13 Best Homeopathic Remedy for Diarrhea: Causes & Symptoms


A homeopathic remedy for Diarrhea is a natural treatment without any side effects.  It is beneficial for all age groups, including small children to old adults.

Diarrhea is a widespread complaint, and each of us must have gone through it.  And, we must have tried the various cure & management for it.

Today in this article, I will explain the details of Diarrhea, its primary causes, symptoms, types, risk factors, management, and the best homeopathic remedy to cure different types of Diarrhea.

So, Let’s get started !!

What is Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is derived from the Greek word Diarrhea which means flowing through. Passage of 3 or more loose watery stools 24 hours is said to be Diarrhea.

The consistency of loose stool is such that it takes the shape of the container. If a person passes frequent stools of normal consistency, then it is not Diarrhea.

Also, exclusively breastfed babies tend to pass frequent loose sticky stools that are normal and are not characterized as Diarrhea.

People of any age can get Diarrhea, but mainly affects children under two years old.  It can last for several days and leave the body without salts and water in the body needed for survival.

Diarrhea is the second leading cause for the death of children under five years of age.

Types of Diarrhea

Based on Time –

Acute Diarrhea: If it persists for less than two weeks is said to be acute Diarrhea. Onset is sudden, and there will be no mucus or blood in stools.

Persistent Diarrhea: If it persists for 2-4 weeks is said to be persistent Diarrhea.

Chronic Diarrhea: If it continues for more than four weeks is called chronic Diarrhea.

Based on Clinical Diagnosis –

Acute watery Diarrhea:

  • This is the most commonly observed in clinics that presents a recent onset.
  • It’s usually self-limiting and subsides within seven days. But dehydration can be a severe complication.
  • Rotavirus and Vibrio cholera are the primary culprits.

Acute bloody Diarrhea:

  • This is also called Dysentery as blood is mixed with stools.
  • This occurs because bacteria damage the intestine muscles. Sepsis and dehydration are the complications arising due to Dysentery.

Based on Physiology –

Inflammatory Diarrhea: – This happens when there is damage to the mucosa of the intestine. There is an excessive loss of protein-rich fluid, and the ability to absorb them back is decreased.

Secretory Diarrhea: This happens when the essential salts present in the body are pushed in the intestine, and it causes water to build up. e.g. E. coli infection

Osmotic Diarrhea: Osmotic Diarrhea happens when the food you eat remains in the intestine and water is not absorbed correctly. This excess water can cause stools to be more liquid than reliable.

Exudative Diarrhea: This happens when blood and pus are passed in the stool. The cause can be varied from inflammatory diseases to bacterial infection and even food poisoning.

Motility related: This happens when the food ingested is rapidly moved through the intestine without giving it time to absorb sufficient water and nutrients

Causes of Diarrhea

Viruses: – Rotavirus is one of the major culprits that cause Diarrhea and others, including cytomegalovirus, Norwalk virus, and viral hepatitis.

Bacteria and parasites: – Bacteria like salmonella, shigella, E. coli enter the body through contaminated water and food.

Certain medications: Medicines like antibiotics, antidepressants, antacids, medicines used to treat cancer can cause Diarrhea.

Fructose: Some people are intolerant to fructose which gets into the intestine and bacteria’s ferment, leading to the release of hydrogen and methane gas. This causes pain, bloating, and Diarrhea.

Lactose intolerance: This is mostly seen in babies who are intolerant to lactose. Lactose causes to build up water in the intestine leading to loose, watery stools.

Artificial sweeteners: This is similar to fructose as it’s poorly absorbed.

Surgery: – Bacterial overgrowth at the site of surgery is one of the major causes.

Digestive disorders: – Like inflammatory bowel disease, e.g., Crohn’s disease.

Alcohol abuse, Allergies to a certain food, Diabetes, and Overactive thyroid

Risk Factors of Diarrhea

Infants who are not exclusively breastfed are introduced to bottles very early.

Following poor hygienic practices. Lack of immunization

Malnutrition, People are already suffering from a significant illness like HIV, Cancer.

Vitamin A and Z deficiency.

Symptoms of Diarrhea

Loose, watery stools

Abdominal cramps and pain


Blood in stool

Mucus in stool



Urge to clear the bowel immediately.

Dehydration: Dehydration is the outcome of severe Diarrhea which if left untreated can be fatal. Mild to moderate dehydration presents with the following symptoms:

  • The patient has a dry mouth and develops intense thirst.
  • Skin becomes dry and cold.
  • Urine becomes dark yellow in color and frequency and quantity are reduced.
  • There are mild headaches and cramps in the muscles.
  • Rapid heartbeat with rapid breathing is noted.
  • Sleepiness with confusion and irritability.
  • They develop sunken eyes, and there might be absolutely no pee.
  • In some instances, they might faint.
  • Loss of elasticity of the skin is marked.

Diagnosis of Diarrhea

Laboratory investigations will help us to know probably what is the cause of Diarrhea.

Complete blood count: This will help to know if there is any other disorder or illness, which is the cause of Diarrhea.

Stool test: This will help detect the presence of bacteria, parasites, or protozoans responsible for Diarrhea.

Tests are done to find out if you are allergic to a certain kind of food. Stool culture helps to detect exactly which bacteria or parasite is the cause.

A liver function test will detect albumin levels and if there is a protein loss in stool. Imaging or USG can be done if there is any structural damage in the intestine.

In very advanced stages, colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy is done.

Management of Diarrhea

The most crucial aim is to replace the lost amount of fluids from the body. Hence, you need to drink more water, but water doesn’t contain all the salts’ beverage intake like juices, coconut water, etc.

ORS (oral rehydration solution) is also one of the best options to replace electrolytes. If the patient has nausea or vomiting after fluids intake, then Intravenous administration of fluids is advised.

One should consume fruit juices without adding sugar. Consume high potassium foods like coconut water and banana.

Consume high sodium foods like soups, broth, and salted crackers. You must avoid high fiber intake food and avoiding foods that trigger Diarrhea is essential.

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is a must. Drinking clean, filtered, and boiled water. Vegetables, fruits must be thoroughly washed, and vegetables must be well cooked.

One must follow hygiene practices like washing hands before eating, after toilet usage. Conservative line of treatment administers antibiotics, antiemetics and treatment would be symptomatic.

Homeopathic Medicines for Diarrhea

In cases of acute Diarrhea, every detail of symptoms is essential in prescribing the remedy.

E.g., the stool is less after eating and worsens after drinking milk.

Whether it’s painful or painless, all these play an essential role in the selection of remedies.

In chronic cases, a complete history in detail and history and family history considered in total along with the general state of the patient will help in prescribing Constitutional remedy.

1- ARSENIC ALBUM: Diarrhea due to food poisoning


Complaints begin after eating decayed food or animal matter (spoiled meat). Diarrhea can begin after eating ice, a low diet, watery fruits, tobacco, alcohol abuse, etc.

The abdomen is swollen and painful. They experience burning pains like coals of fire which they feel better by heat.

Stools are dark and offensive, and the patient becomes much prostrated. Patient experiences extreme physical weakness which is more in comparison to the degree of disease.

Stool frequency increases at night and after eating and drinking. In the case of Dysentery, stools are dark with blood and very offensive.

Arsenic album also gets indicated in Cholera where the patient has intense pain, tiredness and increased thirst and stools are rice watery and foul-smelling.

These complaints recur every year. Because of Diarrhea patient can have a gradual loss of weight. The pain patient has no rest anywhere and he rolls about on the floor.

The patient cannot bear the smell or sight of food in front of him. He wants to drink water but cannot drink much, so he takes a sip frequently.


200C 4 pills after every stool till symptoms get better.


2-VERATRUM ALBUM: Diarrhea with cold sweat


The patient cannot eat any fruits. Abdomen gets painfully distended after eating fruits.  Their appetite is such that they can eat a large quantity of food.

The patient has burned in the pit of the stomach. They have a sinking sensation in the abdomen. They have either a burning sensation or a cold feeling in the abdomen.

Stools are watery, green and odorless, and even colorless. They pass stools in large quantities with straining. This happens till they get exhausted and are attended with cold sweat.

These patients get Diarrhea from drinking cold water on hot days. Veratrum can help infants affected with Cholera.

With this Diarrhea, patients have cutting pain as if the bowels were twisted in knots, and together comes cramps in limbs with rapid physical weakness.

The abdomen becomes sensitive to pressure and is swollen with terrible pain. Cold sweat on the forehead is the marked symptom that one can never miss.


200C is the best potency in this state and can be repeated till improvement has been noticed.


3-CINCHONA OFFICINALIS: Diarrhea with weakness


If you notice that a person is wholly debilitated due to profuse Diarrhea then Cinchona is the remedy.  The patient becomes weak, oversensitive, and nervous, and everything upsets him it may be light, noise, odor, or pain.

After the severe loss of body fluids, there are chances that the patient might develop edema that is an accumulation of fluid in organs.

The patient gets pain in the abdomen, which is better only after bending double. They even feel a heat sensation in the stomach as if hot water is running down.

In Diarrhea stools are involuntary. Stools contain undigested food material. They are dark, offensive, watery with blood, and painless.

Stools frequency increases at night, after meals, after eating fruits, after drinking milk or beer, and in hot weather.

Cinchona is an excellent remedy for Diarrhea in children. It is indicated in children if they develop Diarrhea after weaning.

In chronic Diarrhea, children become drowsy, pupils are dilated, the body becomes cold, especially chin and nose, and their respiration rate increases.

Debility leads to a state of abnormal mental excitement or irritation. Cinchona is very rarely indicated in the beginning stages of acute disease.


30C in frequent repetitive doses till improvement is seen.

4- SULPHUR: Early morning painless Diarrhea


The patient gets pain in the abdomen after eating or drinking, and it makes him bend double. The pain worsens after eating sweets. The patient has to rush in the morning if he has to evacuate his bowels during Diarrhea.

The smell of the stool follows him the entire day as if he has soiled himself. Stools are foul-smelling, greyish, frothy, and painless, and it worsens after drinking milk.

In case of frequent Diarrhea in infants, you might notice that infants develop a pale face, sweat profusely with half their eyes open, and don’t pass urine.

They develop spasms in limbs. In children, stool escapes while sneezing or laughing with the emission of flatus.


Best results are obtained in 200C and higher potencies, but not to be repeated too often.

5-ALOES SOCOTRINA: Diarrhea with watery stools


When you happen to hear all the rumbling and gurgling in your stomach during Diarrhea then ALOE is the remedy for you.

There is always sudden urging to pass stool with a sense of insecurity (feels he would pass now) and hurriedly passes gushing watery stool.

But he isn’t sure whether he would pass gas or stool. Stool escapes with flatus while he is urinating.

They experience pain in the rectum with Diarrhea after passing stool. Stools are mushy, lumpy, watery, and have a jelly-like consistency.

They pass solid stools involuntarily. Whenever there is an urge to pass stool but only passes flatus. They pass a lot of mucus after passing watery stools.

Stool and flatus are hot. These patients get Diarrhea from beer.


200C after every stool till one can give improvement

6-CROTON TIGLIUM: Diarrhea after light eating and drinking


The patient has constant urging to pass stool and evacuates suddenly. They have a swashing sensation in their intestine.

They pass copious watery stool with much force it’s shot out. They have a gurgling sensation in the intestine.

These patients tend to pass stool on even drinking little water or eating a little. It’s an excellent remedy for patients whose mucous membranes of the intestines are affected, causing Diarrhea.

Patient experiences pain in navel which causes pain in the rectum, and then they have an urge for stool. Pain in the abdomen gets better by drinking hot milk for some.

Croton tig works well for those having Diarrhea in summer and also for infants suffering from Cholera.


200C is the best potency to be used 

7-RHEUM: Diarrhea in children


This remedy is being used frequently in children who have acidic Diarrhea.  These children have difficult dentition. The whole child smells sour.

Before passing stool, patients get the unsuccessful urge to pass urine. While passing stools patient has severe shivering, has to strain with burning in the rectum. Stools smell sour and are pasty in appearance.

Rheum is indicated in children screaming and crying due to colic (pain in the abdomen).

In the dentition phase, the child is exceptionally cranky and screaming due to pain in the abdomen, and they have to bend to relieve. These pains get worse on being uncovering body parts.

Then they pass pappy, sour, brown, green, fermented, slimy, or acrid stools. Symptoms worsen on eating unripe fruits and in the evening.

Rheum is a perfect medicine for jaundice which occurs after eating unripe fruits and stools are white. These children require little food and sleep.


200C is the safest potency for children. one can do repetition as per the call of symptoms

8-PODOPHYLLUM: Diarrhea with watery stools


Podophyllum is indicated in gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is an infection of the intestine caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites.

The patient experiences severe pain in the abdomen due to wind and bile (which is secreted from the gallbladder) is also vomited along with food.

The stool is copious and painless and is watery with jelly-like mucus. They are offensive. And sometimes even green in appearance. Podophyllum is indicated in the infant’s Cholera.

Adults have chronic Diarrhea, especially in the early morning with hot glowing cheeks while bathing, hot weather, and after eating acidic fruits.

Constipation alternates with Diarrhea. Patients even experience headaches that alternate with Diarrhea. Along with painless stool, they have violent cramps in feet, calves, and thighs.

In chronic Diarrhea which is of longstanding patients has early morning loose stools that continue in the afternoon, and by the time it’s evening, it becomes routine. This is associated with weakness and a sinking sensation in the abdomen.

Children get Diarrhea during teething and while bathing. Their diaper is soaked with these dirty watery stools. They even pass yellow undigested meal-like sediment.


200C potency in 4-5 pills after every stool.

9-MERCURIUS: Diarrhea with tenesmus


The patient passes greenish, bloody, and slimy stools with pain and tenesmus. Tenesmus is cramping rectal pain.

It gives a feeling that you need to pass stool even if you have already done it. And you might even have to strain harder to pass a small amount of stool during a bowel movement.

Symptoms worsen at night. They always have never get done feeling.

The stool is accompanied by severe chilliness and a sick stomach and cutting pain in the abdomen. They sometimes even pass whitish-grey stool.

Mercurius gets indicated in Dysentery as well where the patient passes blood with stools with pain in the abdomen and fainting. They always have a cannot finish sensation. It’s indicated when the amount of blood passed is more.


30C and 200C are the most indicated potencies. Do not repeat frequently; one can do repetition as per the state of the patient.

10-CALCAREA CARB: Diarrhea in children


Calcarea carb is often prescribed in children for Diarrhea. It is an excellent remedy for teething children having Diarrhea.

These children have Diarrhea with extreme hunger. Stools at first are hard then pasty then liquid. Stools can be chalky grey or green and watery.

Stools frequency increases after eating or drinking. They pass undigested stool. Substances eaten are passed without any change.

It is indicated in Dysentery with persistent tenesmus. It can be an excellent remedy for those who develop chronic Diarrhea after burns.


200C potency acts best. Since it’s a deep-acting remedy shouldn’t be repeated quite often.

11-PHOSPHORUS: Diarrhea with debilitating


The patient passes offensive stool and flatus.  They get urge primarily when they lie on the left side.

The stool is copious, painless, and very debilitating. They pass green mucus along with sago like grains in the stool.

The patient feels as if the anus is wide open and has a great weakness after passing stool. In Dysentery, they pass blood with stool.

Painless copious grey bluish watery stools pour out from the anus.  These people get nervous Diarrhea after fright.


200C potency acts best in indicated cases. You should do repetition as per the state of the patient.

12-ARGENTUM NITRICUM: Diarrhea due to anxiety


Argentum works well for those who get affected by emotions easily and develop Diarrhea. They pass stools immediately after eating or drinking. Fluids go right through him, especially after eating sweets.

Stools passed are watery, flatulent green like chopped spinach with shreddy mucus, and abdomen’s great distension.

Stools are very offensive.  Even children develop nervous Diarrhea after eating sugar candy, especially after weaning. Constipation alternates with Diarrhea in adults.


200C and 1M act best in emotional Diarrheas in a single dose. One can avoid repetition.

12-GELSEMIUM: Diarrhea from emotions


Nervous patients develop Diarrhea from emotional excitement, fright, bad news, the anticipation of a very painful or difficult experience.

They pass painless stool which is involuntary. Stools are cream-colored and tea-green in color.  If the liver and gall bladder are affected, then they pass copious yellow stool.


200C can be given after every stool till improvement is seen.

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2 thoughts on “13 Best Homeopathic Remedy for Diarrhea: Causes & Symptoms”

  1. Me, too, and MDs here couldn’t care less! Dr. Pranjali’s more detailed description of different types of diarrhea has been most helpful. I have great relief from aloe socatrina 5 pellets every few hours and argentum 5 pellets after supper before the familiar cramp and whooshing begins. Croton tiglium not so helpful and I haven’t tried the mercurius yet. Not sure from the blog whether and how to mix remedies. No trusted professional here, alas. Trying to learn more about intestinal lining and function as MDs don’t know and don’t care less. My hypothesis: Decades of asthma puffers have somehow dried out digestion. Absent sufficient moisture the process is dysfunctional. The aloe may be replacing depleted moisture. If I forget an installment of aloe my guts again feel as if I had swallowed razor blades. If I am too late with pre-bed pellets I almost certainly need Immodium. I have been untreated for more than 10 yrs. Dr. Pranjali is the first light in the tunnel.

    Have only tried the argentum 2x heeding the blog advice not to repeat endlessly.

    I belong to a US IBS network online which offers support but I find US medicine defaults to BigPharma too readily.

    Not sure of long term fx of aloe – how much is too much – but I know it sure helps.

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