Chelidonium Majus 30, 200: Uses, Dosage, Benefits & Side Effects

Chelidonium Majus 30, 200 Uses, Dosage, Benefits Side Effects

Chelidonium Majus is an essential remedy in Homeopathy for liver affections.

The remedy is prepared from the flowering plant belonging to the Papaveraceae family.

It is commonly known as Greater Calendine. The plant is native to Europe and Western Asia and is also found abundantly in North America.

Chelidonium Majus Mind Symptoms/Personality

Chelidonium is a remedy used therapeutically. As such, the person requiring this remedy will present as a jaundiced person with yellow, wrinkled skin.

He will be in great agony and will be sluggish and unable to do any activity.

Chelidonium is also an excellent remedy for liver complaints in pregnant women.

The person is exhausted mentally. She is opposed to any conversation or activities that require mental acumen.

She is restless and sad. She feels like constantly crying, with or without reason.

She will also display anxiety, there is a fear as if she has committed a crime, and with all the anxiety about it, she fears she may go crazy.

Chelidonium Majus Uses

I will take you through all the body parts from toe to head.

You can match the symptoms and when you feel these symptoms are matched then you can take Chelidonium Majus

1-Head Complaints

The headache is associated with liver complaints. The headache travels backward to the occiput.

The region between the occiput and the nape of the neck is icy cold to touch. Vertigo begins at the occiput and is aggravated with closing the eyes.

Neuralgia is seen over the right eye, right cheekbone, and right ear.

2-Eyes Complaints

The whites of the eyes are of a dirty yellow color. Upon looking intently at something, the eyes start watering.

The eyeballs feel sore, the soreness if felt more while looking up.

The person complains of dazzling white spots seen before the eyes. Lacrimation is associated with tickling in the larynx.

3-Ears Complaints

The person complains of loss of hearing during cough.

He will say that he hears a loud whooshing sound rushing through both the ears or feeling like something is crawling out of his ears.

4-Nose Complaints

The tip of the nose is swollen and reddish. It gives the nose a bulbous look.

Whenever the liver complaints turn up, the nose gets obstructed.

The keynote symptom seen in Chelidonium is the flapping of the alae nasi.

5-Face Complaints

The face is shriveled and sunken.

The forehead, nose and cheeks have a yellowish tinge to them.

The right cheekbone feels broken; there is a tearing pain felt there.

The face shows a lot of nodular eruptions. Flushes of heat are handled in the face.

6-Mouth Complaints

The mouth has a bitter taste.

There is excessive salivation. The saliva tastes like bile.

On inspection, the tongue appears large and floppy.

It is swollen and shows an imprint of the teeth. The tongue is yellow.

7-Throat Complaints

In Chelidonium, we see a characteristic symptom of choking that is aggravated by breathing.

The person has to sit still and not breathe for a few seconds until the sensation goes away.

The choking sensation is brought on by swallowing quickly or if a large morsel has been swallowed.

Goitre, interestingly, is seen on the left side.

8-Chest and Respiratory Complaints

The right side of the chest is painful.

There is a deep-seated soreness in the entire right side.

The lower ribs on the right side are especially painful.

9-Heart Complaints

There is stitching pain in the pectoral muscles.

The pain extends to the back, under the scapula. Palpitations occur periodically and are very violent.

The entire chest tightens during an episode of palpitation.

10-Stomach Complaints

The person craves milk the most.

The desire for hot food and hot water is seen as these substances relieve his symptoms.

The nausea is better after drinking milk.

Drinking hot water after vomiting makes him feel better. Hot food helps relieve gastric pain.

There is a sensation of a plugin in the stomach. The person does not like meat, coffee and cheese.

11-Abdominal Complaints

The epigastric region is incredibly tender to touch.

Pain in the liver goes all the way to the right scapula. The liver pain is felt at the inferior angle of the right scapula.

Chelidonium is used for all complaints of the liver and gallstones.

Obstructive and non-obstructive jaundice, gall stone obstruction, liver affections due to alcohol abuse, biliary tract obstruction and all such conditions are well covered by Chelidonium.

The stools are pale, clay-colored and pasty. Alternatively, they may be like hard balls in appearance.

Diarrhea and constipation alternate between each other. The navel is drawn in during colic.

There is a lot of pain in the abdomen. The person says that an animal is crawling inside his stomach.

12-Rectum Complaints

There is itching felt in the rectum. There is a sensation as if something is crawling around the rectum.

Diarrhea alternates with constipation. The diarrhea is seen mainly at night.

The stools are clay-colored, are pasty and contain a lot of mucus.

In constipation, the stools are hard, ball-like and brown. Straining for stool causes protrusion of the hemorrhoids.

After stools, there is cutting pain and burning sensation around the anus.

13-Urinary Complaints

There is immense pressure on the bladder with a strong urge to pass urine, but there is a very scanty emission on trying.

While passing urine, there is a cutting pain in the urethra.

The urine is white and foamy. Upon standing a while, it turns turbid and dark red.

Whenever there are liver issues, associated pain in the right kidney is seen.

14-Male Organs Complaints

The right testicle is swollen.

There is a pulling sensation as if the testis is being drawn inwards.

There are a lot of eruptions on the scrotum and anal region.

15-Female Organs Complaints

Chelidonium is a good remedy for pregnant ladies with gastric and hepatic troubles.

It works well for lactating women with diminished milk secretion.

The menses are delayed. It comes too late, and the flow lasts too long.

There is a pain in the right ovarian region during menses.

16-Neck & Back Complaints

The neck is very stiff. The region from the nape of the neck to the occiput is icy cold during headaches.

Under the right scapula, pain in the right side of the back is the characteristic symptom seen in Chelidonium.

This pain is constant and fixed. It is felt acutely when the person bends forwards or downwards.

There is acute pain, as f the vertebrae are being pulled together and crushed.

17-Hands Complaints

The right shoulder is stiff and painful.

The range of movements is severely restricted. There is tearing pain while the shoulder is being used.

Pain is felt in the forearm. The wrist is swollen and painful. Tips of the fingers are icy cold to touch.

Rheumatism of wrist and finger joints is seen. The slightest touch is excruciatingly painful.

18-Legs Complaints

There is shooting pain in the hips, especially the right hip.

The pain shoots to the thighs and calves. The legs feel heavy.

There is a lot of swelling seen around the ankles.

he heels ache terribly as if they have been into shoes that are two sizes smaller for a very long time.

The person cannot feel his toes; they feel dead.

Neuralgic pains shoot from the hips to the calves. The lower limbs are floppy and lifeless.

19-Skin Complaints

The skin looks sunken and shriveled. It has a brownish yellow hue and is dirty to look at.

There is intense burning in patches, like nettle-rash. This is followed by tiny, red eruptions that resemble milary rash.

The bumps are painful and are seen mainly on the neck, chest, and arms.

This remedy is helpful for chronic, long-standing eczema and ugly-looking ulcers that spread quickly on the touch.

20-Fever Complaints

Every time he gets a fever, the person will say that the attack is preceded by intense yawning.

The chill stage shows the icy coldness of the right foot.

Violent shivering occurs at around 3 pm every day. A sorrowful and anxious mood characterizes the heat stage.

The head is boiling to touch, the cheeks are hot and turn a dark red shade.

The heat starts on the hands and spreads to the entire body. The skin all over the body is moist.

The person feels nauseous and suffocated. He is unable to breathe. He can feel his heart pounding the blood.

Chelidonium Majus Modalities

Modalities are the factors which, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.

They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.

Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.

It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.

Aggravated By

The conditions or factors that aggravate or worsen the symptoms and sufferings  are –

-Right side



-Change of weather

-Early in the morning

Amelioration By– 

-Hard pressure

-After dinner

Chelidonium Majus Relationship with Other Medicines

Complementary RemediesLycopodium

It is Antidoted byAconite, Camphor, Chamomilla

It AntidotesBryonia

It is Followed Well by-Sulphur

It Follows WellArsenicum Album

Chelidonium Majus Dosage & Potency

Choosing the correct dose of a remedy and its repetition depends upon the disease condition that has to be treated.

When the remedy is indicated in a chronic condition, i.e., The person has been suffering from the condition for an extended period and is already showing advanced pathology, it is safer to give lower doses like 30c.

In conditions where the symptom totality is highly accurate and several peculiar, queer, rare and strange symptoms of the remedy are seen, we can go for higher potencies like 200c, 1M or 10M.

Frequent repetition with higher doses is not generally advocated. The more the symptom similarity, the lesser number of repetitions that are required.

Chelidonium Majus is used primarily as a therapeutic remedy for an acute totality. Depending on how well the symptoms match the presenting disease condition and the availability of peculiar and rare symptoms, the ideal dose would be 30c to 200c.

Repetition has to be frequent as we will be using it more on a symptom similarity basis on a physical level without involving much of the mental plane.

Homeopathic remedies are powerful and profound acting. They have to be prescribed with utmost care and judiciousness.

Chelidonium 30C-

This is a potency reserved for cases where the medicine is required in a purely therapeutic dose. The symptoms presented by the patient help the doctor to make a diagnosis of the disease, but they show less matching with the symptoms of the remedy as such.

This dose needs to be repeated frequently, like 3 to 4 times a day.

One may dissolve the pills or the dilution in water and consume as per the doctor’s advice.

Chelidonium 200C

This potency should be used when the symptoms of the remedy match well with the person’s symptoms. This potency calls for a lot of symptoms peculiar to Chelidonium to be present.

200C is repeated infrequently. After administering the first dose, it is advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside. Repeating has to be done only till the symptoms disappear.

Chelidonium 1M

This is a dose that is rarely used in the case of Chelidonium Majus. It would require a significant amount of skills on the part of the homeopathic physician in terms of understanding the patient and the remedy.

Chelidonium Majus Side Effects

Chelidonium is made from the plant belonging to the Papaveraceae family. The active ingredients are diluted to such an extent that all the toxicity is removed, and the curative properties are enhanced.

This is done by the process called Potentization. This process of potentization is the hallmark of homeopathy.

Due to this process, the remedies are said to be gentle, safe, and effective and with no side effects.

However, there may be cases that qualify to be called ‘side-effects Chelidonium.’

These cases happen when-

1. The medicine has been given incorrectly.

2. The medicine has been given in a dose higher than what was required.

3. The medicine has been repeated more often than was required.

4. The person is extremely sensitive physically.

So how does one come to know of the side effects?

For this, one has to keep a watch on the symptoms. If they worsen after being ameliorated for a while, it means that the remedy has been repeated unnecessarily. Ideally, wait for the person to ride out the symptoms if they are not too severe. If the person cannot bear the complaints, it is advisable to antidote Chelidonium with a suitable remedy.

It is also advisable to keep a lookout for the following-

1. Auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus are aggravated due to the use of Chelidonium. If you notice an increase in the symptoms of wrist pain, pain in the fingers, or if the urine appears murky and turbid, it indicates that the medicine needs to be stopped.

2. Liver affections and symptoms of the same as pasty, brown stools, yellow sclera and skin tone, gall stone colic are all indications for Chelidonium. But an increase in these symptoms or any new development of such symptoms is an indication to stop the remedy.

3. The medicine, if taken in the raw plant form, has the potential to increase the flow of bile, thereby leading to obstruction and formation of stones.

4. Greater celandine, as Chelidonium is commonly known, can potentially cause hindrance to the formation and discharge of milk in lactating women.

5. The medicine in raw form, or large doses, is toxic to the liver and can cause acute hepatitis.

6. If you take medicines to control the immune response in auto-immune diseases, then use Chelidonium with utmost care. Chelidonium is known to make the body’s immune response super active, and in doing so, it hampers the effectiveness of the medicine.

Clinical Indications of Chelidonium Majus-


2.Obstructive Jaundice

3.Biliary obstruction

4.Cholelithiasis or Gall stone colic

5.Right-sided neuralgia


7.Headaches associated with liver troubles

8.Gastric and liver complaints during pregnancy



11.Whooping cough

12.Cholestatic Jaundice

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