitis

Here, the lesions occur due to the extensive use of certain drugs. For example, retinoids and topical lip care products.  The creams are said to have protective factors.

These agents can cause reactions on lips and the area surrounding the lips as redness and eruptions.  There will be a burning sensation and itching in the lips and corners of the mouth.

Actinic Cheilitis

This type of Cheilitis occurs by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.  It can damage the lower lip and surrounding areas and often become a potentially cancerous lesion.

Actinic Cheilitis occurs in workers group who are very much exposed to sunrays example, agricultural workers, those who work in constructions, beach workers, and sailors.

It is more commonly present in middle-aged men.  It starts with painless thickening and changes in the natural color of lips and mouth angles.  It then followed by the development of scales and hardening of the affected area.

Granulomatous Cheilitis

It is a type of chronic swelling of the lips. It also affects the corners of the mouth. Here the cause remains unknown.  The presence of allergens in the diet is the causative factor in many cases of granulomatous Cheilitis.

It occurs in young adults with permanent or intermittent swelling of lips. It is associated with some granulomatous diseases example, Crohn’s disease.

Angular Cheilitis Symptoms

The person suffering from angular Cheilitis may experience a few signs & symptoms which are listed here.

It starts with redness known as erythema followed by swelling and thickening of the corners accompanied by cracked skin at one or both the corners mouth.

Fissures can also develop. The affected area has blisters which are fluid-filled elevation of the skin. Sometimes the lesions can extend from the corners of the mouth to the cheeks.

The skin will be raw, sore, painful that occasionally can itch or burn. Some people may experience a bad taste in the mouth. It can be very uncomfortable for the individual at times.

Due to the dryness, there is constant licking of the mouth angles. Painful blisters can develop. The fluid from the blisters may come in contact with the surrounding skin and spread the infection.

The repeated infection will produce a foul odor from the mouth. The affected individual will have discomfort and pain at the mouth while eating.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned here, you must start the treatment before the condition worsens.

Angular Cheilitis Causes

There are various causes behind angular Cheilitis which include different types of infections. It is usually an infective disorder of multifactorial origin.

Firstly, the immune compromising systemic disorders example, HIV.

Secondly, the increase in the use of cosmetics, lip care products and musical instruments, and other products which directly come in contact with the skin of corners and mouth and lips can be a huge factor in the development of angular Cheilitis.

Fungal infection remains the most common cause. Usually, the saliva collects and gets trapped around the corners of the mouth. It creates dryness of the skin.

The saliva gets collected and due to the digestive action of saliva. Further irritates and compels the person to lick the lips that provide temporary relief to the cracked area rendering it moist.

It creates a suitable environment for the fungus to thrive, grow, and for its multiplication. Certain bacteria (mostly staphylococcus aureus ) and fungus ( mostly a yeast known as candida) can cause an infection.

Some nutritional deficiencies like vitamin B2 & iron deficiency are one of the causes. Side effects of few drugs can also cause Angular Cheilitis.

Angular Cheilitis Risk Factors

Risk factor includes people who experience recent tooth loss (edentulism). It predisposes the affected person to have wrinkles at the mouth angles. Because the digestive enzymes are present in the saliva, the skin where it gets trapped develops cracks and fissures.

It is due to the overhanging of the upper lip. It favors the collection of saliva around the corners of the mouth.

People who wear braces or ill-fitting dentures. In these cases, there is an increased production of saliva. It plays a role in precipitating Angular Cheilitis.

People who are habitual of licking lips. Due to the continuous licking skin at the corners of the mouth becomes dry. It develops cracks and fissures. On further licking, the skin becomes moisturized again.

The constant cycle of drying and moisturizing creates an ideal environment for the bacterias and fungus to thrive and multiply.

When there is a heavy production of saliva that causes drooling. It occurs mostly at night. Smoking; People who smoke and have dry, cracked black lips and mouth angles.

Thumb sucking habits. Children and young adults come under this category. Old age people with sagging skin at the corners of the mouth. Nutritional deficiencies like iron deficiency and vitamin B deficiency (malnutrition and malabsorption).

Underlying systematic disorders means medical conditions example, Inflammatory bowel disease, Diabetes, Blood cancer, anorexia nervosa, Downs syndrome, HIV, etc.

Angular Cheilitis Management

Use of dentures and braces that properly fit. Disinfect the dentures from time to time. Thus, ensuring improved denture hygiene. Take off dentures while sleeping.

Improving the facial contour by preventing overlapping of upper lips. Improving overall oral hygiene.

Quitting smoking or tobacco eating habits. Treatment of underlying cause and disease if any.

Homeopathic Medicines for Angular Cheilitis

Homeopathy is the world’s second-largest pathy. According to WHO it is used by more than 200 million worldwide.

As the best alternative system of medicine Homoeopathy treatment will provide symptomatic relief and the gentle and rapid cure of the case both internally and externally.

There will be no chances of recurrence. So let’s see the best homeopathic medicines for Angular Cheilitis based on the symptoms –

1. CUNDURANGO – For Painful Cracks


It is one of the best remedies for angular Cheilitis is cundurango. PAINFUL CRACKS in the corners of the mouth.

It stimulates digestive functions and also improves general health. Constant burning pain can be present.

Cutting, stinging, burning will be there at the affected corners of the mouth.


Use cundurango in 30ch potency. Four drops thrice daily on the tongue for 30days.

2. PETROLEUM – For Thick Crust


Petroleum is very useful for angular Cheilitis where there is the formation of THICK CRUST followed by redness, itching, burning, rawness, and bleeding from the cracks.

The slightest scratch can make the skin around the corners of the mouth suppurate.  The symptoms will be worse in winters.


Use petroleum in 30ch potency. Four drops thrice daily on the tongue for 30 days.

3. GRAPHITES – For Sticky Transparent Fluid


Graphites will provide much relief when the cracks ooze out a STICKY TRANSPARENT FLUIDHardness and dryness of the corners of the mouth is a prominent feature.

It becomes raw and often suppurates (collection of pus).  Burning & stinging pains are present.

Increased salivation is present. Saliva drools and collects at the corners of the mouth provides a suitable environment for the infection to occur.


Use graphites in 30ch potency. Four drops twice daily on the tongue for 30 days.

4. MERC SOL – For Ulcerations


Merc sol will cure cases where ULCERATIONS occur due to angular Cheilitis.  Also, salivary secretions increased. Corners of the mouth are sore and painful.

People with elongated or loose teeth.  Offensive and foul smell from the mouth can be a feature.

Swelling accompanied by redness and pain. Burning and stinging pains. Bleeding can also be present.


Use merc sol in 30ch potency.  Four drops thrice daily on the tongue for 30 days.

5. NATRUM MUR – For Blisters


Natrum Mur will be a great help in cases where BLISTERS form.  There will be redness and swelling at the margins of the lips.

Lips and corners of the mouth will be dry, ulcerated, and cracked.  Intense Itching desire and burning will be present.


Use Natrum Mur in 30ch potency. Four drops twice daily on the tongue for 30 days.

6. NITRIC ACID – For Sharp Pain and Bleeding


Nitric acid is a very well indicated remedy for angular Cheilitis. SHARP PAIN AND BLEEDING from the lesions at the corners of the mouth is a prominent symptom.

The pain at the mouth angle is severe.  It has a splinter-like pain sensation.

Other symptoms include increased salivation and a foul odor from the mouth. The affected area is sensitive and often associated with the formation of blisters.


Use nitric acid in 30ch potency. Four drops thrice daily on the tongue once daily for 30 days.

7. HEPAR SULPHUR – For Pus Collection


Hepar sulphur will cure a case of angular Cheilitis where there is SUPPURATION (PUS COLLECTION). It is useful for angular Cheilitis cases which are associated with prickly pain.

Swelling and deep cracks are present in the affected area. The corners of the mouth are sensitive to touch. Also burning is a prominent feature.


Use Hepar sulphur in 200ch potency. Four drops on the tongue in the morning every alternate day for 30 days.

8. SILICEA – For Painful Eruptions with Offensive Pus


Silicea is of great importance for angular Cheilitis where there are PAINFUL ERUPTIONS WITH OFFENSIVE PUS at the corners of the mouth.

Eruptions are very itchy in the daytime and evening. The affected area has copper-colored lesions.


Use Silicea in 200ch potency. Four drops on the tongue in the night every alternate day for 30 days.

9. PSORINUM – For Intolerable Itching


Psorinum is useful for cases where there is INTOLERABLE ITCHING at the corners of the mouth. Dryness is a prominent symptom. Eruptions are more likely to be crusty.

Pustules can be present in the affected area. Offensive lesions are a characteristic symptom that confirms the usefulness of Psorinum in a particular case.


Use Psorinum in 30ch potency. Four drops on the tongue twice daily for 30 days.

10. CALENDULA – For Refuse to Heal


Calendula is the most remarkable healing agent. Calendula should be used locally at the affected corners of the mouth.

It promotes rapid healing in cases of angular Cheilitis which REFUSE TO HEAL. Calendula will reduce the pus formation tendency.

The corners of the mouth will be yellow and painful. Calendula will also provide a soothing effect for the itch, burning cracks at the affected corners of the mouth and lips.


Use calendula in 30ch potency. Four drops on tongue thrice daily for 30 days.

Apply calendula Q, mother tincture form ( local application) 3 times a day.

11. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM – For Extremely Sore and Cracked


Arum triphyllum is a good remedy for angular Cheilitis where corners of the mouth are EXTREMELY SORE AND CRACKED.

Lips are often chapped. There is a constant burning sensation.

People continuously picking their lips until bleeding will be benefited from this remedy. Profuse salivation tendency is present.

The acrid and corroding saliva collects at the corners of the mouth leading to dryness, cracks, and eruptions.

The whole affected area is sore. Redness is a prominent symptom.


Use arum triphyllum in 30ch potency. Four drops in tongue thrice daily for 30 days.

12. SULPHUR – For Intense Itching


Sulphur is a well indicated where there is INTENSE ITCHING at the corners of the mouth which is not relieved by scratching.

Corners of the mouth become dry and scaly. Burning with an itching sensation that is worse by scratching and washing is a leading symptom to select sulphur.


Use sulphur in 200ch potency.

Four drops on the tongue empty stomach for 30 days.

13. ARSENIC ALBUM – For Burning


BURNING at the corners of the mouth is the key symptom to select the arsenic album for angular Cheilitis. The corners of the mouth are sore and raw.

Redness and swelling can be present. Eruptions at the corners of the mouth are rough and scaly. The discharge from the lesions is offensive.


Use arsenic album in 30ch potency. Four drops on tongue thrice daily for 30 days.

Read More About Arsenic Album.

14. BELLADONNA – For Dry and Hot Eruption


Belladonna is a well-indicated remedy for angular Cheilitis where the ERUPTIONS TENDS TO BECOME DRY AND HOT.

Sensitive lesions form at the corners of the mouth that burns. Alternate redness and paleness of the skin around the corners of the mouth can be present.


Use belladonna in 30ch potency. Four drops on tongue thrice daily for 30 days.

15. BRYONIA – For Dry and Cracked Lips


Bryonia can be helpful in cases where the LIPS ARE DRY AND CRACKED along with the dryness of the mouth.

Bitter taste in the mouth is a prominent feature. Smokers who suffer from angular Cheilitis can be from this remedy.

Lips tend to become black, cracked, and painful.


Use Bryonia in 30ch potency. Four drops on tongue thrice daily for 30 days.


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4 thoughts on “15 Best Homeopathic Remedy for Cracks in Corner of Mouth”

  1. Pranjal Kumar Choudhury

    Thank you Dr. Pranjali for providing very helpful and informative information. Keep up the good work 👍

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