Phytolacca Decandra is a perennial plant that is native to the Americas and East Asia. It is commonly known as pokeweed or poke bush and similar such names.
Phytolaccatoxin and Phytolaccigenin are found in the roots, stems, leaves and berries of the plant. The plant is poisonous to mammals.
The toxicity is nullified after boiling, and the leaves can be consumed like those of Asparagus.
Phytolacca Decandra Mind Symptoms/Personality
The Phytolacca person is gloomy and sad-looking. He is full of negativity and is convinced he will die.
He refuses to eat for this reason. This makes him look malnourished, skinny.
The Phytolacca person is gloomy. He will be filled with sadness and an aversion to live.
He is sure that he is going to die soon. He avoids activities that require him to use his mind and brain.
He hates thinking, especially matters related to his business and finances. Morning times find him very cranky; he is at his worst on waking up.
Indifference to his dignity is seen in Phytolacca. Heis quite shameless and exposes himself to people around him.
Phytolacca Decandra Uses
I will take you through all the body parts from toe to head.
You can match the symptoms and when you feel these symptoms are matched then you can take Phytolacca Decandra–
1-Head Complaints
There is vertigo upon rising. During the attack, he staggers, and there is fear of him falling.
His vision dims down while vertigo comes. Headache comes weekly. The reason is mostly exposure to damp weather.
The headache is associated with neuralgia, Rheumatism, and gastric troubles. Headache comes along with nausea.
The pain is located at the vertex. The brain feels bruised. Headache starts over the frontal region and travels deep into the eyeballs and down towards the occiput.
Headache and nausea are better by eating, but there is vomiting immediately after eating.
This relieves nausea, but the headache is increased.
Headache is associated with increased hearing.
Phytolacca is a good remedy for syphilitic nodes on the skull and tinea capitis.
2-Eyes Complaints
The eyes appear big and round. There are livid circles around the eyes, making the eyes look sunken.
The sclera is yellowish. There is a lot of lachrymation which leads to swelling of the eyelids.
The eyes are heavily agglutinated in the mornings. Phytolacca is a remedy well-suited for syphilitic ophthalmia.
It is also indicated in orbital cellulitis, where there is a lot of lachrymation and burning and stinging pain as if sand particles are present in the eyes.
The condition is better on exposure to cool, fresh air. There is intense photophobia and double vision.
The motion of one eye is independent of the other. The Phytolacca person has far-sightedness.
3-Ears Complaints
There is the sensation of fullness in both ears. During an attack of vertigo or headache, his hearing is highly sensitized.
He can hear even the minutest sounds with great clarity, which causes a lot of irritation.
The eustachian tubes are blocked. He says that he can feel pain rushing from the ears to his tubes.
The pain in the ears is aggravated by swallowing. There is a peculiar pressure and pain in the parotids.
4-Nose Complaints
The nose is filled with mucus that is not easily discharged.
He has to blow a lot. One nostril is blocked while the other flows freely. The discharge is tenacious and sticky.
It is highly acrid too. He wakes up at 3 AM with his nostrils blocked completely.
In the morning, he blows clinkers from both nostrils.
The nose is completely blocked while riding, especially in cold air. He has to breathe through his mouth.
There is pressing pain at the root of the nose.
This remedy is useful for syphilitic ulcers in the nose and destruction and decay of the nasal bone.
5-Face Complaints
The Face is swollen and distorted. A lot of suffering can be seen on the Face.
After dinner and after washing the Face, it becomes hot and read.
The Face is so red that it looks purple. The jaws ache terribly. He lies awake with the pain.
The bones of the head, especially the frontal bone, ache as nodes present on them.
The Face shows lots of blotches and eruptions. The lips show cancerous ulcers.
The chin is drawn closer to the sternum due to the explosive action of the neck muscles.
6-Mouth Complaints
The roof of the mouth is sore. There is pain at the root of the tongue while swallowing.
The tongue is swollen and dry. It has got tiny ulcers on both sides. The mouth is filled with saliva.
The saliva tastes slimy and metallic. It is cold, stringy, and ropy.
Everything tastes bitter at first; then, later, it turns metallic.
The tip of the tongue feels scalded and is bright red.
7-Teeth Complaints
The teeth all feel elongated and sore. There is shooting pain in the right upper and lower molar teeth.
There is an irresistible urge to bite and grind the teeth together.
In kids, dentition is very difficult. The child is restless and irritable, more so at night.
There is related diarrhea. While the teeth erupt, there is a lot of pain which is better by biting something hard.
8-Throat Complaints
The throat is extremely dry and sore. There is a sensation as if something like an apple core is stuck inside the throat.
The person keeps hemming and hawking in an attempt to discharge the thing lodged in the throat.
The pain in the throat and the dryness are aggravated by swallowing, especially liquids. Riding, especially in the forenoon, causes discharge from the posterior nares.
He has to cough and hawk it out with great difficulty. The tonsils are swollen and enlarged.
The uvula is also enlarged. There are multiple eruptions over the tonsils and the back of the throat that are herpetic.
There is extreme dryness and heat in the throat. The person feels as if a hot iron ball is lodged in the throat down to the esophagus.
9-Chest and Respiratory Complaints
The chest feels like a heavy, empty casket.
There is a pain in the upper part of the chest which prevents him from taking a long breath.
The lower intercostal muscles pain and are stiff with Rheumatism of the intercostal ribs.
There are tiny, lentil-sized spots all over the chest. In small babies, hardly a month old, there is a swelling located between the sternum and the nipple.
The entire chest feels bruised. The pain and suffocation felt in the lungs are sensed acutely at 7 AM every day.
The throat is extremely dry. Tickling sensation in the right side of the larynx makes the person hem and hawk.
During laryngismus, the thumbs and toes are flexed, features are distorted, and the eyes act independent of each other, and respiration becomes difficult and oppressed.
Rheumatic affections of the lower ribs and intercostal muscles cause difficulty in breathing. Taking a deep breath is especially painful.
10-Heart Complaints
There is a constrictive feeling in the precordial region.
The chest feels tight, and any movement makes it worse.
The person is very scared and nervous even to breathe, lest his chest pain gets aggravated.
Small shocks of pain are felt in the chest.
Upon ceasing, there are twitching pains in the right arm. You can feel the beatings of the heart distinctively.
11-Stomach Complaints
There canine hunger and intense thirst. As soon as he eats something, it is followed by nausea.
There is violent vomiting; he vomits out the undigested food mixed with slimy fluid, bile, and blood.
The vomiting and retching are very severe and causes headache.
The intensity is so bad that the person desires death to relieve him.
Towards the evening every day, there is eructation that leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
Pain in the stomach is felt mote towards the heart region. Respiration, especially taking a deep breath, is extremely painful.
The person describes the pain as a sensation as if the stomach has been pinched together.
12-Abdominal Complaints
The right hypochondrium is one of the major seats of affection of Phytolacca.
The entire right hypochondriac region is sensitive and sore. The person feels as if his liver is being squeezed and twisted.
There is a single spot, about the size of a coin, that is extremely painful and highly sensitive to touch.
Phytolacca is a remedy for chronic hepatitis and all other liver complaints.
Lying on the right side causes pain so severe that it feels that the liver is being penetrated.
He lies on the painful side all night, and by morning all the pain is gone.
Phytolacca is to be thought of when the lady complains of right hypochondria pain disappearing at the appearance of menses.
Liver complaints during the time of menses in a barren female is another keynote symptom of Phytolacca.
The umbilical area is sore. There is loud rumbling with an intense desire to pass stools.
There is cutting, gripping pain while passing watery stools. This remedy works well in cases of gastroenteritis.
13-Rectum Complaints
If you come across someone who says that they cannot pass stools without the aid of purgatives, think of Phytolacca.
This remedy shows inactivity of the rectum. The rectum is so habituated to external aids that one cannot pass stools even if it is full.
The person has to strain a lot to pass stools. This causes the development of hemorrhoids.
Even after passing stools, there is a sensation that he has not been relieved completely.
He has the urge to pass stools frequently but ends up passing only odorous gas.
In gastroenteritis, there is intense colic with an urge to pass stools.
The stools are mucoid and slimy; they look like they are scraping off the intestines.
There is intense prostration and exhaustion after passing stools, as in Cholera.
Dysentery starts at night around 1 AM to 2 AM and continues till after breakfast.
The stools are initially mushy and yellow, then they are greenish and slimy, and finally, they are dark, bloody, and lumpy.
Drinking warm lemon water mixed with a dash of honey is the latest thing in people obsessed with weight loss.
But if drinking warm lemon water causes diarrhea, then remember, it is Phytolacca that will come to the rescue.
14-Urinary Complaints
Phytolacca is a remedy that can be helpful in people with diabetes.
There is copious urination at night. The urine is acrid and a dark yellow.
The urine, upon standing, turns dark red. The red stains can be seen in the toilet pot.
There is albuminuria. The urine has thick chalk-like sediments.
Albuminuria after diphtheria, associated with a form of insanity-this is a Phytolacca keynote.
15-Male Organs Complaints
There is no desire for sex. The genitals are all relaxed and flaccid.
A person does not get proper erection during physical relationship.
Phytolacca is helpful in cases of orchitis, gonorrhea, syphilitic ulcers over the genitals and chancres.
There is shooting pain along each of the ureters.
After passing stools, there are neuralgic pains around the anus that shoots to the middle of the male private part.
16-Female Organs Complaints
Phytolacca is the remedy to be thought of when the liver complaints disappear as soon as the leucorrhea starts.
Liver complaints during the time of menses in barren females is another characteristic of Phytolacca.
Phytolacca is suitable for menstrual irregularities in overweight women with a preference for Rheumatism. In most cases, the ovaries, uterus, and cervix show some form of pathology.
The menses are very early and very profuse. The blood is dark red and lumpy with lots of clots.
This remedy is suitable for threatened abortion, especially in the seventh month where there is a sudden appearance of bright red blood with intense bearing down pain.
During menses, there is an associated increase in the tears, bile, and urine.
The breasts and nipples are sore and very painful to touch. There is suppression of lochia post-partum.
Pain in the sacrum shoots to the knees and ankles and the back to the sacrum.
17-Neck & Back Complaints
The right side of the neck is very stiff.
The pain worsens by lying on the right side. In the morning, when the person wakes up, the entire back is stiff.
There is a sensation as if a hard iron rod was pressed against both the scapulae.
The scapulae pain continuously. This pain is increased by walking or riding.
The pain increases and spreads gradually until it reaches the spine and lower back.
The sacrum feels pinched. Pain from the sacrum shoots downwards.
18-Hands Complaints
The right axillary glands are enlarged. There is a pain in the right humerus.
The attachment of the deltoid muscle is sore and feels bruised—the entire arm trembles with weakness.
The left shoulder shows rheumatic affection. The small joints of the fingers are shiny red and swollen.
An electric shock-like pains shoot from one part to another, suddenly and unexpectedly.
The pains and aches are aggravated by lying on the painful side and by motion.
19-Legs Complaints
This is a remedy well suited for sciatica, where the pain from the sacrum shoots downwards along the outer border of the thighs.
The pain in the legs is so severe that the person has to draw his legs up while walking.
There is a sensation as if the tendon behind the knee has shortened.
The ankles are swollen, and the feet are swollen—the great toe of the right leg pains every night.
Rheumatism in the lower limbs is associated with syphilitic ulcers.
The ulcers are found in the soles of the feet. They are ugly-looking and suppurating.
There are painful corns on the soles of the feet.
20-Skin Complaints
The skin is cool, faded and has the color of lead.
It is a remedy for syphilitic ulcers at various parts of the body.
It is clinically indicated in tinea capitis, psoriasis, warts, corn, erythematous blotches, painless suppurating tumors.
The skin itches a lot; scratching makes the itch worse.
21-Fever Complaints
The chill stage comes suddenly. There is internal shivering.
The entire body is cold, especially the limbs, but the Face and head are hot.
The heat stage sees a sudden spike in the temperature along with pain in the joints.
This is followed by sweat all over the body, especially between the toes.
The sweat is acrid and foul-smelling.
Phytolacca Decandra Modalities
Modalities are the factors which, increase or decrease the complaints in a patient.
They are categorized as aggravating factors and amelioration factors.
Aggravating factors make the condition of the illness worst, while the amelioration factor makes the condition of the disease better.
It can be time, any part of the day, season, position, or any applications, etc.
Aggravated By–
The conditions or factors that aggravate or worsen the symptoms and sufferings are –
-Rainy season
-Damp, cold weather
-Lying on the painful side
-After eating and drinking
Amelioration By–
-Dry weather
Phytolacca Decandra Relationship with Other Medicines
Complementary Medicines: Rhus Tox
Antidoted by: Coffea, Dulcamara, Ignatia, Merc Sol
Inimical Remedy– Merc Viv
Phytolacca Decandra Dosage & Potency
Choosing the correct dose of a remedy and its repetition depends upon the disease condition that has to be treated.
When the remedy is indicated in a chronic condition, i.e., The person has been suffering from the condition for a long period and is already showing advanced pathology, it is safer to give lower doses like 30c.
In conditions where the symptom totality is extremely accurate and several peculiar, queer, rare and strange symptoms of the remedy are seen, we can go for higher potencies like 200c, 1M or 10M.
Frequent repetition with higher doses is not generally advocated. The more the symptom similarity, the lesser number of repetitions that are required.
Phytolacca is used primarily as a therapeutic remedy for an acute totality. Depending on how well the symptoms match the presenting disease condition and the availability of peculiar and rare symptoms, the ideal dose would be 30c to 200c.
Repetition has to be frequent as we will be using it more on a symptom similarity basis on a physical level without involving much of the mental plane.
Homeopathic remedies are powerful and deep acting. They have to be prescribed with utmost care and judiciousness.
Phytolacca 30 Uses–
This is a potency reserved for cases where the medicine is required in a purely therapeutic dose. The symptoms presented by the patient help the doctor to make a diagnosis of the disease, but they show less matching with the symptoms of the remedy as such.
This dose needs to be repeated frequently, like 3 to 4 times a day.
One may dissolve the pills or the dilution in water and consume as per the doctor’s advice.
Phytolacca 200 Uses–
This potency should be used when the symptoms of the remedy match well with the person’s symptoms. This potency calls for a lot of symptoms peculiar to Phytolacca to be present.
200C is repeated infrequently. After administering the first dose, it is advisable to wait for the symptoms to subside. Repeating has to be done only till the symptoms disappear.
Phytolacca 1M Uses–
This is a dose that is rarely used here. It would require a great number of skills on the part of the homeopathic physician in terms of understanding the patient and the remedy.
Phytolacca Decandra Side Effects
Homeopathic remedies are prepared by the method of Potentization wherein the toxic effects of the medicine are nullified completely, and only the curative properties are enhanced.
However, it may so happen that-
a. The condition of the patient has worsened
b. Completely new symptoms have appeared
These cases are seen when there is unnecessary repetition or when the remedy has been prescribed wrongly.
Keep a lookout for the following symptoms. If they turn up, it is time to use an antidote-
1. Severe stomach cramps
5.Difficulty in breathing.
If left unattended, things may end in death.
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