Calendula Officinalis 30, 200, Tincture: Uses, Dosage, Benefits & Side Effects

Calendula Officinalis 30, 200, Tincture Uses, Dosage, Benefits Side Effects

Calendula Officinalis is an excellent homeopathic antiseptic. It is prepared from Calendula, commonly known as Marigold, belongs to the family Compositae.

The mother tincture is prepared from leaves and flowers together with blooms and buds.

It restores the vitality of the injured part. It is, therefore, suitable in all cases of injury where the skin is broken.

It prevents suppuration that is pus formation, and brings about healing promptly. Calendula officinalis is a great healing agent that one can use externally with excellent results on the skin.

It is one of the first ranked medicine in homeopathic Materia medica for surgical use in homeopathic first aid boxes.

Calendula Officinalis act on muscles, tendons, scalp, skin. Its action on muscles, tendons, nerves, the scalp produces a condition similar to damage to the continuity of the skin with suppuration.

Calendula officinalis has remarkable power to create local exudation and helps to make acrid discharge healthy and free.Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc.

It promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention. Hemostatic after tooth extraction. Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to the injury.

Calendula Officinalis Personality

Nervous people, their hearing is very acute, easily frightened, and tendency to startle suddenly highly irritable.

Constitutional tendency to erysipelas. Tendency to disfiguring scar formation after injury.

Extreme nervousness and restlessness accompany all the complaints.

Hands are cold to touch. Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp, wet weather.

Tendency to Paralysis after apoplexy. Cancer forming tendency of the individual.

The patient is exhausted from loss of blood and excessive pain.

Guiding Symptoms for Calendula Officinalis Uses

It is helpful in wounds that do not heal properly and take too long to heal or excessive scar formation.

Calendula officinalis is used in the healing of burns on the skin. Injuries that seem to be overly sensitive or painful compared to the extent of the injury.

The pain may be sharp. Wounds or injuries to the skin or gums that bleed excessively or become infected.

Skin irritation of the nipples during nursing. Chapped skin of the hands or lips.

Problems are often associated with restlessness or nervousness of the individual.

Calendula officinalis is useful in traumatic affections of extremities or skin. External wounds with or without loss of substance; torn and jagged looking wounds.

In Post-surgical operation, promote healthy granulation tissue formation and prevent excessive suppuration and disfiguring scars formation.

Traumatic and idiopathic neuroma; neuritis from lacerated injuries. Rupture of muscles or tendons; lacerations during labor; wounds penetrating articulations with loss of synovial fluids.

Wounds: with sudden pain during febrile heat; constitutional tendency to erysipelas; wounds that are old or neglected with an offensive smell; threatening gangrene formation.

Ulcers: irritable, inflamed, sloughing, varicose; painful as if beaten; excessive pus secretion.

Calendula is almost specific for clean, surgical cuts or lacerated wounds to prevent excessive suppuration indicating its antiseptic healing properties.

Calendula Officinalis Mind Symptoms

Irritability of senses due to accidental shock causing a cutting wound and bleeding from injured part.

Easily frightened; hearing acute, there is easy startling on slight sound.

Intense depression.

There was such a feeling that some overwhelming calamity was hovering over him, which was almost unbearable.

Uses of Calendula Officinalis

I will take you through all the body parts from toe to head.

You can match the symptoms and when you feel these symptoms are matched then you can take

Calendula Officinalis

1-Head Complaints

Headache in extremely nervous individuals gets easily frightened, tearing headaches on and off from getting scared after a bleeding injury.

Headache as if there is weight on the brain. There is the dullness of the head, as after a night’s celebration.

There is the heaviness of the head in the morning, as after a long illness.

There is pressure and a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head(occiput).

There is a headache and a feeling of heat in the forehead after a meal.

Flushes of heat on the forehead in the evening.

Inflammation of the white of the eyes, with pressure at times in the forehead or the temples on the sides of the head.

There is a headache only when lying down.

Submaxillary glands are swollen and painful to touch. Pain in the right side of the neck.

They lacerated scalp wounds like a blow to the head by cutting objects with fresh red-colored blood oozing out in spurts.

2-Eyes Complaints

Injuries to the eyes tend to be suppuration after operations—inflammation and blocking of the lachrymal sac of eyes with pus and waste discharge from the sac.

There is dryness in the margins of the eyes at times; there is a biting sensation in the margins of the lids.

The sensation of biting as from smoke.

3-Ears Complaints

There is a deafness in the ear which is worse in damp surroundings and is accompanied by eczematous conditions.

Hears best on a train are noticed when traveling, and one can listen to distant sounds—hearing too acute.

Starts with a fright.

Deafness is worse from drinking water in damp weather.

4-Nose Complaints

Calendula officinalis can be used in cleaning water for bleeding injury to the nose with bright red blood coming out.

Calendula will heal the cut injury when used in a liquid form diluted with a small portion of clean water.

Coryza in one nostril another nostril is clear—blocked nose with much green discharge.

5-Mouth Complaints

There is small vesicles formation in the corner of the mouth.

Calendula liquid drops added to water can be used to gargle in case of tongue damage following dental intervention to the mouth, where there is an offensive smell from the mouth.

The gums decay with slough formation in the mouth.

Following the dental intervention, there is an infection in the mouth.

There is increased sensitivity of gums and teeth in such cases.

Calendula gargles will work towards arresting the infection. It is an excellent hemostatic in tooth extractions.

It prevents suppuration and pyemia after dental extraction.

Drinking water causes a shaking chill,hyper-sensitiveness of teeth, even during the heat.

6-Face Complaints

The face has a yellowish jaundice look, indicative of liver inflammation as happens in jaundice.

Calendula officinalis has been successfully used in treating jaundice.

Face cream form of calendula officinalis helps remove scar marks left after injury.

Calendula Officinalis cream helps in acne- marks left after acne burst and leave marks on face during puberty or in females having menstrual disturbances.

7-Throat Complaints

In the throat, the submaxillary glands are painful to the touch, with sensation as if swollen or submaxillary glands are swollen.

In the throat, there is a sensation as if ulcerated in the interior.

There is drawing sensation and tension in the submaxillary glands when moving the head.

There is a constant sensation of pressure in the esophagus during deglutition of food from pain in the submaxillary glands.

There is a bitter-slimy taste in the throat even though the food has a natural flavor.

8-Chest Complaints

In Calendula officinalis, there is drawing pressure in the left side of the chest, when standing, also in the sternum, along with stitches in the right side of the chest.

In the evening that is retiring time when lying in bed.

Calendula Officinalis gives excellent results from its use as a hot compress in pneumonia and other internal inflammations of the lungs leading to a sensation of congestion in the chest.

Cough, with green expectoration, hoarseness of voice, with enlargement of the inguinal ring.

9-Heart Complaints

Rheumatic affections of the heart with drawing pain only on the motion.

Great tendency to start, with great nervousness and extreme sensitiveness of hearing.

There is drowsiness with ill-humor and delirium; restlessness at night, constant waking-up in sleep.

Frequent micturition and drinking cause shaking of the body and uneasiness in every position, whether sitting or standing or lying down.

Heartburns with horrible palpitations fluttering the body and sinking feeling when the heartbeat increases.

Idiopathic affections of the heart with drawing pain unleashed motion give this modality: worse in cloudy weather.

Drinking causes a shaking chill or creeping crawls, even during the hot climate.

10-Stomach Complaints

There is hunger immediately after nursing in new mothers.

There is bulimia, an eating disorder in which a person fasts at times and then overeats.

This causes a feeling of nausea or purging.

Heartburn with horrible palpitations.

Nausea and Vomiting with a sinking sensation in the stomach.

There is epigastric distention with gas in the stomach.

At times there is diminished appetite at dinner, although he relishes his food. There are hiccoughs when smoking.

11-Abdomen Complaints

There is a boring and digging deep type of feeling in the umbilical region.

It was sticking in the left side of the abdomen during movement, going off during rest.

There are stools in the morning, accompanied by a feverish feeling and chilliness preceded by pinching and uneasiness in the abdomen.

12-Rectum Complaints

One can add Calendula Officinalis in tincture form to sitz bath in treating fissures of the rectum.

Where there are cuts in the anus causing a raw sensation and intense pain in the rectum on sitting and standing.

It is helpful in cases of piles that bleed; there is fresh red blood, which can be used as an antiseptic in the form of ointment.

13-Urinary Complaints

In Calendula officinalis, there is frequent micturition, with the emission of pale, clear, hot urine.

Even burning urination is present at times.

There are tears in the urethra during the chilliness.

Urinary problems are worse in damp, wet weather.

14-Male Reproductive System Complaints

Not many symptoms related to the male genital tract are present.

Still, one can use it externally on the skin in the form of antiseptic ointment for ulcers that occur in syphilis or fungal other bacterial affections of genito-urinary tracts.

Hyper- sensitiveness of sexual organs, as a result, the person is nervous, quickly starts and frightened.

15-Female Reproductive System Complaints

Calendula officinalis is helpful for warts at the os externum.

Menses are suppressed, with cough. Chronic endocervicitis.

Uterine hypertrophy, a sensation of weight and fullness in the pelvis; stretching and dragging in the groin; pain on sudden movements.

Os is lower than natural. Menorrhagia.

In obstetric practice, it is invaluable.

The application of a sponge saturated with a hot solution of Calendula after delivery gives the most excellent comfort to the patient.

There are nodosities in the breast.

16-Skin Complaints

Skin looks yellow; wound looks like goose-flesh.

Promotes favorable cicatrization, with the least amount of suppuration.

Slough, proud flesh, and raised edges. Superficial burns and scalds on the skin.

In Erysipelas, it is used topically.

The particular kind of wounds indicating its use are lacerated wounds and suppurating wounds.

It is a homeopathic antiseptic as it restores the vitality of an injured part. It is, therefore, suitable for all cases of injury where the skin is broken.

In some instances of carbuncle, it acts with great promptitude, subduing pain and fever.

Hot Calendula lotions are generally preferable to cold ones, as they conserve the vitality of the injured parts.

Hot Calendula fomentations, intermittently applied, are far better than poultices as applications to forming abscesses on the skin surface.

Calendula officinalis do not abort the process. It favors the maturation and ultimate healing of the cut wound.

17-Back Complaints

There is tearing with pressure between the scapulae.

Pain under the right scapula as if ulcerated and bruised, with anxiety.

Rheumatic affections of the back withdraw in the right side of the neck, worse when bending the neck over to one side and raising the arm.

The gout of the spinal cord, making the patient challenging to walk and move about.

Sitting gives no relief, worse in damp, cloudy weather.

18-Hands Complaints

The axillary glands are painful to the touch.

This causes sensitivity to be touched—pressure and drawing tension in hand and the wrist joints during rest.

There is tearing and burning in the arms when sitting—spasmodic drawing in the inner border of the arms when sitting.

19-Legs Complaints

There is pressure and drawing tension in the legs and the tarsal joints.

During rest has to move around.

Tearing burning in the calf muscles when sitting forces the patient to move around.

Spasmodic drawing in the inner border of the foot when sitting.

20-Fever Complaints

Calendula officinalis is most useful in jaundice fever, where the skin looks yellow.

There is the coldness of body, great sensitiveness to open air; shuddering in back, skin feels warm to touch.

Heat in the evening, give it internally (in the 3x) as well as externally.

Calendula has very definite fever symptoms. Cases of jaundice have been treated with it.

Some of the signs in fever state are irritability; easily frightened, a great tendency to start, nervousness hearing very acute.

Drinking aggravates all the senses; coldness, and great sensitiveness to the open air, the whole morning.

He is shuddering in the back, with pressure in the region of the last true rib of the left side and movements in the stomach and abdomen as if he would faint.

Shuddering and goose-flesh, although the skin feels warm to the touch.

Feverish chilliness in the hands and feet, the whole morning, with rheumatic fever there is drawing and pressure in the entire body, and pain in the ribs as if pressed together and bruised, after sitting.

Heat in the afternoon, with frequent thirst, chilliness, and shiverings intermixed, particularly after drinking.

Heat in the evening, with the coldness of the head and hands, intermingled with shaking and accompanied with an aversion to drinks.

Feeling of warmth in the face, hands, and feet, after a meal, succeeded by thirst.

When in bed, tremendous heat is accompanied by moisture on the feet, burning in the evening.

Great heat the whole morning, with copious sweat, feeling of sinking in the chest and burning in the axillae.

Calendula Officinalis Modalities

Modalities are the factors which, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

Worse, in damp, heavy, cloudy weather.

Ameliorated By

Better by moving arms and legs better by walking around cannot sit at one place.

Relationship with Other Medicines

Complementary Remedy:

This remedy completes the process of cure that is started by the first medicine given.

Complements to Calendula officinalis are– Hep. sulph

Similar Remedy:

These remedies have many similarities in action but are different in origin, which means the source from which the medicine is prepared is another.

Medicines similar to Calendula officinalis are Hypericum Perforatum, Symphytum officinale.

Follows Well Remedy:

These medicines follow the previous treatment in action, thus aiding in cure.

Remedies that follow well are:- Arsenicum album.

Followed Well By:

These are medicines given after the first medicine finished its action.

Calendula officinalis is followed well by Arn., Hep. Before prescribing calendula officinalis, it should be compared with Arn., Ars., Bry., Calc. sulfur., Carb. an., Carb. v., Ham., Hep., Hyper., Led., Nit. ac., Pho., Rhus, Ruta, Salic. ac., Sul. ac., Symph.

It is Compatible with: Arn., Ars., Bry., Nit. ac., Phos., Rhus.


When there appear of new symptoms, one should study the new symptoms combined with the old one, and a second remedy covering more of these new symptoms is given. This second remedy is the antidote.

Calendula Officinalis is antidoted by: Arnica; Camphora.

Calendula Officinalis antidotes Chelidonium Majus.

Calendula Officinalis Dosage & Potency

Dosage and potency of the medicine depend on the individual case.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on symptom similarity, where the symptoms narrated by the patient are somewhat similar to the guiding symptoms of the medicine.

A totality of symptoms is formed by your homeopathic doctor, and medicine similar to the disease condition is given, the more exact similarity the early the process of cure.

Calendula Officinalis 30C Usage:

Lower potency is given when very few symptoms match the medicine to that of the patient.

These symptoms help doctors to diagnose the disease condition only.

There are fewer symptoms of Calendula Officinalis.

Lower potencies require frequent repetition, 3-4 times a day, till the expected result is seen.

Calendula Officinalis 200C Usage:

This is considered higher potency; they are given when the majority of mental symptoms and physical symptoms of Calendula Officinalis match.

Higher potencies are advisable to be not repeated very often.

They act for a long duration of days, so the second dose is repeated every 7-days or every 15-days once.

On giving 200C potency, it’s advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside.

Calendula Officinalis 1M Usage:

This is very high potency. One should give it only after careful case analysis.

All medicinal symptoms of Calendula Officinalis and that given by the patient match ideally.

One should not repeat 1 M potency. It is given 30 days once and waiting for symptoms to disappear.

Calendula Officinalis Mother Tincture Usage:

When applied locally, Calendula Officinalis in tincture form gives a good result in all wounds but should not be applied hot.

It is used in external wounds and lacerations, with or without loss of substance. It can be applied externally on the skin as it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

It is to be used diluted with water for abrasions or cuts present on the skin surface. Mouth gargles in wounds after tooth extraction.

Calendula Officinalis 3X/6X Usage:

This lower potency of Calendula Officinalis works well as a therapeutic dose for fever.

Very useful in the treatment of jaundice fever. Repeated intake 3-4 times a day is advised.

Clinical Indications of Calendula Officinalis

  1. Access
  2. Burns
  3. Carbuncles
  4. Chilblains
  5. Eye inflammations
  6. Glandular affections
  7. Injuries
  8. Suppurations
  9. Ulcers
  10. Wounds
  11. Gangrene

Side Effects of Calendula Officinalis

Clinically no significant side effect of Calendula Officinalis in homeopathic potentized form is noted.

If the patient is allergic to its ingredients, overuse in an external application can cause dermatitis.

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